Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 for me, same as yesterday. Bright and sunny when I got up, cool and grey when we walked down to get a newspaper, bright and sunny again now. Forecasters say the weather will be a bit Jekyll & Hyde today (their words) and so far it looks like they're right. Oh, and just to complete the jigsaw, we're in line for a wet afternoon. Bank Holidays, eh? Glad we decided not to car boot today.

@Gwynn - pleased to hear things are looking up.

@MikeyBikey - can you order a design-your-own card from somewhere like Moonpig by uploading a picture of a limo? I'm sure you can find a non-copyrighted photo or drawing somewhere online.

Nothing special planned for today. The usual Monday bedding change and will likely potter around in the garden whenever the sun's out.

Enjoy your BH Monday.
I cut half the meat off and cut it into chunks for curries, tagine etc, and froze the half legs. It’s enough for tonight and we’re using the leftovers tomorrow and I’m doing Greek night. I’ve still two bags of the chunks in the freezer and a tub of lamb Madras, we’ve already eaten one. Very good value. I’ll get two more at Christmas.
Very ingenious and thrifty of you! Perhaps we will bone out the next one before freezing and do something similar! I love lamb dishes, particularly one from Claudia Roden's "Arabesque" which involves saffron, preserved lemon and new potatoes, but can rarely justify the cost of the lamb steaks it needs.
Morning all - I'd say today is likely to be very changeable as there's a bit of everything up above! Yesterday was mostly sunny with a short episode of rain just as we started putting the bedding plants in. Came in and waited 5 minutes till it stopped. There was a cutting wind though, despite the sun.

9.9 this morning thanks to the fish, chips and mushy peas. Even though I weighed everything and dosed for the 60g carbs accurately. I couldn't eat all of the fish, the portion was huge... I did have a willing human dustbin that mopped it up though!

Am not sleeping well, up every 2 hours for the loo. I have a suspicion it's a side effect of doxasozin as it's used not only for BP but for enlarged prostate in men and it releases the muscles of the bladder. That I do not need! I am sick of side effects of pills.

Got to do a grocery shop today, then shorten a couple of pairs of trousers. The paperwork for our river cruise has arrived so need to look through that too.

Glad to hear your wife is improving so much @Gwynn.

Completely agree with @eggyg about living for the moment. So sorry to hear of your friend passing.

Have a lovely BH all.
Morning everyone 5.1 for me 2 lots of JBs in the night woke up with a blocked nose and sore throat so feeling a bit under the weather, got to go shopping as we didnt do our usual weekend shop due to traveling back from Cornwall had our usual meal at the Bistro last night and hubby has been busy fixing the leak so no time to shop, just going to o to Sainsburys and get something for tonights tea, I put a complaint in to Holiday Cottages about the way we were treated and asked them if they would contact the owner on our behalf as we realised we had left our Amazon fire stick behind, I had a reply from the saying we had the contact number as it wasn't up to them, I am disgusted with them to be honest and as the owner cnacelled the holiday I am unable to leave feedback to warn other prospective holiday makers, my daughter suspects that the 4 feedbacks on the listing are fake but we cannot proof it, I have posted on Trustpilot on both holiday cottages and original cottages which are the same company to see if they will react but i doubt it.

6.5 this morning, been out for a walk and coffee while it was warm and sunny, clouded over now.

Only plans for today now are reading and finishing off some crotchet and knitting projects.
Morning all 5.3 for me this morning.Me and the dog sitting out in tea room garden with our brolly up Keep getting short showers.Funny watching everyone leg it inside when it starts.They not look at weather forecast.Whatever your doing today Have a good one
Morning all 5.3 for me this morning.Me and the dog sitting out in tea room garden with our brolly up Keep getting short showers.Funny watching everyone leg it inside when it starts.They not look at weather forecast.Whatever your doing today Have a good one
I just uttered the immortal words..‘I’ll just nip out to the shops before it starts raining'….yes, you’ve guessed! Luckily I always carry a small umbrella in my bag.
6.1 for me. We had a visit from an old friend this morning, it was very nice to see him after all these years, his Parkinsons are ravaging him though! I couldn't get out earlier but will do so in a short while as the weather was/is gorgeous, clouded over now but still bright.
Hope everybody is having a good day whatever is going on with you.
6.9 this morning but a lovely overnight flatfish around that level, so I’m pleased with that.

Decided to visit the Crick Boat Show today, never been before. The car park people directed us into the first parking field when they saw our Ford Ranger and yes, we had to engage 4 wheel drive as with the 2 wheel drive we were stuck as soon as we turned into it! Really should have thought more about this and come better dressed - everywhere was soaking and loads of mud everywhere! At least the walk around the main marquees had metal flooring so we didn’t get too muddy! Bought a couple of new windlasses and also a bargain of a foldable trolley for only £50 which will mean we can be independent in moving our stuff on and off the boat rather than hunting all over the marina for one of their trolleys.

Think I did too much walking as I was feeling sore and uncomfortable afterwards (darn catheter!) so resting up now back at home.

Enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday everyone!
Morning a 5.7 for me and up early as Haggis wanted to go out 3 times so very energetic for him and then Hetty Barker ( well named) who has to be carried and walks back had her short stroll ( even shorter if we bump into another dog as she will wake the neighbours) if I don’t bring her back inside.
Anyway a nice B/ Holiday and a quiet day today so gentle introduction back to normality.
Have a good week all
Morning all. A naughty 7.9. I couldn’t resist cutting off ( and eating) the crust of the newly baked loaf from tne bread maker just before bed! Ooops! Ah, well, no one’s perfect.

Quiet day yesterday, bit of washing hung out and dried, rain didn’t last all day. Ironing and making a lovely Greek tea. Today won’t be any busier, got a busy few days ahead from tomorrow so I’m conserving my energy!

Spoke to my friend yesterday who’s husband has just died. She sees it as a blessing as he’d suffered enough. Her and his two daughters were with him when he passed and she takes comfort from that. Still very sad, what a cruel condition dementia is.

Hope everyone is ok, have a great day.
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

7.7 this morning and I think I may have discovered an issue - the Levemir seemed to inject really quickly and on investigating the pen it looks like the rubber “piston” in the cartridge is leaking, so I’m not getting a full dose - some is coming out of the bottom of the cartridge! I have replaced the cartridge with a new one, so hopefully things will be better tomorrow!

Visit to my wife’s sister today for lunch, otherwise nothing else planned.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all, a nice round 6.0 for me on another grey day.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all, only just been able to get on the forum. Libre said I was 3.0 this morning, but I did wake up lying on that arm! Then it shot up and said I was 5.8, then a few minutes later it calmed down and settled for a 4.6.
It’s raining again, I went up to the yard with the intention of riding my pony this morning, but decided it was so wet that I’d turned into a fair weather rider, and he could stay out in the field with his friends.
Good morning everyone.

Another 5.2 excellent. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat the night before either!
BP is good too in the normal range 119/77

Wife seems a little odd this morning. To be expected ups and downs

No walk today as it is raining!! British summers!!! So today absolutely nothing to do...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good moaning! It has taken me a while to post today as the anti-virus an my laptop and phone blocked the Diabetes UK webpages in all browsers Looking at the logs it appears the "authentication certificate" had expired. I obviously overtreated an early hours hypo as the initial treatment did nothing for 30 minutes and I was struggling to stay awake!
