• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Anywhere between 2.9 and 7 this morning, think I must have slept on the sensor, either that or as it was new last night it was still getting used to me!

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Congratulations to @Bloden and @Gwynn on your HS today - and also to @FitatFifty - welcome to this thread!

Had a doctor from our health centre call me this morning in response to my econsult asking for more Tamsulosin. He was really helpful and knows my consultant (used to work with him) so was clued up with everything. I asked about adding something like Finasteride (thanks for the suggestion @Leadinglights ) but he said a lot of people find that it is more usually around a month for the Tamsulosin to work and that with my next twoc in another 2 weeks time (I will have been on the Tamsulosin for a month by then) that he would anticipate it being successful. Feel more positive now as well as more comfortable(!). Maybe I should have just waited for the NHS appointment which would have been more than a month from the start of this, but at least being seen super quick privately I have peace of mind and could still have everything resolved ahead of that.

Take care everyone!
Pease of mind is well worth it. When my other half had the catheter the positives were he was not getting up 6 times a night for the loo so actually slept much better and so did I.
Morning all. 6.7 just now. Not bad imho. Went to review and they wanted me to go on Metformin. I said give us a small while to pull it back and went on low carb. Doing great. Waiting for them to call me back in. I'm laying low. :)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Not done BP yet

Making preparations for a visit to see my wife today. She sounds upbeat too. I am taking some stuff for her that she has requested too.

I slept well last night ... for 2 hours ... the rest of the time I was listening to the storm raging outside.

It seems to have lessened slightly now thankfully

It may be a long day. Oddly I cannot find out the bus number from the train station to the hospital. Several web sites give contradictory numbers, all of which did not go near the hospital on checking. I rang the local council, who could not help, but they passed me on to Stagecoach. A very friendly assistant dealt with my request and, unknown to me at the time, gave me a set of bus numbers that, on checking further, were not correct. Why is it so hard?

I guess it will have to be a taxii then

Wish me luck today
Morning and very best of luck Gwynn today.
A 6.4 for me and although the hound had me up in the night due to unwillingness to complete its duty in the rain last night but at least I got back to sleep and up at 6 rather than 5.
It never stopped raining yesterday and was glad I was inside and not far to drive home.
Routine visit to Shrewsbury today and then WFH tomorrow so have a good day all
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Not done BP yet

Making preparations for a visit to see my wife today. She sounds upbeat too. I am taking some stuff for her that she has requested too.

I slept well last night ... for 2 hours ... the rest of the time I was listening to the storm raging outside.

It seems to have lessened slightly now thankfully

It may be a long day. Oddly I cannot find out the bus number from the train station to the hospital. Several web sites give contradictory numbers, all of which did not go near the hospital on checking. I rang the local council, who could not help, but they passed me on to Stagecoach. A very friendly assistant dealt with my request and, unknown to me at the time, gave me a set of bus numbers that, on checking further, were not correct. Why is it so hard?

I guess it will have to be a taxii then

Wish me luck today
@Gwynn Are you coming into Preston? If so I may be able to help with bus routes.
@Gwynn Are you coming into Preston? If so I may be able to help with bus routes.
I am travelling by train to Lancaster (via Preston). The only bit that seems to have no information is the last bit to the hospital on a bus. I have decided to take a taxii for that bit if I cannot find out bus numbers properly.

Thanks for offering to help. I will get there!!!

Off work so of course I couldn’t lie in. 7.4 today, but at least the toothache and numb face have improved greatly. Plans for today, make a lemon drizzle cake for hubbies birthday tomorrow, finish off some of my knitting and crotchet projects that are almost finished but not quite before I moved on tot the next one. Finish8ng the day up with rest & restorative yoga.

Hope the visit goes well today @Gwynn
Morning all, 7.2 here.
Slugs and snails aren’t the only problem in our garden, yesterday afternoon I spotted a muntjac deer nibbling its way round the flowerbeds. This is why we have fences round all our veg plots.
I am travelling by train to Lancaster (via Preston). The only bit that seems to have no information is the last bit to the hospital on a bus. I have decided to take a taxii for that bit if I cannot find out bus numbers properly.

Thanks for offering to help. I will get there!!!
@Gwynn Been through Lancaster a few times by bus and they all seem to radiate from the bus station which is a 10 minutes walk from the railway station. The main hospital in Lancaster is also about 10 minutes walk from the rail station but in a different direction. Lancaster is not much more than a big town.

Have you tried the traveline journey planner https://www.traveline.info/ ? Covers trains and busses, just bung in your starting and finishing points. I've used it a lot when planning walkabouts.
Morning all, 7.2 here.
Slugs and snails aren’t the only problem in our garden, yesterday afternoon I spotted a muntjac deer nibbling its way round the flowerbeds. This is why we have fences round all our veg plots.
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Deer are becoming a massive problem in some areas, rapidly increasing numbers and no natural predators, and seemingly a reluctance to cull to the necessary extent.
Morning all. 5.9 on this wet and soggy day. The rain never abated yesterday for one minute. Local roads flooded and closed, luckily we live on a hill! Today is forecast “light rain”, it’s still rain though.

Looking after baby Eden from 10.30 whilst Zara has her swimming lesson then they’ll all stay for lunch. No playing in the garden today. I made a lime trés leche cake yesterday, my first time attempting this, it’s a tad soggy! I shouldn’t have left it out in the rain! :p (Think there’s a song there somewhere.) I followed the instructions to the letter. Not sure where I went wrong, it’s been in the fridge all night on a cooling rack so it’s not sitting in its own juices. Hmmm…it might taste ok.

Have a good day all, @Gwynn hope today goes well and gives you some peace of mind.
Morning all. 5.9 on this wet and soggy day. The rain never abated yesterday for one minute. Local roads flooded and closed, luckily we live on a hill! Today is forecast “light rain”, it’s still rain though.

Looking after baby Eden from 10.30 whilst Zara has her swimming lesson then they’ll all stay for lunch. No playing in the garden today. I made a lime trés leche cake yesterday, my first time attempting this, it’s a tad soggy! I shouldn’t have left it out in the rain! :p (Think there’s a song there somewhere.) I followed the instructions to the letter. Not sure where I went wrong, it’s been in the fridge all night on a cooling rack so it’s not sitting in its own juices. Hmmm…it might taste ok.

Have a good day all, @Gwynn hope today goes well and gives you some peace of mind.
If it's still really soggy you could call it pudding rather than cake!
Morning everyone. A 5.5 for me today.

Every good wish for your meeting today @Gwynn. Thinking of you.
Good morning. 6.6

Car back. Bill huge. Next month a new cambelt at £700. Massive Scrooge attack coming on. Spotted a beautifully restored ride on but £1300 for a 23 year old machine seems a bit steep to me. I want to use it, not attend vintage shows.

Weather grey, wet, windy, but no great storms as others seem to be having. If it clears a bit I plan to plant the final shrub, a monster hebe in a 2ft pot...Managed to get it onto the sack barrow last night so its handy for its new location but unpotting it will be a bit of a swine.

Nothing else planned except a chicken curry.

@Gwynn Best wishes for the hospital visit to your wife.

Hope everyone ahs a good ay.
A 5.3 for me again today. :)
