Just been to COSTCO and say cauliflower crisps and thought they should be low carb but looked at the carbs 69g/100g, how can they make something with pretty well no carbs into such a high carb product, potato starch, rice starch that's how.
…one of the many tricks of the food industry to make things appear healthy when they’re not…
Just been to COSTCO and say cauliflower crisps and thought they should be low carb but looked at the carbs 69g/100g, how can they make something with pretty well no carbs into such a high carb product, potato starch, rice starch that's how.

The problem is nothing goes crispy likes a good old spud.
So yesterday was tough. Mentally that is.
Really felt the impact of the therapy session the day before and basically stayed in bed all day pretty much.
The one big positive however is that although I ate crisps and hummus I didn't eat the entire bag nor did I eat the bread or the cheesecake I popped out to buy.
I consciously made the decision to not overeat. Very odd experience to allow myself the crisps but with the caveat that I'd stop when I "felt" them. So I left half a bag of crisps, two slices of cheesecake and a whole baguette untouched.
Portioned up the baguette and popped it into the freezer this morning as I made a chicken, celery, lentil salad for lunch (which I've eaten about half of so far - the rest will likely be held over for breakfast tomorrow as tonight I want to use up broccoli which is languishing in the fridge ).

Don't want to say that my comfort eating is now sorted but certainly wanted to celebrate the small victory.

The hummus was a new find and worth celebrating as it was Leon Velvety Hummus 150g (from Sainsbury's) and I don't know what they do to it but it's only 4.3g of carbs / 100g which is easily half that of others.
Another one to try Leon PEA-LENTIFUL 6.6g carb /100g really nice
I found Kvarg's pumpkin seed protein thins 5.9g carb per cracker also nice and quite a generous sized cracker.
And here we go again.

Over the last couple of years, and pretty much as a result of external stressors, I’ve become much less active at the same time as testing the limits of my carb intake.
I’m grateful that my hba1c has stayed relatively stable but my weight hasn’t. So, after gradually reintroducing MRP shakes I’m refocused on sticking to the regime and dropping some excess pounds. Although it’s more the inches I want to shed, the weight will just go hand in hand with doing so.

I’m still using up stock of Exante shakes but I’ll pick up some of the Tesco ones during the week and give those a try as they’re dirt cheap.

That’s all. Just wanted to post in here and resurrect the thread.
And here we go again.

Over the last couple of years, and pretty much as a result of external stressors, I’ve become much less active at the same time as testing the limits of my carb intake.
I’m grateful that my hba1c has stayed relatively stable but my weight hasn’t. So, after gradually reintroducing MRP shakes I’m refocused on sticking to the regime and dropping some excess pounds. Although it’s more the inches I want to shed, the weight will just go hand in hand with doing so.

I’m still using up stock of Exante shakes but I’ll pick up some of the Tesco ones during the week and give those a try as they’re dirt cheap.

That’s all. Just wanted to post in here and resurrect the thread.
Not easy starting again, best of luck in sticking to it.
And here we go again.

Over the last couple of years, and pretty much as a result of external stressors, I’ve become much less active at the same time as testing the limits of my carb intake.
I’m grateful that my hba1c has stayed relatively stable but my weight hasn’t. So, after gradually reintroducing MRP shakes I’m refocused on sticking to the regime and dropping some excess pounds. Although it’s more the inches I want to shed, the weight will just go hand in hand with doing so.

I’m still using up stock of Exante shakes but I’ll pick up some of the Tesco ones during the week and give those a try as they’re dirt cheap.

That’s all. Just wanted to post in here and resurrect the thread.
could you show me the shakes you use at Tesco? only most i see are not low carb
could you show me the shakes you use at Tesco? only most i see are not low carb
They’d been mentioned in other threads about the Newcastle diet so thought I’d give them a try. IMG_0765.png

They’re 20.8g carb for one made up shake. Which is 200 calories.
Exante is 18g at 206 so they’re broadly similar.

No idea what these taste like though as I’ve got stock of Exante to use up.
They’d been mentioned in other threads about the Newcastle diet so thought I’d give them a try. View attachment 29229

They’re 20.8g carb for one made up shake. Which is 200 calories.
Exante is 18g at 206 so they’re broadly similar.

