• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

If you go for a new ride on mower probably best to go for an electric one for the longer turn. You can also tell people "I have an EV, don't you know"! :rofl:
Nice idea but I'll be looking at diesel. Very long lasting engines. EV round here = idiot - no charging points for ruddy miles. But I am a sight to behold on my electric tricycle with a somewhat illicit sized motor...
Morning all - yes, there are clouds around, but also lots of blue. Yesterday turned into a glorious day. Unfortunately my friend insisted on us sitting in the shade. Me, I love the sun!

7.2 this morning, 75% TIR. Yesterday's eating was not great for D. Had a yoghurt for brekkie with some chia seeds 16g carb. Went to the Jubilee Pool cafe overlooking the lido. It's leased by new people since the last time we went and had fried fish in vinegar sauce that was grim, so we thought we'd give it a try. Lunch offerings are mainly sandwiches, but quite good ones. We both had the fish goujons one. 2 slices of very fresh brown bread with enormous pieces of fish, copious tartare sauce and lots and lots of shredded lettuce. They were delicious. Came with tortilla chips which I did not eat. Was not hungry for the rest of the day and did not feel like cooking when I got home after parting with friend and doing a grocery shop with hubby. So we had pork chop and chips. Hmmm

This afternoon have to go to the county town to have my pre-cataract op assessment. Then planning a visit to Matalan to see if I can get some shorts that fit. None of my current ones do. Curiously I haven't put any weight on, but what I have has redistributed itself off my legs and bum and round my waist! Making me the most peculiar shape.

Congratulations to @Bloden on your HS.
@Gwynn is conspicuous by his absence, hope he is OK.

Have a good one chaps.
Good morning

BG 5.2 was 5.2 yesterday too.
Blood pressure is still very high. Not sure what to do about it

Now they have my wife on medication she is improving. I am visiting her tomorrow

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning everyone, I just got back from the doctors I've been in for a COPD review - the funny thing about it is
that I didn't know I had COPD! and now they have confirmed I haven't - funny old world init....

Anyway, my bg earlier this morning was a happy 5.8
Good morning

BG 5.2 was 5.2 yesterday too.
Blood pressure is still very high. Not sure what to do about it

Now they have my wife on medication she is improving. I am visiting her tomorrow

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrats on your back-to-back HSs Gwynn, and good to know that you have visiting rights. Hope it all goes well.
My second conversation with Podiatry was with the Duty Podiatrist who has been in attendance when I last visited the Foot Clinic. He said "No way can it be left for two weeks" but unfortunately the only appointment is early on Friday the day after physio when I am usually shattered. I can help feeling podiatry clinics should be moved back into hospitals as they were far more flexible then. Also NHS Podiatry is also for those with a clinical need. They also need an injection of cash, staff and (for some) morale! Such is life.

So I just got a text cancelling Friday - they will be contacting me... (despairing emoji)

6.6 this morning after flat-lining all night. Had a fruit smoothie for dinner last night as my other half went out (cooking is not a strong point of mine).
Rain for us today, waiting for a break so I can get a walk in today (if not, I'll have to get wet).
Take care whatever you do today.
Good morning

BG 5.2 was 5.2 yesterday too.
Blood pressure is still very high. Not sure what to do about it

Now they have my wife on medication she is improving. I am visiting her tomorrow

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congratulations on consecutive HS. Pleased to hear your wife is now on medication and you can visit her tomorrow
Good morning

BG 5.2 was 5.2 yesterday too.
Blood pressure is still very high. Not sure what to do about it

Now they have my wife on medication she is improving. I am visiting her tomorrow

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good to see you are visiting @Gwynn - it will give you a chance to get a good perspective on things. Hopefully you will get a chance to speak to the medical staff and get an idea of where they think things are going.

