Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.2

Physio/gym this morning and then probably trying to unravel more of the family tree.

Have a good day folks.
We’ve just ordered DNA kits from Ancestry UK. We’re both curious about our heritage, I’ve don’t a bit of my paternal family tree and there’s both Scottish, which I knew as my dad was Scottish, but also Irish. I came unstuck when I got to the Irish bit and couldn’t get any further. With the price of the kit I got three months free subscription to Ancestry UK, which I have used before, so will continue a bit more and see if in the last few years anything else will turn up. There’s absolutely no one left older than me to ask now about the family but when I first started it my auntie was still alive, my dad’s sister, and she was oblivious to everything I found, lots and lots of secrets and illegitimacy. She was shocked to the core as she thought they were a pious God fearing Catholic family! It’s all good fun but quite hardwork and stressful at times.
Hi All - just checking in to say I’m still here but been on a boat in Norway for last week. I’m being cooked for which is lovely (my husband and friend feeling guilty about being away from home for so long) but it’s playing havoc with my BG - that and only managing 500-1000 steps a day some days! Back to normality Thursday night when I will start improving my time in range which has gone from 88 to 67 in the last few days. Also very annoyingly my new sensor is not speaking to my phone without me scanning. I’ve tried restarting phone and Bluetooth but to no avail. Hope you’re all well. Here are some pics of Norway xxx
Looks amazing, but cold.
Morning all. Awake earlier this morning as out early for a dentist check up, then picking up a prescription, an order from Boots and a quick trip to M&S. All hopefully done before lunch and the next bout of rain.
We’ve just ordered DNA kits from Ancestry UK. We’re both curious about our heritage, I’ve don’t a bit of my paternal family tree and there’s both Scottish, which I knew as my dad was Scottish, but also Irish. I came unstuck when I got to the Irish bit and couldn’t get any further. With the price of the kit I got three months free subscription to Ancestry UK, which I have used before, so will continue a bit more and see if in the last few years anything else will turn up. There’s absolutely no one left older than me to ask now about the family but when I first started it my auntie was still alive, my dad’s sister, and she was oblivious to everything I found, lots and lots of secrets and illegitimacy. She was shocked to the core as she thought they were a pious God fearing Catholic family! It’s all good fun but quite hardwork and stressful at times.
Interesting experience and sure one which many of us will look to do at some point.
We only have a small extended family and a family occasion coming up soon may trigger some research and I know I will be likely tasked to investigate further ( mind you I would prefer to do the actual detective work myself but ancestry could be a really good starting point.
Most of my relatives will be border reivers so living on both sides of the border and stealing sheep from both sides so guess a few have met sticky ends.
Anyway good luck with your investigations
Morning haven’t checked in on this thread for a while so thought I would

13.4. Bgs have been terrible since I opened this box of Lantus, I don’t know the two are related or not but honestly I might as well be injecting glucose for all the difference insulin is making. Hoping I’m not just coming down with something.

Have a bad headache too, which started yesterday. I have been trying to reduce my amitriptyline from 2 to 1 a day. I was pretty stable on 1.5, but I’m trying alternating 1.5 with 1.25 and I think that is not remotely working. Maybe I’ll go back to 1.5 every day for a while and see if I can get stable again then reconsider in a few weeks.
Good morning! An excellent 5.6 today, and after a Heinz (5.7) before supper probably my best overnight run ever. No unpleasant dreams but frustrating one where I was trying to explain to someone who would not listen how a piece of equipment worked. Needed a painkiller at ~01:00 for phantom pain but previous few nights had been pain free

Broken cloud of various shades!
A 6.2 for me this morning. 🙂

Interesting experience and sure one which many of us will look to do at some point.
We only have a small extended family and a family occasion coming up soon may trigger some research and I know I will be likely tasked to investigate further ( mind you I would prefer to do the actual detective work myself but ancestry could be a really good starting point.
Most of my relatives will be border reivers so living on both sides of the border and stealing sheep from both sides so guess a few have met sticky ends.
Anyway good luck with your investigations
Mr Eggy is a Border Reiver. He’s a Graham, youngest daughter is married to an Elliott, sworn enemies back in the day! It’s interesting living so close to the Scottish Borders, lots of us here have Scottish blood of course. I’m sure my DNA will be 50% English and the rest Scottish and Irish. I discovered my paternal great grandfather was born in Widnes we always thought the whole family was Scots through and through. It’s been very enlightening that’s for sure.

