• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

I love Port Isaac.
It was lovely so picturesque I managed a fair bit of walking with my wheelchair at hand for little breaks I haven't walked so much for a good few years until this last week today we went to the lost gardens of heilgan another beautiful place home tomorrow my reading this morning was 5.2 but after a chip shop supper I ended up back in the red for a while but back to being good after the bank holiday x
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2

Slept like a log, so tired still yesterday. I missed 3 calls from my wife as I was asleep. She was a little ruffled about that sadly. Sigh.

Some housework done first thing, washing up, bins emptying, clearing stuff up. All important stuff to kerp the house and life in good order.

Today practice on the keyboard, a lone walk (friend is away), manually carting my keyboard to church on a trolley (likely to be quite a lot of hard work, the keyboard is very heavy), a decent tea (M&S cod in beer batter), rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 5.5 for me after the last of my M&S fruit hot cross buns from the freezer as my best tasty treat if I am low going to bed and I want to go higher and then gently decline overnight.
I have reduced my basal down to 5u as being going a little lower overnight and need to refocus and see if I can get back to my steady state patterns.
I think it may be that I have being having some heavier carb meals at tea time which is causing some additional variance and I need to check this out.
Anyway it is long w/ end which am really looking forward to and doing the things we enjoy.
So hope you all have a fantastic Bank Holiday.
It was lovely so picturesque I managed a fair bit of walking with my wheelchair at hand for little breaks I haven't walked so much for a good few years until this last week today we went to the lost gardens of heilgan another beautiful place home tomorrow my reading this morning was 5.2 but after a chip shop supper I ended up back in the red for a while but back to being good after the bank holiday x
We went to Lost Gardens last year, in October, so probably didn’t see it at its best, although we did enjoy it. It must be amazing at the moment. I’m glad you’ve ended up having a good week. And congratulations on your HS.
Good morning all. 6.4 and the sun is shining! Hurray!

The rain eventually stopped at 9pm last night. Looking at my windows, in the unforgiving sunshine, the rain must have been filthy! Washing is a priority today so I can get it all hung out. Forecast tomorrow is, you guessed it, more rain, starting at 9pm tonight! :(

Have a lovely day.
Morning all. 5.3 for me.

My new sensor had a brain fart at 4am - 3.9 and dropping fast, apparently. A finger prick said 8.9 LOL.

Got a busy, fun-packed weekend ahead. My mum’s birthday party will be the highlight. Hope everyone has a relaxing BH!
Good moaning! A truly dreadful 13.9 after a restless night with bizarre dreams and phantom pains climbing steeply since around 4:00am.

Dressings were changed yesterday but I am exhausted after three "early doors" this week. With the repeated cancellations and GP consultation I achieved 2.5 out of 6 appointments! Getting up with the lark for nothing is particularly frustrating. And next week Podiatry has kicked my Physio into touch. So that means that in five weeks I will only have had two Physio appointments. No wonder progress is slow. And the talk of Integrated Care seems more like corporate gobbledygook!

Bits of blue sky. some white clouds bit mostly 2^5 shades of grey!
5.3 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Today looks to be the best day of the BH weekend, dry and temperatures in the low 70s in old money. Best make the most of it as we are due a soaking overnight, and Monday doesn't look too good either. Shame if that's how it turns out as we were planning to do a car boot sale to get rid of a load of stuff that we've been setting aside for that very reason.

Planning a trip over to Henley-on-Thames today to do some shopping in Quba and Crew Clothing and will have lunch there, but hopefully get back in time for the FA Cup Final. For our evening meal my wife wants to try a Mediterranean Lamb Chop Tray Bake recipe she's found, so with that and lunch out it's going to be hard to keep track of my carbs today. Shan't do anything reckless but I might decide to have a day off from carb-counting.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS this morning and @Pam123 on yours yesterday.

Whatever your plans enjoy the start to the weekend.
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Morning all. 7.9. I slept straight through last night, still feel tired this morning but i shall get up and make the most of a sunny day. Washing needs to be done and hung on the line then i'm off to see mum, take her the shopping she asked for. Later we are off to the theatre to see Cluedo 2 after having a meal out.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn. I'm glad your visit went well and hope its put your mind at rest a bit.

Congrats also to @Pam123 on yesterdays HS.

Have a good day.
Congratulations to this morning's House Specialists. A 5.3 for me today. :)

Good moaning! A truly dreadful 13.9 after a restless night with bizarre dreams and phantom pains climbing steeply since around 4:00am.

Dressings were changed yesterday but I am exhausted after three "early doors" this week. With the repeated cancellations and GP consultation I achieved 2.5 out of 6 appointments! Getting up with the lark for nothing is particularly frustrating. And next week Podiatry has kicked my Physio into touch. So that means that in five weeks I will only have had two Physio appointments. No wonder progress is slow. And the talk of Integrated Care seems more like corporate gobbledygook!

Bits of blue sky. some white clouds bit mostly 2^5 shades of grey!
So sorry you are having a rough time. Phantom pain sounds a nightmare - at least if the pain is in an attached limb one can rub it and hope or pretend it feels better. Hope the HS in your area gets itself sorted out and you glide into calmer waters.
Good morning all. 5.5 - much more respectable.

Had a great morning with old friend, laughed ourselves silly and forgot all about the evilly heavy hebe which still narrows the drive...She is coming over in a month to stay overnight which will be great. Life went a bit downhill afterwards when an old boy whose (very overpriced mower) I had seen turned up on my doorstep. Wasn't pushing his sale really but did subject me to an hour and a half of his divorce, bankruptcy, and general woes...

Had to do something positive to counteract the mood induced by being sympathetic so heaved trailer out of mud where it had settled, sorted out the rubbish which had been carelessly thrown in, washed it out, blew up its tyres, greased and re-packed it together with the assortement stored in the woodshed. At the tip a lovely young chap, obviously 100% on top of his job despite a degree of intellectual limitation, picked up my limitations on climbing steps to the big skips immediately and unloaded the lot with a big smile. Large thank you uttered came home very cheerful and tidied up the residual wall stone into a neat pile...I'm a bit stiff this mornng!

Weather a mix of blue sky and huge clouds. Sky would make a geat backdrop to a dramtic oil painting. Nothing planned except enveigling neighbour into attacking the hebe. Kids now not coming until Wednesday night as have, on my insistence, to stay home and attend openday for house they fancy. Looks a splendid do-er upper. Fingers crossed they get it as they have buyers and it is in the right village.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
6.6 today. Had a sensible breakfast, if a little carby - soft-boiled eggs and Rye bread & butter which was very tasty.
Also, going to see the BH's mum to celebrate her being 79 years old on this gorgeous afternoon.
Good afternoon everyone, a rather late posting for me, anyway, it was a 4.9 for me much earlier this morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks and stay safe.