Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 7.1 for me and a gentle decline after going to bed with double figures.
However happy enough as we had a big sausage and chip dinner with bread and gravy from a local chips.
It was very heavy carb and a real treat but I did feel we deserved it as we collected over a tonne of rockery stone in my car in a few trips and handballed it in at both ends so that plus some other time in the garden had me feeling that I needed some energy.
We did not eat till late so no surprise my BG level rise late but that and a nice lunch at the garden centre was a pretty perfect day for me.
Anyway bit more leisurely today with only the nice lunch planned and an ice cream afterwards but just how I like it.
Anyway hope all is well with everyone
Good morning everyone, not that it feels good here

Up most of the night concerned that my wife has blocked my calls. Not a good sign.

BG 4.9 That's ok

My heart is trying to leave my chest I think. BP meds don't seem to be having much effect yet.

Church this morning. We had a practice yesterday evening. I am one of the singers this week. One of the worship songs was so beautiful that I couldn't help but cry. I hate public displays of emotion but I just couldn't help it. I am dreading this morning as there will be prayer ministry and I know what will happen....

Later a walk with my friend.

I think I am feeling deeply despondant and rather lost right now. Days and nights seem endless and empty. I'm hanging in there ... just

It is ironic to think that it is a warm light inviting summer out there but here in my house (heart?) it is a dark, cold, withdrawn winter.

Maybe I should write a book just to occupy my mind. Hmmmm

Chapter 1: It was a dark and stormy night .... (thanks Snoopy)

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Good morning. 6'9 today.

Day 5 out of 6 of long hours and today is an early start. So will be tomorrow, and I'll be left in charge for the dinner shift. Just what I want, some extra responsibility on a day where my energy is most likely to be drained 🙄 . Excuse the grumpiness, that's my second night of sleeping just 3 hours. Must do better tonight. Aaah, bring me Tuesday so I can have a lie in!!
Morning all. 9.1 here...DP started at 3am according to the Libre, Ho hum.

A lovely day out there already. The hire car we picked up yesterday is BIG and CLEAN. I don’t dare take it out LOL. I’m sure I asked for a “Compact” not a “Tank”.

Lots to do today - walking, gardening, admin, etc. Roll on half term...

8.6 which initially surprised me, but then I forgot to take my meds after I picked them up from the pharmacy, so not taken any since Friday and had a slightly higher carb day, did my race for life and started to feel dizzy and almost hypo type symptoms in the car when we were almost home, don’t worry I wasn’t driving, tested blood sugar levels fine, laid down for a while then hubby brought my up 2 ham rolls which I wouldn’t normally eat, eventually felt well enough for a shower. Later on went to Tesco shopping, at almost the same point of our journey home I felt dizzy and light headed again, so once again hubby gave me a ham roll. Still feel a bit muzzy headed this morning but going out for a walk with my friend.

@Gwynn - showing emotions is good, even if you don’t like doing it in public, please reach out to someone about the effects all this is having on your own mental health, as although you k ow it will be a long journey for your wife, you still need to be in the best place to support her when she is ready, so please make sure you look after both your physical health and your mental health.

@Pam123 - I saw you other post about your disastrous start to your holiday, I bet you just wanted to come home, but after spending all that money you do not want to waste that. Hope you have now found somewhere suitable.
Morning campers! A round 5.0 for me today, after a frustratingly wobbly evening where the home made falafels kept coming back for more.

Hope everyone has a pleasant sunny Sunday.
A 5.6 for me today. 🙂 And now for the Sunday cryptic crossword to exercise the old brain.

I was 4.9 this morning after another night of no signal! @khskel when you refer to being back in the land of cgms, is this the problem you were having?

@rayray119 I wouldn’t worry, you use a pseudonym (your username) and I’m also sure people have said worse!
I just worried that perhaps from the things I've said they could work it was me if they saw. Not that I'm gossiping or anything and I can understand how the advisor got the impression of certain things it's just getting her to understand what I said when I try and explain it.
The wrong side of the border this morning with a 6.2 but I had been awake for an hour before deciding I wasn't going to drop off again, so I got up and tested while the kettle boiled. BP 125/74, so the wrong side of another border but still OK.

Still grey and overcast at the moment but forecast is for a warm and sunny day, which means I can get our regular Sunday towels wash dry on the line.

Nothing special planned but I expect my wife and I will go for a long walk at some point, and I need to finish clearing our decking as it's become a bit of a dumping ground. I also have to pick up a new lawnmower from Argos once they're open. Our eldest is off to Manchester for the second leg of his futsal team's play-off, but after losing the first leg heavily they're just going to try and win or draw the match, then it's season over until the Autumn.