7.5 today, anyway have hit the reset button and going to start improving my eating again.
Good morning everyone.

I think I might sell my blood glucose meter to make a tidy profit ... yes, 5.2 again!!! Special meter it must be... always in range, biased towards that special number .... £1,000,000. Any takers. It obviously fixes diabetes (somehow).

BP good too but not as low as it used to be

Today possibly a walk with my friend at 3pm if it doesn't start raining again. Right now it is dry!!!

My wife sounds good this morning

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 5.4 How nice to be back in the fives.

Forecast for sunshine and showers. The weathermen may have it right for once looking at the blue sky populated by fluffy white cloud.

Mega rush about today tidying up and making beds. Family not sure if arriving at midnight or lunchtime tomorrow...Fingers crossed the house viewing goes well and I haven't spent hours drawing designs to no purpose! Quite fun turning a small bungalow with an appalling internal layout of small rooms and multiple corridors into a spacious, open plan design. Best version so far adds 30 sq m with a build cost of about £60k (with a reserve of £20k) just in case). Most difficult part? Making sure that the boys bedrooms are approximately the same size to avoid future rows...

Yesterday was a bit of a write off. Rain, low cloud, and evidence that my gardening the day before had been too energetic. Thank goodness for books.

Green with envy at @zippyjojo photos. Fabulous.
Wishing everyone a good day.
Mr Eggy is a Border Reiver. He’s a Graham, youngest daughter is married to an Elliott, sworn enemies back in the day! It’s interesting living so close to the Scottish Borders, lots of us here have Scottish blood of course. I’m sure my DNA will be 50% English and the rest Scottish and Irish. I discovered my paternal great grandfather was born in Widnes we always thought the whole family was Scots through and through. It’s been very enlightening that’s for sure.
We keep meaning to get our DNA done. OH has done his family tree as far back as he can, and a cousin did my mother's side. Plenty of skeletons de-closeted along the way! My father's side ended up in a dead end in Scotland. Daughter did her DNA and came out 2% Finnish! Must find out where that comes from!
Alarmed to see 7.0 pop up on the meter this morning so switched hands and did a second test and got 5.3, so that didn't help. Finger #3 was 6.1 so decided to average them all and log a 6.1 for today. Now if I'd done finger #2 first...........

Had a lovely meal at our favourite country pub yesterday evening, top class as usual. Don't usually have a dessert when we eat out, unless we're at a place that has a Hot Drink & Mini Dessert option, but decided I deserve a treat once in a while. In the end I only had half a chocolate brownie as my wife offered to share, so it was a mini dessert in all but name. When that 7.0 showed up on my meter I did suspect the brownie was to blame, though.

@eggyg - I can sympathise, I didn't sleep well either. Woke at 3:15 and have been awake ever since. Happens sometimes and the only positive is I usually sleep like a log the following night.

Wednesday's a washday so just as well that we have a bright, sunny day with no rain in the forecast. Short-lived, though - thunderstorms tomorrow apparently, and now I hear the 'experts' are predicting a soggy Summer.

@zippyjojo - good to see that you're enjoying Norway. Never been but looks lovely and reminds me of Fjordland in New Zealand's South Island. We were there back in 1993.

Congrats on another HS @Gwynn

Have a good day, all.
4.1 Yesterday, it was in range all day, very unusual.
6.0 This morning, getting quite monotonous as it has been in the 6's for quite a few days now. BP has been in range too at 114/71.
It was gorgeous at 7 am but has clouded over now and threatening rain.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning at a little before 9, it went well. For once I remembered all that I wanted to discuss. I took my BP, BG & BPM, weight and a sample with me... never been so on top of things!
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Morning all

It was a happy 6.5 for me on another cloudy morning.