• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

A step back over the border with a 6.2 this morning. Serves me right, though - I forgot to put out the garden waste last night and the collection truck is usually here about 7am, so I had to get up and hurriedly retrieve the 3 bags from the shed and get them out front before they turned up. Made it, but I'm sure those 5 minutes of rushing about before testing made a difference.

@Robin and @silentsquirrel - there's a wood behind us and we regularly see munjac deer in our street. They've trashed the potted plants we have out front more than once so we've reluctantly moved them into the back garden.

@Gwynn - hope your visit today goes well

Motorway driving lesson for our youngest was scrubbed yesterday as it was so wet and there were lots of unpredictable short, sharp showers, but today looks good. Nothing else planned except for a trip out to the garden centre greengrocer to stock up the fruit bowl, and my usual Thursday swim.

Hope yesterday's rain hasn't caused anyone any problems. Even Rishi got a soaking. Why didn't someone bring out an umbrella?
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3.6 this morning, well actually 2.9 on waking. Didn’t seem right, but after DP it was 5.7 when I took my breakfast bolus and after breakfast has peaked at 8.1 - checked against a finger prick test which said 7.5, so at that point in time the sensor seems to be accurate so I’ll just go with it.

Read yesterday that Fexofenadine (an antihistamine I have been taking daily for over a year) can cause urinary retention. So, stopped that from today. I was prescribed it when I was coughing all the time and the thought was it was pollen triggering asthma. However, subsequently I really think it was acid reflux and now on omeprazole which has stopped the coughing totally. I guess it’s hard to get a definitive diagnosis for everything, pity the body doesn’t give fault codes to make it easier! :rofl:

@Gwynn - I hope all goes well for you today and you have a good visit with your wife. I remember Lancaster well from my university days there.

Take care everyone!
Morning all and 5.8 for me but only thanks to a 1am correction to shut a totally unexpected high alarm from shouting at me.

E Mails to send as we are getting close to sort the mess that our former record label left us with.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! A decent 8.5 after a restless night with recurrent nightmares and phantom pain.

Good moaning! Come to physio as nobody, apart from me, wants to own my foot problem! Will not say anymore bar I am very disappointed by some people's actions.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.9 for me on this grey day, at least it's not raining yet.
Morning all 5.2 with a nice fairly flat line just getting a Picnic ready then it's off to port isaac for the day weather looks OK
Congrats to all the H S that I've missed over the last few days


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Morning all - was overcast when I woke, but it's now blue sky and little fluffy white clouds. Yesterday was intermittently sunny with no rain at all. Sorry to hear of other people's stormy days and night.

4.1 this morning, was woken by the Libre alarm. Odd cos it has been saying no alarms and that it was due to this sensor not being started by my new phone.

Had consultaion with SpaMedica yesterday re cataract operation. The chap who had the final decision seemed to think I was borderline as I was "good" reading the chart with my glasses on. The optician at Specsavers had said the right eye was worse and needed doing first. However, confusingly I am having my left eye done on 30th May. Eeek that's only a week away!

Hope your visit with your wife goes well @Gwynn.
Hi guys

Not sure what this means - any help pls ? :)

totally forgot to check on waking and have just checked BP and BG now

Not eaten anything yet so have been fasting for just over 18 hours A is that why it’s showing lo and not registering a number?

Is it bad?

3.6 this morning, well actually 2.9 on waking. Didn’t seem right, but after DP it was 5.7 when I took my breakfast bolus and after breakfast has peaked at 8.1 - checked against a finger prick test which said 7.5, so at that point in time the sensor seems to be accurate so I’ll just go with it.

Read yesterday that Fexofenadine (an antihistamine I have been taking daily for over a year) can cause urinary retention. So, stopped that from today. I was prescribed it when I was coughing all the time and the thought was it was pollen triggering asthma. However, subsequently I really think it was acid reflux and now on omeprazole which has stopped the coughing totally. I guess it’s hard to get a definitive diagnosis for everything, pity the body doesn’t give fault codes to make it easier! :rofl:

@Gwynn - I hope all goes well for you today and you have a good visit with your wife. I remember Lancaster well from my university days there.