No idea what these taste like though as I’ve got stock of Exante to use up.
Thanks ill lookout for them
Well I’m a kilo down but boy am I suffering today. Pounding headache, head cold (which I’m assuming is “keto flu”) and I’d kill for a hunk of good quality sourdough slathered with French butter.
Well I’m a kilo down but boy am I suffering today. Pounding headache, head cold (which I’m assuming is “keto flu”) and I’d kill for a hunk of good quality sourdough slathered with French butter.
Oh not good . I did not cope well with keto flu . Felt i was hypo but not . Wishing you better.
I really really want to do the liquid diet. I really need to as I want to live a bit longer. Why can't I stick to any one thing? I need to be strong and sensible like y'all. :( I've had four bottles of SlimFast in the fridge for months!
I suffer enough with general health. I’m not doing well at all in my eating plan. I had a binge at the weekend but back on track. I don’t expect a weight loss tomorrow. I hope you get used to your plan soon Colin . The weight situation is difficult to do and difficult to maintain. I’ve read people doing SW that I do and using slimfast as well which you’re not supposed to do but if it works for them can I just add that my mother was told years ago, she’s passed on now, that fat was suffocating her heart, that was enough for her and she lost 8 stones all on her own without any help. Wish I had taken her example. No of us appreciated the great thing she had done!
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I really really want to do the liquid diet. I really need to as I want to live a bit longer. Why can't I stick to any one thing? I need to be strong and sensible like y'all. :( I've had four bottles of SlimFast in the fridge for months!
We lose motivation. I seem to be all in or all out ! There’s no halfway for me. May be you would benefit from the support of a slimming club . NHS pay 12 weeks for SW or WW whichever you want. You have to lose 5% of your body weight and they give you another 12 weeks free. I’ve got a third course, which isn’t usual, but not lost a thing after doing so well. My group leader does not give me support. I am supposed to stay to group as a condition and she told me not to bother. If I text her she doesn’t reply. I get a text once a week and weigh in and that’s that! I’ve not replied to her this week and don’t intend to in the future let her see how it feels and may be give her a hint. She’s getting paid for it. I’m thinking of changing groups tbh. Make sure you like your group and group members and you get the support. It’s worth a try for you and nothing to lose excepts lbs if you find you go off after another 12 weeks you can be referred again. I did it through hospital weight loss. You can phone and refer yourself then ask for a a letter from dr to confirm you need the help. Slimfast there’s no motivation for you to take it and no support. We all do our own way in these forums. Good luck. I’ve followed you and we can be a support for each other
My thought is if we could get satiety we would not be diabetic. Yes , this is really for us with obesity related diabetes. I wonder if it is more hormone related and our metabolism than our greediness. id not enjoy just drinks . That is just me.
My thought is if we could get satiety we would not be diabetic. Yes , this is really for us with obesity related diabetes. I wonder if it is more hormone related and our metabolism than our greediness. id not enjoy just drinks . That is just me.
There’s a lot of research being done into satiety these days. And there are apps out there that focus on guiding choices towards higher satiety meals. For example:


Lots of positive stuff for this from Dr Unwin, the Caldesi’s and Freshwell.
My thought is if we could get satiety we would not be diabetic. Yes , this is really for us with obesity related diabetes. I wonder if it is more hormone related and our metabolism than our greediness. id not enjoy just drinks . That is just me.
I have sleep apnoea and they thought it was overweight people who got it . New research has said sleep añora and not getting enough sleep is causing weight gain! I wondered as I was very slim till I was 45 and always had sleep related problems I know it’s not diabetes what I’m saying but it’s weight related.
There’s a lot of research being done into satiety these days. And there are apps out there that focus on guiding choices towards higher satiety meals. For example:


Lots of positive stuff for this from Dr Unwin, the Caldesi’s and Freshwell.
only trouble is its American and all in dollars and a lot of the food we do not get here. But thanks .
I have sleep apnoea and they thought it was overweight people who got it . New research has said sleep añora and not getting enough sleep is causing weight gain! I wondered as I was very slim till I was 45 and always had sleep related problems I know it’s not diabetes what I’m saying but it’s weight related.
unsure but i often think i may have sleep apniea
We lose motivation. I seem to be all in or all out ! There’s no halfway for me. May be you would benefit from the support of a slimming club . NHS pay 12 weeks for SW or WW whichever you want. You have to lose 5% of your body weight and they give you another 12 weeks free. I’ve got a third course, which isn’t usual, but not lost a thing after doing so well. My group leader does not give me support. I am supposed to stay to group as a condition and she told me not to bother. If I text her she doesn’t reply. I get a text once a week and weigh in and that’s that! I’ve not replied to her this week and don’t intend to in the future let her see how it feels and may be give her a hint. She’s getting paid for it. I’m thinking of changing groups tbh. Make sure you like your group and group members and you get the support. It’s worth a try for you and nothing to lose excepts lbs if you find you go off after another 12 weeks you can be referred again. I did it through hospital weight loss. You can phone and refer yourself then ask for a a letter from dr to confirm you need the help. Slimfast there’s no motivation for you to take it and no support. We all do our own way in these forums. Good luck. I’ve followed you and we can be a support for each other
I don't think this happens universally, what programmes the NHS offers can vary from area to area.
I don't think this happens universally, what programmes the NHS offers can vary from area to area.
It’s in England but best to check with your health authority. I’m in Scotland it’s been kept quiet for years but more using it now probably because of obesity crisis they’re letting people know of it