Group 7-day waking average?


5.6 today, got a long day at work and already been manic as my colleague is on leave. Oh well I will prioritise and just do what I can do.

@PattiEvans - the Spamedica appointment makes sense, mum only had a short wait with them, unfortunately my optician will not make referrals to them, and as there has been a mix up with my Private Medical Insurance I get through work, I have not been able to be seen at the Spire Hospital, so far taken HR over 2 months and still no resolution as to why I am not recognised by Aviva as being part of the company scheme.
My optician just sent a request for referral to my GP and she referred me on to the NHS. The NHS appointments people rang me and asked whether I wanted to be seen at Truro or Probus. Probus is the other end of the county, though it is NHS and I said Truro because it's a lot nearer. It transpired it was SpaMedica. It's curious how the NHS works differently in different areas. I do hope they can get your private medical sorted soon. It must be a right pain.
Morning all. Glorious day again.

8.1 this morning. I think it's time to tweak overnight basal.

Yesterday reminded me why I do not cook Moussaka often. It takes forever to make, with 2 different sauces, lots of chopping stuff and roasting Aubergines. Tasted good though and made 8 portions, so can freeze at least 4 if not 6 depending on whether we decide to eat it again tonight..

Wanted to put in bedding plants and get lawns mowed, but hubby's mobile phone has gone wonky and won't stay on, just keeps closing itself down. So we have to get a replacement - places we can buy a phone down here are limited. So I think a visit to Currys is necessary. He says I'm to have the new phone and he'll have mine. Finding out what's compatible with Libre2 is a nightmare. Their page with a list of compatible phones just throws a 403 - access denied error. So I rang them up and ended up scribbling down a list. Really can't afford it this month, but needs must since you have to keep getting codes sent to get into any number of websites like "Patient Access" and banking ones. So he can't be without a phone.

@Gwynn sorry to hear your latest news. Not much you can do except immerse yourself in other activities and keep faith that a longer stay will be of more benefit to your wife.

@rayray119 sorry to hear what you are going through at present. Hope something gets sorted soon.

Have a good day all.
12:28 BS 9.9 Oops! 😳 BUT, was VERY NAUGHTY last night! I hesitate to post this & will do it with a warning in the PS!

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just prepped a split into two bakes in the oven but, hopefully plenty of time to post, says I but, may bite me back with burnt bakes! 😱:confused::D

Got some asparagus to add to the chicken & broccoli & trying it out with a small two portions bake & the usual without it in a slightly smaller 4 portions bake. See how I like it? :confused:

Here’s the warning before the PS:- This is PURE AMBROSIA but, may be a BIG PROBLEM to your BS?

PS: Been seeing quite a lot of these various quick Peanut Butter Spicy Noodles on YouTube when looking for recipes & tried it.

I gave it plenty of NR & I see on the overnight graph that I spent most of the night in a flattish line around BS 10.5. I didn’t go up that much but, it stayed there in a flattish prolonged profile because of the oil & the fat: curry & satay are one of the worse prolonged effects on BS foods & I don’t have it very often although, I just crave them sometimes! Satay is slightly better than curry but, not by much really!

Edited:- to remove recipe which in hindsight I shouldn’t have posted. I do know I was being naughty & the negative after effects were immediate the next day. I also, removed emojis from that section of my post to denote clearly that I’m being perfectly serious & don’t want anyone to misconstrue that.

I should have listened to my instincts in my hesitation to post but, did so as I felt familiar with a lot of you on this thread & that you’re familiar with me but, I sometimes forget that this is public forum & I did so on this occasion.
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Sad update: my wife has blocked my calls and now I feel really bad. Will it ever get any better and will she return?
Sad update: my wife has blocked my calls and now I feel really bad. Will it ever get any better and will she return?
@Gwynn. The answers to your two questions are yes and yes. It is going to take time and will no doubt be a rocky road. Keep on your mind that it is the illness that is creating the problems and not you or your wife. The first step is to get her medication sorted. When that is done, and that is likely to involve a lot of experimentation over an indeterminate period, things will normalise a bit. The next stage will be to get her to accept that she needs to take her medication and that could be the hardest part. Don't think about her coming home until those things are done. It is hard, I know, but it can be done.

A couple of projects to get stuck into might help to give you some sort of distraction. I redecorated half the house - my wife was in hospital for six months - and I did it my way. Loads of decision making without the need for consultation. Loads of mess, tidied up when I wanted, not having to work around somebody else, excellent. Some of the photographic art you have posted is quite good - any way of taking that forward?

Also an anecdote. We had a paranoid schizophrenic working in our department when I had a proper job. He finished up being sectioned when he had a major crisis and decided that everything in his house should be freed. All tins and bottles in the house were emptied on the floor and this included a load of chemicals (he was an industrial chemist) taken home from the nuclear lab he worked in. All this was found (and you can imagine the panic it caused) after a neighbour called the police because he was on his roof removing the tiles in order to liberate the evil beings in the house.

All this happened best part of 30 years ago but I bumped into him in town a few years back. His recall of me was far better than mine of him. He was still a bit of a strange cove. He seemed a bit manic and clearly anxious to tell me his story, so we sat by the war memorial and I listened. He told me all about what it was like being schizophrenic, the ups, the downs, the strange ideas. He listed all the medications being used at the time and their effects - he had so he said written a technical paper on the subject. He was also a visiting lecturer at UCLan medical department where he lectured on what having schizophrenia was all about to medical students. That must have been an odd experience for them, quite unlike any other lecturer. He was even back riding his powerful motorcycle which perhaps was not wise.

