Group 7-day waking average?

@Gwynn your priority right now, all you can do right now, is take care of yourself and trust that the hospital staff and team will be doing everything they can do to get your wife back from depths of her mental illness and back to the woman you clearly still love. Give it time.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Another chore completed, got my biennial bowel screening kit the other day, so did the poosticks palaver. It's got easier over the years I’ve been doing it, I’m sure you used to have to do several samples over a period of several days, enough to give the most regular person constipation. And it always seems slightly weird sending it off by post.
Morning all. 6.0 here.

Our car took ill yesterday, and no garage slots available until June 3 (unless a local mobile mechanic can fit it in sooner, he’ll phone back on Monday). So, we’re off to Carmarthen on the train to pick up a hire car. I just hope the taxi / train / taxi are all reliable!

((((Hugs)))) @Gwynn.

Looking fwd to seeing those pics @eggyg - glad to have you back!
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning weekend, glad I tested immediately on waking today
as was pleasantly surprised with 5.2

I don’t think I posted about it yet
but recently I enrolled on something to help me loose some weight and improve fitness,
It encourages us to think about what we eat and why, to make some changes
this could be just what I need, have just weighed myself, after first week 1.3 KG lost
Im going to set my goal at shedding 10% of my weight over the next 11 weeks

@Gwynn stay strong, look after yourself and the house

I’m off for a swim shortly.

Have a Smashing Saturday I’m sure Some of us will see some Sunshine 😎
however Alexa just told me to expect clouds & showers here in Northampton,
then onlooking out the window it’s abit murky 🙄


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Morning all - black cloud everywhere, though the forecast isn't bad overall.

6.9 first thing and 95% TIR, better, but not where I want to be, which is in the 5s. Been awake since 6.45 but laid in bed trying to fall asleep again until 7:45, when I gave up and got up. Julian is still sleeping peacefully. Meant to tweak basal yesterday but Julian's phone gave up the ghost in the morning and we managed to waste the day firstly researching a new phone and then chasing round (Currys, Argos etc.) trying to buy the one we decided on. In the end we had to order it in Currys and it'll be here on Monday. He's so lovely, he insists I have the new one and he'll have mine, so I can get the latest version of Libre software. Been using 2.5.3 which is a really old version and you still have to scan - it's not a cgm version. It's nothing but expense at the moment!

Off into town today to meet friends.

So sorry to see all the pain in the thread. Hugs and love to all of you suffering.

@Gwynn, please remember it's your wife's illness, not her speaking. Please also put yourself first for a while, look after yourself and find something you love doing. You need to be strong and well when she finally does come home. Know we are all rooting for you and sending love and support.

@Pam123, sorry your holiday isn't starting well and hoping it improves.

On a nice note to finish, it's lovely to have @eggyg back and looking forward to those photos.

Have a good day all.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Another chore completed, got my biennial bowel screening kit the other day, so did the poosticks palaver. It's got easier over the years I’ve been doing it, I’m sure you used to have to do several samples over a period of several days, enough to give the most regular person constipation. And it always seems slightly weird sending it off by post.
Mine’s due too. I also feel it’s odd popping it in the post box.
Good morning 5.8

It is a wonder I did not expire with rage or spiking BP yesterday at 4.56 p.m. The estate agent instructed by me to replace the one recommended by the heir finders rang me: the house we have inherited is 4 bedroom and not 2, which as you may imagine, rather increases its value. How can anyone miss 2 bedrooms and present, for HMRC purposes, a written valuation based on that error? I mean you don't need a microscope to find them do you?

I went into panic mode, envisaging the wretched place burning down and the insurers rejecting any claim based on the false information....Solicitors not answering phone.. Rang insurers who did answer but were at first reluctant to discuss the matter, as the grant of administration isn't yet through, but eventually decency overcame data protection etc and I was reassured that it would be covered over the weekend and they would sort out the increased premium with the solicitors on Monday. Sent e-mails in all directions and then had a nice cold lager...So rather pleased this morning to see a quite respectable BG.

I thought the first lot were dodgy when they misrepresented on the phone the clear content of their terms and conditions in trying to justify wanting 3% to sell the property. Careful perusal of their contract made it pellucid that all extras were indeed extra to that outrageous fee - and very expensive. Presumably they thought I couldn't read. New chaps are on at 1.3% and can count bedrooms...I shall be glad once the grant comes through and we can sell the place, pay what is owed and distribute the loot. Check your wills are up to date please and save your heirs from the aggro of intestacy.

Meanwhile the flare has declined to a mere grumble, for which I am truly thankful. A minor limp rather than an agonising shuffle. Not abandoning my walking stick as yet, as I don't want to provoke it.

Weather forecast for light breeze and showers, currently very misty. Planning on setting up 2 of the polytunnel lettuce rafts today - all it requires is a quick wipe over with hydrogen peroxide, fill with water and fertilizer, add seeded pots and stand back. No weight lifting or walking required. It will be lovely to do something positive again.

Have good day everyone.
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Back in the CGM gang, must have had a sensor with dodgy Bluetooth.

Got a letter for a pre colonoscopy appointment. The joy of preparation for the procedure to look forward to.

It's bright and sunny. That's more like it.

Have a good day everyone.
@rayray119 sorry to hear what you are going through at present. Hope something gets sorted soon.
thanks on a bit more positive note i started volentear in the mind charity shop so that might help things
A nice (?) round 6.0 for me on this bright but overcast Berkshire morning. Scattered showers forecast but hopefully they'll give us a miss as Saturday's a washday and it would be nice to get everything out on the line. Our eldest is off to golf later and our youngest works 2-10 on Saturdays, so my wife and I will have most of the day and evening to ourselves. Not sure what we're doing yet as she's only just got up, whereas I've been up since just after 7 o'clock as normal and have already been to Morrisons and had breakfast. I'm definitely a lark rather than an owl.

@Bloden - we had the same problem recently and opted for a mobile mechanic, who turned up next day, found the problem, ordered the part and was back 2 days later to fit it.

@Gwynn - hang in there, mate. Remember, we're all here for you.

@congrats @goodybags on your HS

@Elenka_HM - I know it's a cliche but time really does heal, otherwise I would never have got over the many breakups I went through before meeting my wife 35 years ago.

Enjoy the start to the weekend.
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Afternoon all, it was another 5.6 for me much earlier this morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks'
4.3 this morning and a delayed spike to only 9 (I usually go higher) this morning after porridge for breakfast. We are both reducing carbs though so I think this is really helping keep my overall/average BG lower. Plus I think any remnants of my UTI have finally cleared.

Starting to feel a little anxious about Monday’s hospital appointment, I really want the trial without catheter to be successful, otherwise it means (a) having the catheter for longer and (b) an operation. Trying to stay positive for a good outcome.

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS!

@Gwynn - thinking of you, stay strong and keep yourself busy. I’m sure things will work out well in the end, even though it’s hard at this moment to believe.

Take care everyone!
Once again it had left me in tears because I felt misunderstood and not listened to .(I hope none of you are transferred to this scheme it's done me more harm then go)
Worried I shouldn't have said these things on a public forum
I was 4.9 this morning after another night of no signal! @khskel when you refer to being back in the land of cgms, is this the problem you were having?

@rayray119 I wouldn’t worry, you use a pseudonym (your username) and I’m also sure people have said worse!
@Bloden - we had the same problem recently and opted for a mobile mechanic, who turned up next day, found the problem, ordered the part and was back 2 days later to fit it.

The mobile mechanic we spoke to couldn’t come immediately, unfortunately - everywhere’s booked up, including him, until the beginning of we’ll have to wait until then. Thanks for suggesting it, tho.