Group 7-day waking average?

Bad to worse. Today's Podiatry got cancelled just before the pickup window and the dressing definitely needs changing. I hate being a eff 'ing cripple!

My second conversation with Podiatry was with the Duty Podiatrist who has been in attendance when I last visited the Foot Clinic. He said "No way can it be left for two weeks" but unfortunately the only appointment is early on Friday the day after physio when I am usually shattered. I can help feeling podiatry clinics should be moved back into hospitals as they were far more flexible then. Also NHS Podiatry is also for those with a clinical need. They also need an injection of cash, staff and (for some) morale! Such is life.
Morning all. Clickety click 6.6, and I’m first up! TBF I’ve been up since 5.50 but I’ve pottered about.

Forecasted rain didn’t materialise yesterday but it’s definitely on its way today, weather warning for us until tomorrow. Heavy rain from about 10 this morning. Day indoors it is then, apart from a trip to the shops for some beef mince to make a ragu. Forgot it on Monday. I’m annoyed with myself. Otherwise nowt exciting in Eggyland.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning a 4.4 as alarm went off for me after hovering above the red all night but slept well.
Our dogs do not like the rain so not out long and had a lovely day yesterday with a nice call an ice cream and coffee and lovely lunch and even a short trip to a world heritage site to see the “ canal boat in the sky” as they traverse the Dee Valley via the aqueduct.
Back to reality with an open day in Stoke so grey weather to melt in with the grey background.
At first I really wondered how I would manage the diabetes with working but once I got the hang of the insulin regime it has proved fine so I don’t even think about it these days and just fits in apart from the odd day.
Anyway have a good day all

We walked over that in February 2020 during Storm Dennis. We were on the way to a funeral in Hereford and Mr Eggy has always wanted to see it. Funnily enough no one else was there. :confused:


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Good morning 8.0 today
7.2 Yesterday

Where’s summer gone
Morning all. 8.1 here. Tired and achey from yesterday. Heavy rain forecast for all day. I can hear it already. I hope my plants will be ok!
Morning. 7.3 this morning and a little bunged up.

Gym this AM and theatre this afternoon.
Good morning! Just snuck in at under 10 at 9.4. This erratic behaviour with Doxycycline is getting ever more frustrating. Home physio usually drops BG now it makes it rise! :(

Grey and murky with spots of rain!

P.S. Supermarket delivery today. Was Friday it revised Podiatry one bumped it. Hope I get BBDs. A few are ridiculously close. In one I had two packs of berries BBD that day. The issue seems a lot worse since CLC (Cost of Living Crisis)
Sensor was showing 5.1 this morning on walking.
Just had some oats.
Won’t be at 5.1 for long! 🙂
A 5.3 for me today. 🙂

Morning all, 5.6 here.
It’s been raining all night here, and more to come we’ve already had nearly 2cm according to our neighbour's weather station. Funnily enough, @eggyg , we did a canal boat trip over Pontcycsyllte in the pouring rain when the kids were small. OH and I sensibly stayed in the cabin, kids sat by themselves out in the open right up in the bows and I remember literally wringing them out when we got back to the car.(well, their clothes and hair, anyway, kids themselves proved to be waterproof)
Morning all. Well, there’s a thing, a 5.2 for me.

The sky was black when I set off for class yesterday evening but had switched back to blue by the time we’d finished. I hope we get some rain today, the plants need a soaking. It’s all-day lesson planning and a late class for me today - got lots of games lined up because the book can be a bit boring sometimes!

7.7 with toothache, thankfully I have dentist booked for Friday which was booked weeks ago, very blurry eyes and a slightly tight chest with breathing a bit more laboured than usual, so far inhaler hasn’t done anything but will give it another go after I have had a coffee. Not working today so hopefully I will be well enough to crotchet and read.

Heavy rain here yesterday and today, might get hubby to turn garden shed into an ark.