Good luck.
13:35 BS 9.5 a bit under the weather the last few days with an ear infection in both ears! I WILL NOT FROWN! Day 3 now & that underwater feeling is starting now from the antibiotic ear spray build up! :rolleyes: I was just saying that instead of getting a lot of colds & sniffles like I used to before Covid I’ve been getting a lot of ear infections during my medical assessment yesterday! :rolleyes:

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! ;)

Had my Universal Credit Medical Assessment phone appointment yesterday of over 90 minutes answering questions & the decision was very quick that I checked online just now! Phew! They agree with me & they say for 30 months, from last October when I started the claim, I’ll be getting a little bit more than double the amount & all the backlog of payments will be going into my bank account in the next 7 days as well! The next Medical Assessment will be in May 2026! It was a very long wait as it was supposed to have been done during the 5 weeks between starting the claim & getting the first payment BUT, it’s done at last & I DID get the basic amount of money as they knew they were seriously backlogged & didn’t delay payments. Now I’ll get some of my savings account topped up again after I’d drained it all & it’ll be that much easier to get double the amount I’ve been getting so, that’s a whole lot of relief off my mind! :eek::D It’ll be nice to have some savings again for those little emergencies or little luxuries! :rolleyes::);)

Have an appointment with The Housing Executive tomorrow morning at 10:00, with my social worker present too, to FINALLY start the process of gathering points etc. for getting Sheltered Accommodation as I’d asked the social worker about some time ago: Covid has really backlogged all government departments, it would seem! :rolleyes::eek: I’d decided that this house, 5 bedroom bungalow that was the family home when we were growing up, is just too big for me to manage on my own. It’s been too much for years really especially, after getting covid & will sell this house in the future. Pay for sheltered accommodation instead where I still get the independence I want but, the upkeep, maintenance etc. etc. etc. will be done by someone else & their responsibility! It’s normally available for 55+ but, with my health conditions I can still get it with help from my GP? :confused: Another long filling in of forms session! :rolleyes: But, another relief off my mind once it’s done! :D
newbie to this thread and this forum so first time posting my results. Checking

6.3 yesterday
5.2 today

Started intermittent fasting this week and did an 18 hour fast after eating at 6pm yesterday so that may have made a difference, blood pressure was lower today as well so that's a good sign. Will be interesting to track over the next couple of weeks and see the patterns that emerge

Will be sticking to intermittent fasting for the next few weeks along with healthier eating and more exercise.
Got my trike from a Scottish firm who import from China and adapt. Goes like the clappers. Not so much pedal assist as hang on to your hat.
Any chance of posting a picture? I was in the mobility industry for a few years and would be interested in seeing it.
5.1 this morning yesterday I spent several hours out of range I was really very bad to be honest one slice of toast before heading out then packed lunch which consisted of 2 small slices of bread ham salad but I had a fruit scone from cornish bakery supper well 6pm was fish and chips from pickish chippy my almost perfect tir is now 91 trying to be good today so far so good but we bought some goodies from a farm shop so I just might have a cheese scone or a small lemon merangue pie with strawberries and cream
Welcome to the forum and the thread @FitatFifty.

Congrats on the HS @Bloden and @Gwynn.

Its been really heavy rain all day here. Its still raining now but not so heavy. I dread to think how waterlogged my tomatoes and new plants in pots are.
We walked over that in February 2020 during Storm Dennis. We were on the way to a funeral in Hereford and Mr Eggy has always wanted to see it. Funnily enough no one else was there. :confused:

Took our boat over it back in 2017!
Anywhere between 2.9 and 7 this morning, think I must have slept on the sensor, either that or as it was new last night it was still getting used to me!


Congratulations to @Bloden and @Gwynn on your HS today - and also to @FitatFifty - welcome to this thread!

Had a doctor from our health centre call me this morning in response to my econsult asking for more Tamsulosin. He was really helpful and knows my consultant (used to work with him) so was clued up with everything. I asked about adding something like Finasteride (thanks for the suggestion @Leadinglights ) but he said a lot of people find that it is more usually around a month for the Tamsulosin to work and that with my next twoc in another 2 weeks time (I will have been on the Tamsulosin for a month by then) that he would anticipate it being successful. Feel more positive now as well as more comfortable(!). Maybe I should have just waited for the NHS appointment which would have been more than a month from the start of this, but at least being seen super quick privately I have peace of mind and could still have everything resolved ahead of that.

Take care everyone!