Group 7-day waking average?


My libre was showing 4.8
Then 5.0
Then 5.2
Then back to 4.9
I don’t know how the above post happened??

Anyway it was a 5.6 for me today.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
I was again a 4.5 with no signal. I’m really missing the alarms, woke up in the night to find myself on 10 and going up - was a well timed wake up as usually the high alarm would wake me. I know it’s wasteful but I might put a new sensor on before this one is done if the problem persists. Got a very busy week ahead and the alarms would just help so much! @khskel glad you got yours sorted.

Nice sunny day here, got a lot done but also still got some chilled time in 😎
Ring Abbott. They will take you through your phone settings (it's probably one of those to blame) and if it's not fixable they may well replace it for you.
Morning all - another glorious day! Met office is predicting it to cloud over a bit this afternoon - if you believe anything they say, they are mostly wrong for this end of the peninsula.

8.6 first thing. I really must adjust basals through the night. Dinner last night was not carby at all. Roasted chicken drumsticks with roast veg.

On the schedule today is a visit to another garden centre to get parsley (I shall be lost without a good supply of that) and a few more bedding plants as we ran out yesterday with still half a dozen pots to fill. Then pick up new phone, which I am not looking forward to as I am sure it will present a load of frustrating technical challenges getting all the info and apps off current phone transferred.

Re: Blood pressure meds. I hate the damn things. I've been on so many and all manner of unpleasant side effects have occurred. Ace Inhibitors (Losartan) may be said to be kidney protective, but they were responsible for a decline in kidney function for me. Plus Low Sodium which was part of the cause of me going into hospital at Christmas.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on yet another HS

@freesia - Happy Anniversary, have a lovely meal out.

@TinaD very pleased to hear flare is receding.

@eggyg fabulous photos again!

Have I forgotten anyone? Have a good day the rest of you....
Realised I actually forgot to post my numbers for yesterday's FOTF!

And almost forgot to post at all today... I'm getting caught in a genealogy blackhole as I'm trying to find details for my Austrian family roots.

Meanwhile FOTF this morning was 7.3 - and I'm slathered in factor 50 and heading out to meet a friend and his 8 month old daughter for lunch and a wander. She's cute but not as much fun as a puppy!
8.1 this morning. Jacob's join yesterday was fine as I ate mainly low-carb until I hit the trifle!
Morning a 7.1 for be but a Unicorn so happy enough.
As I did some time in garden last night I had some toast before going to bed and a gentle line overnight.
Had a nice chat with a neighbour who is a Teacher but sadly had a mild stroke about 3 years ago and she is only in her 40s with 2 young kids.
We both agreed it is important not to look too far ahead and enjoy the moment.Not so much to live each day to the max and plan ahead but don’t forget that life can turn on a sixpence.
Looking forward to my trip in the Welsh countryside and then Shropshire today and a very nice lunch in Chirk.
Take care all and enjoy your Tuesday
Good moaning! No idea why but BG started climbing around 3:00.and hit11.0 on waking.Could be stress and a number of hypos yesterday.

Weekly Podiatry dressing change this morning. Hope it goes better than yesterday. After arriving at Opthalmology late yesterday the nursing staff did the usual checks but there was no consultant available so they will write to me. A long tiring day with nothing really achieved. I was told things had been reorganized after this happened last year! (querying emoji).

Yesterday's cloud broke for a sunny afternoon but cloudy again this morning.
Good morning 9.9 or 9.3 depending on whether I accept middle finger or ring finger...No idea why so high.

Busy day - cash machine, car in for new shock absorbers, buy new batter for jeep, farrier coming...then back to eradicating more green algae from house walls. Unemployment is rising says Westminster but around here everyone is flat out.

Have a good ay all.
Good morning 9.9 or 9.3 depending on whether I accept middle finger or ring finger...No idea why so high.

Busy day - cash machine, car in for new shock absorbers, buy new batter for jeep, farrier coming...then back to eradicating more green algae from house walls. Unemployment is rising says Westminster but around here everyone is flat out.

Have a good ay all.

I dropped statistics as a student as although very useful in Physics experiments you could prove whatever you want as successive governments have always done! :(
Morning all. 6.6 after a spike to 17 overnight needing a 4u correction. I think i managed the meal pretty well but we had been bought some fizz and had a couple of glasses of that, so i'm saying that caused the spike and won't have it again. It was nice for a change though.

Another school trip today. Its going to be a long day.