@Bloden - congratulations on your HS
Good morning. 6.1 and pain free...hopefully I can now concentrate on BG. What a weird complaint palindromic arthritis is - almost as puzzling as diabetes

Yesterday was beautiful - sunny but not sweltering. Peachy, despite being as broad as a dining table, has perfect feet, lovely to see my farrier full of happiness - his young daughters are doing splendidly at kayaking having trained all winter in horrible weather.

Car still in garage awaiting a new sensor, 2 broken springs fixed, ruddy potholes, it will be lentil curry for me or dandelion salad if I don't get it back fairly soon...

Old jeep now running a treat having replaced dead battery - however heavy rain forecast so paddock topping will have to wait. Oh dear - could be housework today...

Managed to plant several large bushes in new shrubbery behind Jake's sandstone wall. Did wonder what idiot had grown them on in huge, 2ft wide, circular tubs - ah, yes, that would be me. They look magnificent though after quite a bit of swearing getting them out. The rain will be quite useful to settle them in.

Still no news on driving licence. DVLA only thing causing any stress today although the ride on mower hunt runs it close. Never seen so much overpriced rust. May have to bite the bullet and buy a new one but rather resent spending so much money on a machine which will out last me. Daughter in South Oxfordshire unlikely to ever own a garden large enough to require one unless she splurges all her inheritance on one. They have a potential house in view which needs a redesign - that should keep me happily drawing for days if they get it. It is in a village they have been eyeing up for ages.

Feeling 100% positive instead of ready to sign out. What a difference when pain stops.

Hope everyone is having an equally good day.
5.7 for me on a cool, grey, damp and thoroughly miserable Berkshire morning. Rained during the night and forecast to rain on-and-off all day, though I think those to the north of us are going to get it a lot worse, if the weatherman is to be believed. Was due to take our youngest out for a short trip on the M4 today as he's not driven on motorways since he passed his test 2 years ago, but not sure a wet M4 is the best place for a first time. In the meantime our eldest has finally decided to get a car of his own instead of running my Astra on a 50-50 basis with me, and is now waiting for a delivery date.

Wednesday's a washday but obviously no chance of getting anything out on the line. Tomorrow's forecast is better but still not drying conditions, so looks like the tumble dryer might be called upon.

@Bloden - congratulations on your HS this morning

Hope no one has to mop up later.
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Good morning. 6.1 and pain free...hopefully I can now concentrate on BG. What a weird complaint palindromic arthritis is - almost as puzzling as diabetes

Yesterday was beautiful - sunny but not sweltering. Peachy, despite being as broad as a dining table, has perfect feet, lovely to see my farrier full of happiness - his young daughters are doing splendidly at kayaking having trained all winter in horrible weather.

Car still in garage awaiting a new sensor, 2 broken springs fixed, ruddy potholes, it will be lentil curry for me or dandelion salad if I don't get it back fairly soon...

Old jeep now running a treat having replaced dead battery - however heavy rain forecast so paddock topping will have to wait. Oh dear - could be housework today...

Managed to plant several large bushes in new shrubbery behind Jake's sandstone wall. Did wonder what idiot had grown them on in huge, 2ft wide, circular tubs - ah, yes, that would be me. They look magnificent though after quite a bit of swearing getting them out. The rain will be quite useful to settle them in.

Still no news on driving licence. DVLA only thing causing any stress today although the ride on mower hunt runs it close. Never seen so much overpriced rust. May have to bite the bullet and buy a new one but rather resent spending so much money on a machine which will out last me. Daughter in South Oxfordshire unlikely to ever own a garden large enough to require one unless she splurges all her inheritance on one. They have a potential house in view which needs a redesign - that should keep me happily drawing for days if they get it. It is in a village they have been eyeing up for ages.

Feeling 100% positive instead of ready to sign out. What a difference when pain stops.

Hope everyone is having an equally good day.

If you go for a new ride on mower probably best to go for an electric one for the longer turn. You can also tell people "I have an EV, don't you know"! :rofl: