• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 6.1 for me after a hot cross bun before going to bed as I was high after a high carb tea but then a 2u correction took me low.How things can change in the space of a few minutes.
WFH today so at least I will be dry and looking forward to a restful long w/ end.
Am not great with technology but managed to work out how to share my I pad screen onto my laptop to then share to then present remotely as I need to do it next week.
Did loads of remote meetings during Covid but everything was on my laptop so easy enough.
It really is great what you can do with everything being linked especially from your phone but I just try and avoid technology.
I can usually work it out but it just takes me a while and I prefer to concentrate on bits I enjoy rather than struggle with things I don’t fully understand.
Anyway hope you all meet your various challenges of the day.
Morning all. A JB induced 6.5. So glad its Friday and the end of term. I'm exhausted! Mind you, i have so many jobs to do around the house next week it won't be much of a rest.
@eggyg thank you. Lets hope today goes quickly.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4
BP still high
Pulse is back to its normal 58

Yesterday was amazing. Travel was good in spite of pretty much every train being cancelled due to the bad weather.

Meeting up with my wife at the hospital was so moving, so good, so touching. Possibly the best moment in our 35 year marriage For both of us!

She is so much better, happy to see me, looking forward positively, making sense again, all good.

My friend came along too to help me and he was so good at it too.

Fish and chip supper for my friend and I to end the day. It was good

My wife will be in hospital for at least another month.

Today I have to practice songs for Sunday as I will be playing

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 4'9 today.

After a very long week at work I had a late "weekend" on Tuesday and Wednesday. Started with 11 hours of sleep (my body clearly needed them!), went to see my friend in the city for a few hours. Then the next day was quiet but with a few positives. Brought myself to clean the microwave, which was in a embarrasing state. Had a little meltdown in my driving lesson but refused to finish early and it got better after that. I went to try a new independent cafe & community hub that looked great from the outside: it has lots of books and LGTB flags, it´s very cozy and welcoming (the owner said he was going for a grandma living room vibe) and I hope to be able to attend some events!

A carb induced 8.1 and feeling it, I was also awake at 4.30 but thankfully got back off to sleep. Today’s eating isn’t going to be any better as it is hubbies 60th birthday today, we are having family over this evening and having pizza, followed by ice-cream his choice. I have made him a lemon drizzle cake which is one of his favourites, he didn’t want a highly decorated cake.

@Gwynn - pleased the visit went well and you are feeling more positive, it was good of your friend to c9me with you, so a true friend.
Good morning. 6.00

Another grey weather day but no serious rain has troubled the area over the past 3 days, just a bit of drizzle.

BFF coming over this morning. We don't see each other often as she moved nearer to her children a few years ago. So it will be a right gabfest. She's a serious gardener so hopeful she may help with the recalcitrant hebe. It does not want to leave its pot and, single handed, I am not strong enough to force the issue.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning 7.2 today

after the week I’m having at work looking forward to relaxing next week
although wife and I have several jobs to do at home

@Gwynn glad your visit went well yesterday and she was happy

Have a fabulous Friday everyone
TC :cool:
Morning all. 5.7 here.

I’m pooped, but glad that half term has arrived. Admin this morning, then the fun begins. Hubby’ll be away for his upcoming birthday (21 again and again and again...) so we’re going out for lunch.

So glad your visit with your wife went well @Gwynn. (((Hugs of joy))).
A 6.2 for me today after a very disturbed sleep with lots of weird dreams. :eek::rolleyes:

Good morning! Woke just after 4:00 following another disturbed night. Woke at 9.4 after dropping to mid 5s and was 8.5 FOTF.

Currently waiting in Podiatry Clinic. Dressing looks more akin to a WWI field hospital than 21st century Britain!

Bright and sunny after ominous clouds around 6:00 but miles from home ...
Good morning all! 5.3 today for me.

Not much planned today, my wife is still on jury service (now started deliberation on a case) so I’m trying to keep myself busy at home as much as I’m able to. Still a bit uncomfortable with the catheter, just trying to put up with it and hoping June 3rd appointment will be a success.

@Gwynn - so pleased your visit went really well yesterday and great that you had the support of a good friend.

Have a Good Friday everyone!
5.1 this morning and weekly BP check 124/73 after a rare 6 hours of unbroken sleep, ie no trip to the bathroom during the night. Blue sky and sunshine when I opened the curtains but it's since clouded over and there was a cold wind blowing when we walked to Morrisons to pick up a newspaper before breakfast. No rain in our forecast, though.

Our youngest's motorway driving lesson went well yesterday. Thought he'd be nervous but no, he drove very confidently and I felt completely safe.

@Gwynn - so pleased to hear how well yesterday went.

@Clare153 - a warm, Welsh Pen-blwydd Hapus i ti...! Wishing you all the best and hoping you have a good birthday and get spoilt rotten.

Usual Friday for me - Sainsbury's Big Shop, plus Waitrose for one of their Rosemary & Garlic Salmon Steaks for my tea and I might give our new lawnmower a workout after lunch.

Have a good day, all.
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Morning all - and a grey one it is! No rain as yet though.

7.8 this morning. There's just no pattern that allows me to adjust basals. Though it might have been last night's fish and chips which were simply not worth it! We bought a very expensive box of Haddock Kievs from M&S. They were stuffed with wild garlic butter and I was really looking forward to them. Hubby (who is not the cook in this house) insisted we did them in the air fryer. So I abdicated responsibility as I wanted to do them in the oven. He crucified them and they were dry and horrible! He says he's not cooking again - ha ha!

Meeting friends this afternoon in town and I think I will liberate from the freezer a shepherd's pie that I made with venison mince to have for dinner when we get home.

So pleased to hear @Gwynn's news. It was nice of your friend to come with you to support you too. Glad you could celebrate the positive visit together.

Enjoy your friend's visit @TinaD, you've had a rough time recently and deserve a bit of enjoyment.

Glad the cake worked out well in the end @eggyg.

Have a good day all.
Morning all, I woke this fine sunny morning to a 5.4 - might get some gardening done today if the rain holds off.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
@Gwynn - great stuff. A bit of hard information is usually the best treatment for worry and uncertainty!

Don't try and rush things is my thought. Leave the medics to get her stable and probably more importantly get her to accept that she must take her medication. That will take time. I had six months of four trips a week to south Manchester (70 mile round trip) but it was worth it. Hopefully you will have far less than that to do.
It was a 10.4 for me this morning.High alarm went off in night .Went to treat it with a couple of units Bent the needle so it was no good.Couldnt be bothered to go down stairs to get a replacement All this walking got my thighs like steel Stay safe folks and have a good day
6.1 for me this a.m. after a 3 am low BG as my libre let me know, confirmed with finger-prick test... had JB's and some milk.
The town has its shirt on today but no rain, didn't rain yesterday either - seems to be the weather is bucking up.
Afternoon all and a late on parade 8.2 it was after a broken night of strange dreams.

Been updating website and sending e mails. Evidently we have an official US Merchandise shop and thwe USA needs to know about it.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.