Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. 6.3 today.

Another lovely morning, was up at 4 for the loo and the sky looked like it was on fire. It was amazing. I wish I’d gone downstairs for my camera now but I felt so tired. Rain later, then the rest of the week is forecast wet. Ah well, it was nice whilst it lasted.

Yesterday was hectic, we did Tesco/butcher/greengrocer first before hubby’s eye test we split up. Mr Eggy got butcher/greengrocer, he had a short list, including local new potatoes. I did Tesco and he came and met me afterwards, they’re over the road from each other. After the opticians, he didn’t need new specs, thank goodness, because when we got home and put the shopping away I noticed he’d paid £4.80 for 600grms of Cornish potatoes! He hadn’t noticed because he hates shopping that much he just picks anything up and chucks it in the basket so he can get out, we’d be bankrupt if I let him do the shopping! I was shocked to the core I must admit. They weren’t even that good. Can’t wait until ours are ready, I might start selling them in our front garden and top up our pension! Apparently it’s because of the bad weather we have had and the harvest isn’t good an/or late. But I’m concerned our local independent grocer’s supplier is shipping them up from Cornwall to North Cumbria! Anyways, I’m over it now and it’s coming out of his pocket money! :rofl:

Did have some good news yesterday, our grandson passed his driving theory test, his cousin, our eldest granddaughter, passed her’s last Monday. That makes me feel really old! Just the practical to pass now. Then I’ll feel even older!

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

Have a good day.
Well done @harbottle on the HS. A 5.5 for me today. 🙂


6.3 still feeling tired from yesterday’s long and very challenging day at work, but I got through it, today I am doing be weighed, not expecting to have least anything, but going to really start being good from today, last week was just walking through the door when hubby could take me.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

Also congratulations to yesterday’s HS.
Morning all, a happy 5.1 for me on a very grey day with rain on the way soon.
5.3 today for me.

Yesterday’s hospital appointment didn’t go too well as I didn’t manage without the catheter (almost but not enough). So, the instructions are for another 2 weeks on the Tamsulosin and try again, otherwise it will have to be an operation. Feeling a bit despondent and wanting all of this to be over so I can get back to normal. Still, there are worse things.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

Take care everyone.
Good moaning! No idea why but BG started climbing around 3:00.and hit11.0 on waking.Could be stress and a number of hypos yesterday.

Weekly Podiatry dressing change this morning. Hope it goes better than yesterday. After arriving at Opthalmology late yesterday the nursing staff did the usual checks but there was no consultant available so they will write to me. A long tiring day with nothing really achieved. I was told things had been reorganized after this happened last year! (querying emoji).

Yesterday's cloud broke for a sunny afternoon but cloudy again this morning.

Bad to worse. Today's Podiatry got cancelled just before the pickup window and the dressing definitely needs changing. I hate being a eff 'ing cripple!
No sign of the sun here so far, and no sunshine in the forecast either. Shame as it was a really lovely day yesterday, although the breeze, being northerly, was a little cool. 5.9 when I tested this morning.

Sad to read yesterday that Frank Ifield, another singer who graced the charts in my early teens, has passed away, aged 86. Anyone of my generation will remember him. Another piece of my musical past gone. Some of his hits - I Remember You, Lovesick Blues, Confessin' - are on a couple of my 1960s compilation albums, so in that sense he lives on.

Tuesday is swim day and with no one WFH it'll be the bus or, should the sun come out, Shank's Pony.

Congrats @harbottle on your HS, and @MeeTooTeeTo & @khskel on yours yesterday.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.
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5.3 today for me.

Yesterday’s hospital appointment didn’t go too well as I didn’t manage without the catheter (almost but not enough). So, the instructions are for another 2 weeks on the Tamsulosin and try again, otherwise it will have to be an operation. Feeling a bit despondent and wanting all of this to be over so I can get back to normal. Still, there are worse things.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

Take care everyone.
When my other half had the enlarged prostate he was on both Finasteride and Tamsulosin.
Sorry your appointment didn't give you what you hoped for.
5.3 today for me.

Yesterday’s hospital appointment didn’t go too well as I didn’t manage without the catheter (almost but not enough). So, the instructions are for another 2 weeks on the Tamsulosin and try again, otherwise it will have to be an operation. Feeling a bit despondent and wanting all of this to be over so I can get back to normal. Still, there are worse things.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

Take care everyone.
@Eternal422 - Same for me but the urinary clinic gave me Finasteride to go with the Tamsulosin and a supply of single use catheters for to use as necessary whilst things settled down and the pills got to work. My experience was that the single use catheters made the transition from full catheter to no catheter much smoother. Might be worth asking about when they next TWOC * you!

I was back to near normal in a couple of weeks and all talk of surgery disappeared but I have a few single use catheters squirrelled away ..... just in case!

* The nurses referred to catheter removal as TWOCing ---- Trial WithOut Catheter. They were much amused by the acronym being the same as that for with Taking WithOut Consent, the term the police use to describe car theft.
Attempted to make cottage cheese, egg, ground almond pancake batter this morning. For breakfast pancakes rather than just for the heck of it. Didn’t follow a recipe. Huge fail! I ended up with cottage cheese semi scrambled floury eggs. They’re in the bin.
My advice would be follow a recipe!

Hung out with this cutie yesterday…

With her dad as well. And I really didn’t mind strangers assuming I was her grandpa!
Attempted to make cottage cheese, egg, ground almond pancake batter this morning. For breakfast pancakes rather than just for the heck of it. Didn’t follow a recipe. Huge fail! I ended up with cottage cheese semi scrambled floury eggs. They’re in the bin.
My advice would be follow a recipe!

Hung out with this cutie yesterday…
View attachment 30343

With her dad as well. And I really didn’t mind strangers assuming I was her grandpa!
Fabulous photo.
Attempted to make cottage cheese, egg, ground almond pancake batter this morning. For breakfast pancakes rather than just for the heck of it. Didn’t follow a recipe. Huge fail! I ended up with cottage cheese semi scrambled floury eggs. They’re in the bin.
My advice would be follow a recipe!

Hung out with this cutie yesterday…
View attachment 30343

With her dad as well. And I really didn’t mind strangers assuming I was her grandpa!
What a cutie. And the baby looks ok. 😉
Morning all - light overcast today with some blue patches. Hopefully it'll clear.

7.1 - better, but still not good enough. Got a new phone yesterday. The nice man in Currys copied the contents of my old phone onto it, so it's more or less set up. I have 5 days to go on the current sensor so I was a bit apprehensive that it wouldn't work with the new phone (which has the latest version of the Libre software on it - I've been using an old version - 2.5.3 that worked with my old phone). It does work, but no alarms until I start a new one with this phone. I'm assuming that also applies to why it's not a CGM either.

Going to meet a g/f for lunch in town today. Hope the cafe we've arranged to meet in has improved since we last ate there when we had fish in vinegar sauce much to our horror. I understand it's changed hands so we will see.

Congratulations to @khskel on your HS yesterday, which no one noticed! Congratulations to @harbottle on yours today.

@ColinUK she's so cute... no wonder you are proud to be thought grandpa.

@eggyg what a scandalous price for Cornish new potatoes... must be transport costs!

Take care and be happy folks.
7.2 for me this morning. Cloudy here with no sign of sun in the forecast, no rain, apparently (I have my doubts about that one). Been busy searching for things online and getting frustrated at getting nowhere fast!