Group 7-day waking average?

I was again a 4.5 with no signal. I’m really missing the alarms, woke up in the night to find myself on 10 and going up - was a well timed wake up as usually the high alarm would wake me. I know it’s wasteful but I might put a new sensor on before this one is done if the problem persists. Got a very busy week ahead and the alarms would just help so much! @khskel glad you got yours sorted.

Nice sunny day here, got a lot done but also still got some chilled time in 😎
Spent coffee grounds, salt, copper tape round pots, are all supposed to work but I've never found anything particularly satisfactory. I'm sure slugs can fly.
I have a book 50 Ways to Kill a Slug and still not cracked it.
When we had a wood burning stove, we’d put the ash from the ash box around our hostas to keep those pesky snot-spreading leaf-wreckers off them - it worked a treat.
Good moaning! Looked it was around 7.5 to 8.0 and shot to 10.9 as I had my worst hit of phantom pain in a week. Fought got half-an-hour but not settling so up and hit the painkillers!

Ophthalmology around the old bovine eyes after.

Just getting light but cloudy yet again! YACD - yet another cloudy day!
Morning a 6.9 for me and went to bed much lower than normal which was a mistake. My BG hovered around 4.5 and alarm kept on going off so I took some dextrose and a biscuit and it gradually rose to 6s.
Quiet day yesterday with usual lunch but very little time in garden as just too hot.
Routine day in Liverpool but nicer trip to Llangollen tomorrow.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Bp still way too high

I did manage to get hold of my wife on the phone yesterday. She sounded quite poorly.

Church was good.

Today a walk, seach for something I put in a safe place ... no idea where

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 10 for me. I keep spiking at about 3am so DP but if i increase my basal i'm too low. D is a confusing and contrary thing.

Its our wedding anniversary today so off out for a meal tonight.
Morning all. A very low 4.8, I over bolused for my tea, I made rolls to go with burgers and they were huge but very light. I would normally bolus 4 units but did give myself extra, wrong! Had two chocolate digestives at bedtime as I was down to 4.6. Up to the dizzy heights of 5.6 now I’m downstairs, sometimes FOTF can be helpful.

Opticians for Mr Eggy this morning, I’ll get my glasses tightened whilst there too, they’re driving me mad. I’ll pop into our local coffee and tea emporium for Darjeeling, and maybe one or two charity shops to pick up some books, my TBR shelf is looking very depleted, I read quite a few books whilst away, the three I took, three that had been left in the accommodation and one on IBooks. Then big post holiday shop at Tesco and local butcher. I haven’t mentioned that to him indoors! 😉

Some random photos for you today. Seals from a boat trip we did the first week. Suilvan from the boat, one of the most iconic mountains in Scotland, very strange shape. Slack rope walker at the Wailing Widow Falls, bizarre! The loch 500 meters from where we were staying and Mr Eggy falling in it, I couldn’t believe I caught that moment. It’s tidal and he stood too long talking photos and the next thing he was surrounded by water! Stoer Lighthouse and the views along the cliff tops where we stopped for lunch. I could have sat there all day it was beautiful.

Have a Happy Monday.


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7.8 and still having dizzy spells, if it carries on I will get it checked out. Today a long day at work.

@freesia - Happy Anniversary, enjoy your meal tonight.
Morning all. 5.1 for me.

Beautiful pics @eggyg.

Happy anniversary @freesia and Mr Freesia - enjoy your meal!

Not sure what clothes I can wear to work today - my latest Pod is in a weird spot for trousers. Dungarees? A dress?! Don’t watch this space, it’s going to be ugly...
5.4 this morning, so back to where I usually am after a couple of mornings over the border into the 6s. Opened the curtains to blue sky and sunshine and the forecast says it's in for the day, with temperatures into the 70s. My wife and I had a nice walk through fields and woodland yesterday and ended up at our local Craft Village, where Chocolate Cafe have a branch, and had lunch there. They had my favourite salad on their menu - Chicken Caesar - so that was me sorted.

Highlight of the day will be a trip to the recycling centre to dump our old lawnmower and a load of stuff that I cleared off our decking yesterday afternoon, if I can get a slot. They've kept the booking system they introduced during Covid, so no long queues these days. Mondays were especially busy.

@freesia - Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a really special day and enjoy your meal out.

@eggyg - great pics as usual. Looks really remote - my kind of landscape.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
5.4 this morning, so back to where I usually am after a couple of mornings over the border into the 6s. Opened the curtains to blue sky and sunshine and the forecast says it's in for the day, with temperatures into the 70s. My wife and I had a nice walk through fields and woodland yesterday and ended up at our local Craft Village, where Chocolate Cafe have a branch, and had lunch there. They had my favourite salad on their menu - Chicken Caesar - so that was me sorted.

Highlight of the day will be a trip to the recycling centre to dump our old lawnmower and a load of stuff that I cleared off our decking yesterday afternoon, if I can get a slot. They've kept the booking system they introduced during Covid, so no long queues these days. Mondays were especially busy.

@freesia - Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a really special day and enjoy your meal out.

@eggyg - great pics as usual. Looks really remote - my kind of landscape.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
It was extremely remote. That’s why we like it. The landscape is hard to describe, craggy, bleak in places, breathtaking at times. Probably one of the most spectacular places we’ve been in Scotland.
Morning everyone. 5.5 for me today. looks to be shaping up to be another bright warm one.
Good moaning! Looked it was around 7.5 to 8.0 and shot to 10.9 as I had my worst hit of phantom pain in a week. Fought got half-an-hour but not settling so up and hit the painkillers!

Ophthalmology around the old bovine eyes after.

Just getting light but cloudy yet again! YACD - yet another cloudy day!

Finally got back to sleep. BG climbed to around 13 but was 11.0 when I woke having overslept. It is a good thing it is not an early days appointment..Patient Transport can come up to two hours before your appointment whether it is 15 minutes or well over an hour away!

A few spots of rain on kitchen window.
Good morning Monday 7.5 today
(yesterday was 7.8)

it was a busy weekend (in the back garden)
more so for my wife than myself, looking forward to when we finish it,
then my wife & I can relax and enjoy it,
it's not a big garden but it’s been a massive task. it’s going to be a low maintenance,
with no lawn gravel and paved, will start looking around for some quite big (not plastic) pots.

Think I posted that I was going swimming at the weekend, I never got there, I'm going to make the effort to start getting up slightly earlier in the morning, so after I drop my wife at work at seven
can sometimes go and swim then, as I don’t go off to work until nearer nine.

weight loss is going good
in first 10 days I’ve lost 1.5 KG, I’m aiming to get down to 90 KG initially I was 103 KG before I started what I’m doing to shed some fat and improve fitness.

Enjoy the sunshine
Have a Marvellous Monday
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