He will never again be a research chemist but he has found a way of coping with his illness and lead an odd, but quite liveable, life.

I relate this anecdote to suggest that given time, good medical intervention and support from yourself, like this fellow, your wife will find ways of understanding and coping with her illness and you will get back to a life you both can cope with.

Be patient and take care.
Yes I still look after the sound system and play in the worship team in our local church

Just when I think it could not possibly get worse, it does

This is so hard


She has now blocked me from phoning her
Yes I still look after the sound system and play in the worship team in our local church

Just when I think it could not possibly get worse, it does

This is so hard


She has now blocked me from phoning her
But you know she is safe, cared for and getting the help she needs. Try and concentrate on you and get some support in place for you now. Take care
Good morning.

A sad night. All sorts of bad things going through my mind. I just don't want any more of the pain.

BG 5.5
Blood pressure still way too high

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and firstly have to say I have given to two stars one for Doc B simply for his excellent post to Gwynn and then to Gwynn himself simply in recognition of how he is responding to his current situation.
Gwynn I would never wish to offer anything else apart from my unconditional support and sincere best thoughts in wishing you well with your wife.
As Doc B said it is no one’s fault as your wife is ill and the situation will get get better but it could be a long road ahead.
His anecdote was imo very relevant and did not seek to underscore the challenges of managing someone’s mental health but equally gives hope for the future something I think you need to keep close to you.
I wish you success in finding ways of helping yourself and keeping yourself occupied as the best thing you can do for your wife is to look after yourself and be your best so be selfish as that is the thing you can do in this situation.Put yourself first as unless you are well then you are nit in the best position to help others.
As for me a 5.8 and 99% TIR this week so a good week on all fronts and looking forward to a good w/ end but once again feel so sad at many of the things affecting some on this forum and in the wider world but remember we can only control the controllables.
And just like that I’m back in the land of WiFi and super fast broadband! 6.8, I’m happy enough with that after going to our ( very) local Indian restaurant last night. It took us 8.5 hours to get home, the roads were so much busier than we went two weeks ago. We just dumped everything had a quick wash and change, bit lippy, and we toddled the 100 meters down the road. Home for Masterchef, Corrie and HIGNFY and bed! We were shattered! Consequently, I’ve been awake since 3.30! Got up at 5, it’s very misty here.

Had a great two weeks and the weather, especially the last seven days, has been amazing, we’ve been rained on three times. Done and seen loads. I’ve downloaded my photos but need to check them all and edit/delete as necessary. I’ll add the best over the next few days.

I’ve tried to catch up but in all honesty I’ve just sped read most of the posts. I see a few of you have been in the woes/down /in pain etc. @Gwynn @TinaD @Eternal422 @ColinUK @Elenka_HM @Grannylorraine big hugs. If I’ve missed anyone I apologise. @zippyjojo I bet you can’t wait to see your husband, even if it’s just to take the bins out! Well done on keeping the home fires burning and enjoy your trip. And about Harris, yes, we’re very interested, missed the view of the sea this year. I’ll be in touch soon.

That’s me for the time being, I’ll bore you all silly in the days to come about our Great Scottish Highland Trip. Have a super, sunny Saturday. We’ll mostly be in the garden. The grass! The weeds! You turn your back for five minutes….😱

5.6, as usual my only lie in of the week and can I sleep no, been awake since 5.30. Doing Race for Life with my daughter and granddaughter @11am this morning, I think we will be mostly walking as it is likely to be muddy at the country park and daughter and granddaughter didn’t do much of their couch 2 5k programme.

@eggyg - pleased you had a great holiday with some nice weather, not so good about the time to get home.

@Gwynn - you are in my thoughts and send you my support, Please look after your own mental health

@Pam123 - sorry to hear your holiday hasn’t started well and hope it improves.
Good morning. 5'1 today.

These days I just want to come and moan, but I read the forum and I think "well Elena, there's people with serious problems here". I guess a couple weeks of not feeling my best are to be expected. I'm now in the middle of a 6 day stretch of split shifts so not getting the best sleep and finding it harder to take the time to listen to the sad music and let myself feel all the emotions. Last night was hard work so bracing myself for the weekend...

To focus on something positive, weather has improved a lot. We are getting plenty of sun and my eye screening last week shows no signs of retinopathy.
Morning mes amis.


Lucia di Lamamour this afternoon. Not seen it before but I’m aware it’s based on a Walter Scott poem. I think it is anyway.

Went to the folks yesterday for the fortnightly Friday night dinner with family and it was only the three of us; sister in law isn’t well so she and bro cancelled. It was quite nice just being the three of us and eating around the kitchen table rather than in the dining room.

After dinner we went through some old photos from dad’s family as I’m trying to find evidence that establishes his grandparents or great grandparents were Austrian. It’s in an attempt to get an Austrian passport. Their government has recently relaxed the need for official documents proving citizenship and is now inviting folks to offer perhaps more anecdotally indicative evidence like photos, letters etc. We have photos of dads uncle in Vienna, photos of family members taken by Viennese photographers, letters referencing that his uncle was interned on the Isle of Man during WW1 because of his being Austrian so it’s a logical place to start. I’ll do some research and see what I can find.

My great uncle Isadore. Vienna 1920

This is also Isadore even though he was boxing under the name Harry. I’m assuming that this establishes an Austro-Hungarian link.
And it’s also where I get my naturally honed physique and highly proficient sporting prowess from!
I never knew he was a boxer until seeing this photo yesterday. I did know that mum had a great uncle who was a circus strongman though!