Hope everyone gets a sunny Sunday.
Morning all. 5.7 at 7.10am when I woke. Got up at 7.30 when it was obvious I wasn’t going to get any more sleep. Straight into making full English. Stuffed now!

Another beautiful day, and more washing on, got two loads washed, hung out and dried yesterday. Our youngest, Zara and Eden spent all afternoon with us in the garden yesterday. It was quite hot at times. Mr Eggy got the grass cut and his tattie beds maintained, ie chuck some more soil on the plants! I’m sure there’s a technical term! I pulled a few weeds as I was walking up and down the garden, filled up the bird feeders and filled the bird baths. The winter onions are almost ready to be harvested which is good. More gardening today, it’s never ending isn’t it?

Hope everyone has the best day they can.

Here’s a few of our holiday pics. Mostly wildlife today. We had deer in our garden every single morning and evening, and sometimes through the day. They are so beautiful although they are considered a pest by the locals. We visited Handa Island run by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, it’s uninhabited by humans now, lots of seabirds breed there. Fulmars, guillemots, razorbills, great skuas ( bonxies as the Scots call them) and puffins, only saw one puffin but I saw loads last year so I wasn’t too bothered. It’s a lovely 4 mile walk around the island with fantastic views and a great 10 minute rib trip over complete with life jackets! We were blessed with fantastic weather too and to finish the day we had a late lunch in the Shorehouse Seafood Restaurant which is a few seconds walk from the jetty you catch the boat from. It was absolutely delicious. Did take 1.5 hours, everything is cooked fresh and to order. All locally caught too. A great day was had.


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Good morning everyone, not that it feels good here

Up most of the night concerned that my wife has blocked my calls. Not a good sign.

BG 4.9 That's ok

My heart is trying to leave my chest I think. BP meds don't seem to be having much effect yet.

Church this morning. We had a practice yesterday evening. I am one of the singers this week. One of the worship songs was so beautiful that I couldn't help but cry. I hate public displays of emotion but I just couldn't help it. I am dreading this morning as there will be prayer ministry and I know what will happen....

Later a walk with my friend.

I think I am feeling deeply despondant and rather lost right now. Days and nights seem endless and empty. I'm hanging in there ... just

It is ironic to think that it is a warm light inviting summer out there but here in my house (heart?) it is a dark, cold, withdrawn winter.

Maybe I should write a book just to occupy my mind. Hmmmm

Chapter 1: It was a dark and stormy night .... (thanks Snoopy)

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Do you know if there are any support groups in your area for other people going through this?
7.8 this morning - thought it might be lower as seem to remember being quite "good" yesterday - maybe it's the heat? Talking of heat I'm about to go out and pull down the blinds on my greenhouse as it's an absolute scorcher already out there and my precious dahlias and veggies are still in there (it's all new to me so I was very shocked the other day when I realised that a slug or snail (or both and everything in between) and gone uninvited into said greenhouse and started munching on things. @eggyg have you by any chance got a natural remedy for slugs or snails? We're in the United Utilities water catchment area so I have to be very careful what I use - it's actually in our deeds! Have a lovely day everyone. I've got two of my children home and this afternoon we're taking my Mum to an open garden over near Keswick (although I'm quite tempted just to stay in our own garden as before that have to take my dog to the groomer, come home and then go back again to pick her up). xxx
Good morning everyone, not that it feels good here

Up most of the night concerned that my wife has blocked my calls. Not a good sign.

BG 4.9 That's ok

My heart is trying to leave my chest I think. BP meds don't seem to be having much effect yet.

Church this morning. We had a practice yesterday evening. I am one of the singers this week. One of the worship songs was so beautiful that I couldn't help but cry. I hate public displays of emotion but I just couldn't help it. I am dreading this morning as there will be prayer ministry and I knowwy what will happen....

Later a walk with my friend.

I think I am feeling deeply despondant and rather lost right now. Days and nights seem endless and empty. I'm hanging in there ... just

It is ironic to think that it is a warm light inviting summer out there but here in my house (heart?) it is a dark, cold, withdrawn winter.

Maybe I should write a book just to occupy my mind. Hmmmm

Chapter 1: It was a dark and stormy night .... (thanks Snoopy)

View attachment 30303

What BP meds @Gwynn ? Beta blockers can also have a calming effect which is why they are banned in the Olympics. Might be useful in your situation. I am on an ACE Inhibitor and beta blocker.