Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, I went to bed on a 17.3 last night after a carb load for dinner and woke this morning with a 5.6 which is a pretty normal reading for me. Happy days.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Morning just busy unpacking sorting washing etc we have a leak in the bathroom the kitchen ceiling is coming down thankfully hubby has located the leak so he can fix it had alarm in the night back to jbs such fun will need another holiday at this rate


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7.5 this morning. I had a chicken leg for last night's dinner, followed by a medium punnet of strawberries, all very tasty although the chicken was on the tough side! I didn't do the jobs that I should have done yesterday due to feeling sick at every moment. And it was good weather too. It rains now which is a pity as I feel quite well, sigh.
Mum had a fall yesterday and the priority people helped her up. My OH went to see her and brought a Chinese takeaway for them both. They both had to go into recovery after that!
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What a revelation, but I think I still have to scan every 8 hours? Is that right?
No need, the CGM readings automatically feed through to LibreView so there is now no longer a need to scan every 8 hours. The only reason to scan now is to fill in any missing data / gaps in the graph if you lose contact between the phone and sensor for any period.
No need, the CGM readings automatically feed through to LibreView so there is now no longer a need to scan every 8 hours. The only reason to scan now is to fill in any missing data / gaps in the graph if you lose contact between the phone and sensor for any period.
Thank you Tony. So pleased with it. It wouldn't work on my old phone, I had to just use it as a FGM.
Morning all - well, there is sunshine, there is blue sky and also a lot of clouds.

Forgot to post yesterday, it was 7.3 and 6.8 this morning, though it's risen to 8.8 whilst I sat in bed playing silly word puzzles. Since dinner was gnocchi with mushrooms, chicken, spinach and blue cheese sauce I suppose 6.8 is not bad. I changed my sensor last night and now have the full cgm on my new phone. What a revelation, but I think I still have to scan every 8 hours? Is that right?

Hopefully we can get the remaining few bedding plants in today. Then there's a huge pile of ironing.... and shortening some trousers I bought last week. Not doing a Sunday roast today as we have only got a large leg of lamb - like @eggyg left in the freezer from the Easter half price offers. M&S battered cod instead methinks.

Glad to hear @TinaD is feeling better and that @Gwynn's wife is improving. Hugs to @Eternal422 having a catheter must be most uncomfortable.

Have a nice day all....
I cut half the meat off and cut it into chunks for curries, tagine etc, and froze the half legs. It’s enough for tonight and we’re using the leftovers tomorrow and I’m doing Greek night. I’ve still two bags of the chunks in the freezer and a tub of lamb Madras, we’ve already eaten one. Very good value. I’ll get two more at Christmas.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 close enough to sniff the gold star!!!
BP has gone back to normal, sort of. If I take many readings, some are ok and some are not. Is that my blood pressure varying or a pretty useless BP meter?

A dark, cold, windy, wet, raining late May bank holiday greeting ... I thought it was going to be hot!

My wife continues to improve thankfully, if fact from silent or incoherent jabbering we now have real sentences and connected thought. In fact, now, it's hard to get a word in edge wise!! All good (I think).

Just done a whistle stop clean and tidy. So much better.

I have decided that whilst my wife is away I will set up my keyboard downstairs in the lounge. Carrying it upstairs where it normally lives is always difficult because it is so heavy and bulky. Best not to have an unfortunate accident, it wouldn't help.

Playing at the church yesterday went well. I am playing at the church again next Sunday too. Right now I am very tired from all the effort it required yesterday so today will be rest (Hmmm). I was going to go to Blackpool, Sainsburys to get some much needed Tomato juice but I have decided rest and keeping dry is a better idea.

I may go visit my wife this coming Friday. I am in the process of arranging that.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.


Keyboard set up and new song composed... excellent
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Good morning folks. 5.9 and a pleasing flatfish.

I had sad news yesterday that made me strengthen my resolve to live life for today. My friend’s husband sadly died yesterday. He was only 74 and was diagnosed with Alzheimers in his mid 60s. At first, unless you knew, he just seemed like Mike, then he couldn’t drive, use his computer or be left on his own, my friend gave up her job about 18 months ago, until last September he was sectioned. He had deteriorated very, very quickly, he had become abusive ( verbally) to his wife, wandered about through the night, not sleeping, was unable to perform even the simplest tasks, like showering. After six months he was transferred to a specialist care home, he wouldn’t/couldn’t eat and towards the end was just a wizened old man who didn’t recognise his family. I saw a photo of him on his birthday in February and honestly I didn’t recognise him. It’s very sad but also it must be a relief to the family as he wasn’t their husband, dad, grandad anymore. His youngest daughter is my youngest daughter’s best friend, she’s only 31, I lost a parent at 30 and it’s devastating. Live your life as if it’s your last day, make memories, spend your money now, tell your family how much you love them everyday and most of all, remember there’s always someone worse off.
A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning! Woke to a 7 3, 30 minutes after FOTF 7.1, and 60 minutes 7 2 so happy with that. Although a restless night first one in a while with neither phantom nor neuropathic pain. One recurring dream but none of the nightmare ones. Fingers crossed for a repeat on an ongoing basis.

Continuing my search for a birthday card I am after but all this AI enhanced search produces nonsense. Need to turn it off but it just appeared. I just want a card with a picture of a stretched limo for a young man with severe issues who will never be able to drive.

The numerous shades of grey are now breaking up to give way to some areas of blue and white.
Morning everyone
A lovely sunny start to the day here and a lovely 5.9 on the finger prick.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Good morning 6.4.

Not too bad after too many carbs yesterday. Didn't feel too good, think it was the hebe's revenge, so didn't feel like cooking settling for cheese and biscuits followed by yoghurt with raspberries and almonds. However full of go this morning, some blue in the sky and the copious cloud is high so light is brighter. Slept like a dog.

Sewin for dinner tonight courtesy of my neighbour - may his fly lines never tangle! Planning on getting the watercress tank set up now the shrubbery planting is finished. Shall have to consider tidying up for family visit but fully expect I'll do it all in a rush on Wednesday. Feel I would have made a good rich Georgian with loads of staff to keep the house impeccable but, having no Tardis, Henry will have to be dragged out. Why does compost insist on travelling inside accompanied by hay? Ah, another of life's imponderables...

Enjoy the Bank Holiday - hope the sun shines on some of us.
Morning all. 4.8 after a night on the JBs. Woke around 2am to find i was hypo, treated but i've scraped along the low 4s the rest of the night. I had a strange dream as well...a week off work and i dream about work!

Its sunny/cloudy here atm with heavy rain supposed to start around midday. My poor plants are waterlogged.

We've not much planned for today, maybe a walk between the rain and seeing mum.

@Gwynn good to hear your wife is improving.

@eggyg so sorry to hear that. Its such a horrible disease. You are right, it reminds you to make the most of every day.