Take care everyone!
Apparently some decongestants can also cause urinary retention as well, so worth checking if you need to take any of those.
Hi guys

Not sure what this means - any help pls ? :)

totally forgot to check on waking and have just checked BP and BG now

Not eaten anything yet so have been fasting for just over 18 hours A is that why it’s showing lo and not registering a number?

Is it bad?

View attachment 30358
'Lo' normally means that your blood glucose is too low for the machine to register it, but before you panic, I think you’d be feeling pretty rotten with symptoms of a hypo (sweaty, shaky, clumsy, brain fog etc) if your blood glucose really was that low, apparently this meter will measure down to 1.1 before coming up with a 'lo'. So my guess is, you had a duff strip, or you didn’t get a pure bead of blood on the meter, or the meter is duff. You can buy testing solution to use to check whether a meter is working correctly, I think there is a product shown on the Kinetik website.
"Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh, no"
I hope it turns out ok

@Robin i remember that song well!

@Pam123 congrats on the HS.

@Gwynn i hope the visit went ok.
"Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh, no"
I hope it turns out ok

@Robin i remember that song well!

@Pam123 congrats on the HS.

@Gwynn i hope the visit went ok.
I’ve had an ear worm all day since @Robin reminded me of the song! I remembered the words above straight away but I can’t remember what I had for tea last night! :rofl:
Cake not too bad after being in the fridge all night, still a bit soggy but tasty and daughter had two pieces for lunch and gone home with half the cake in a Tupperware! She loved it. I can’t trust myself to have cake in the house.
'Lo' normally means that your blood glucose is too low for the machine to register it, but before you panic, I think you’d be feeling pretty rotten with symptoms of a hypo (sweaty, shaky, clumsy, brain fog etc) if your blood glucose really was that low, apparently this meter will measure down to 1.1 before coming up with a 'lo'. So my guess is, you had a duff strip, or you didn’t get a pure bead of blood on the meter, or the meter is duff. You can buy testing solution to use to check whether a meter is working correctly, I think there is a product shown on the Kinetik website.
Thanks so much @Robin!

makes total sense - still very much getting the hang of it and had a feeling there wasn’t r high blood on the strip. Am flexing my fist a few times and squeezed my finger tip but didn’t get much blood at all today
Thanks so much @Robin!

makes total sense - still very much getting the hang of it and had a feeling there wasn’t r high blood on the strip. Am flexing my fist a few times and squeezed my finger tip but didn’t get much blood at all today
Massage your finger towards the tip before you prick, pressure where you prick will just stop the blood (what do you do if you cut yourself? put pressure on to stop it bleeding).
You only need a drop the size of a pin head anyway so not much.
Morning all. 6.3 today and I’m first up again! Been awake since 4.50am.

Day 3 of rain. Yesterday was chaos in the city, roads closed left right and centre, daughter couldn’t get to ours her normal way, nor her second choice as both roads were flooded. Had to go the long way round, arrived at ours for 10.30 to drop Eden off for Zara’s swimming lesson at 11am, the way she’d normally go from ours was flooded, and the alternate route she surmised would be total carnage so they didn’t go. They left at 4.45pm, normally a 5/6 minute drive took almost an hour as roads were still flooded and traffic was horrendous. Apparently Carlisle got 2.5 inches of rain on Wednesday alone, we average 2.1 inches in the whole of May! But the flood defences held up thank goodness. It didn’t rain as heavily yesterday but still didn’t stop and it’s still raining this morning, albeit lightly. It’s not warm either, heating was back on yesterday for the little ones, 11 degrees all day. Forecast light rain all day. I was going to walk to Aldi but I think I’ll take the car instead. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow can you send an ark! ;)

Have a fab Friday and Happy Half Term @freesia and @Bloden.