A bunch of interesting courgette recipes here…
I will only buy the hummus with EVOO but there's a couple of baba ganoush type dips which are sublime. One is either Yarden or Sabra (so it's either by the dips or in the Kosher section) and that's Aubergine Salad - basically it's aubergine in a thin mayonnaise and it's yummy - the other is Waitrose smoked aubergine dip. Waitrose also do a lovely artichoke dip and that's not bad on the carb front.

Still over 500 calories a pot.
It's the calories for me unfortunately.
(Which isn't to say I won't eat it by any means, just not a pit full every evening in front of the TV. It's on the shopping list!)
It is so hard when people give what they think is a good weight when one is a way off that target. It is good though that you are honest and share. I will aim to get lower. Never used shakes and cannot afford to go down that road. It is so so hard and I agree I have to lower my blood sugar and try. I have got through a couple of bad days alone when my usual loneliness comfort is food. Love my garden but of course, I am thinking bad already. the glut of courgettes soon oh I'll make a cake. However, now I am diabetic not a good choice so it is ringing those changes.

Courgette crisps.
I slice thinly, then bake in the oven with a spray of one cal.
Flavour/season to taste.
Courgette crisps.
I slice thinly, then bake in the oven with a spray of one cal.
Flavour/season to taste.
That sounds like tonight dinner .
Just don't eat an entire pot of hummus with them like I've done in the past! :)
No chance I don’t eat hummous . I had a courgette omelet in the end with salad
Then ruined the evening by having a slice of toast and peanut butter, Bmmols was back up to 9.3 this morning not good
Then ruined the evening by having a slice of toast and peanut butter, Bmmols was back up to 9.3 this morning not good
You didn’t.
Think of the positive of having a courgette omelette and salad rather than not.
Okay so you had toast and peanut butter but you didn’t eat the whole loaf or the whole jar so that’s a positive as well.

Own the victories no matter how small.
You didn’t.
Think of the positive of having a courgette omelette and salad rather than not.
Okay so you had toast and peanut butter but you didn’t eat the whole loaf or the whole jar so that’s a positive as well.

Own the victories no matter how small.
Thank you that's encouraging. I'm trying again today. Looked at a low-carb diet here and Tuesday starts with porridge and almond milk but not got any almond milk. However it then at the end states some semi-skimmed milk. If I make porridge with water and add a splash of milk that is not too bad or is it?
Thank you that's encouraging. I'm trying again today. Looked at a low-carb diet here and Tuesday starts with porridge and almond milk but not got any almond milk. However it then at the end states some semi-skimmed milk. If I make porridge with water and add a splash of milk that is not too bad or is it?
What would you eat if you didn’t make the porridge?
There’s very little difference in fat content between semi and full fat milk so make the one you’re going to enjoy eating more I say!
What would you eat if you didn’t make the porridge?
There’s very little difference in fat content between semi and full fat milk so make the one you’re going to enjoy eating more I say!
I did just that having peaches and 0% greek yoghurt still low calorie as I think porridge is for cold days.
Thought this might be an interesting read for others as well as me.

So yesterday was tough. Mentally that is.
Really felt the impact of the therapy session the day before and basically stayed in bed all day pretty much.
The one big positive however is that although I ate crisps and hummus I didn't eat the entire bag nor did I eat the bread or the cheesecake I popped out to buy.
I consciously made the decision to not overeat. Very odd experience to allow myself the crisps but with the caveat that I'd stop when I "felt" them. So I left half a bag of crisps, two slices of cheesecake and a whole baguette untouched.
Portioned up the baguette and popped it into the freezer this morning as I made a chicken, celery, lentil salad for lunch (which I've eaten about half of so far - the rest will likely be held over for breakfast tomorrow as tonight I want to use up broccoli which is languishing in the fridge ).

Don't want to say that my comfort eating is now sorted but certainly wanted to celebrate the small victory.

The hummus was a new find and worth celebrating as it was Leon Velvety Hummus 150g (from Sainsbury's) and I don't know what they do to it but it's only 4.3g of carbs / 100g which is easily half that of others.
So yesterday was tough. Mentally that is.
Really felt the impact of the therapy session the day before and basically stayed in bed all day pretty much.
The one big positive however is that although I ate crisps and hummus I didn't eat the entire bag nor did I eat the bread or the cheesecake I popped out to buy.
I consciously made the decision to not overeat. Very odd experience to allow myself the crisps but with the caveat that I'd stop when I "felt" them. So I left half a bag of crisps, two slices of cheesecake and a whole baguette untouched.
Portioned up the baguette and popped it into the freezer this morning as I made a chicken, celery, lentil salad for lunch (which I've eaten about half of so far - the rest will likely be held over for breakfast tomorrow as tonight I want to use up broccoli which is languishing in the fridge ).

Don't want to say that my comfort eating is now sorted but certainly wanted to celebrate the small victory.

The hummus was a new find and worth celebrating as it was Leon Velvety Hummus 150g (from Sainsbury's) and I don't know what they do to it but it's only 4.3g of carbs / 100g which is easily half that of others.
The hummus looks like a good find as I have been avoiding it as being too high carb. Pity just been to Sainsbury's.
The hummus is interesting.
It has near enough the same ingredients as every one else.
There may be more water in the chickpeas in the Leon brand though. Others may be drier.
Then again 5 or 6g of carbs per 100g is next to nothing.
There is no standard to work to for nutritional information, other than it mustn't be deliberately misleading, so that sort of difference is well within the rules.
I consciously made the decision to not overeat. Very odd experience to allow myself the crisps but with the caveat that I'd stop when I "felt" them. So I left half a bag of crisps, two slices of cheesecake and a whole baguette untouched
This is kind of how I eat day to day...and Mindful eating in a way...enjoy every single crisp...

FYI - A 'Grab Bag' of crisps is one to watch out for, more crisps than a standard packet...and before you know it you've literally grabbed the whole back and eaten it! - So half the bag it is... ;)