Group 7-day waking average?

We keep meaning to get our DNA done. OH has done his family tree as far back as he can, and a cousin did my mother's side. Plenty of skeletons de-closeted along the way! My father's side ended up in a dead end in Scotland. Daughter did her DNA and came out 2% Finnish! Must find out where that comes from!

Hope it doesn't result in a bad finish! :rofl:
Good afternoon. The weather has been a mixed bag today. Currently it's sunny, but in 5 minutes it could be back to overcast.

8.3 this morning. However, I hadn't tweaked basals and was woken at 6:30 by a low alarm 4.1. Ate a Dextro and a ginger cookied and went back to sleep. When I woke it was 8.3 so no pattern and no clue as to how I should tweak if at all. Can't think why I didn't post earlier.

Venison mince and veggies bubbling away on the stove, spuds all mashed for Huntsman's pie and we are nipping down the pub for an hour to meet the usual gang of friends who congregate on a Weds.

Julian's mum and his elder brother did a lot of ancestral research. Before elder bro was born MIL somehow discovered her line was descended somehow from Nelson, hence elder bro's middle name. Pre-computers she used the Quakers who apparently hold lots of people's records. I don't really care and anyway there's no longer any relatives alive who could give any clues.

Have a good evening all!
8.3 this morning. However, I hadn't tweaked basals and was woken at 6:30 by a low alarm 4.1. Ate a Dextro and a ginger cookied and went back to sleep. When I woke it was 8.3 so no pattern and no clue as to how I should tweak if at all. Can't think why I didn't post earlier.

Do you think it is the Doxycycline you were on? After a very good overnight run my BG rose in the half-an-hour I usually wait .between taking my insulin and breakfast (so waited a full hour). Then mid-afternoon as I was typing a very long email I suddenly had trouble focusing and went hypo (strangely Libre was higher than finger prick). This triggered a migraine that is only now clearing. I am sick and tired of this total unpredictability! :(
Wasn't it much easier when you could just ring up to book an appointment. Woke up to no hot water this morning, the boiler appears to be not working. We have a British Gas Homecare plan but the booking procedure on line is tortuous.
First available time next Monday.
Luckily we still have the immersion heater for the hot water.
OH always get frustrated by the whole thing and then is like a bear with a sore head.
Well I'm probably not going to have a walking ready because I can't sleep as my costcontuis is really playing up and I'm found worrying about what if it's something else(i had both the type of pain and where it seems comd from can berry with that)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

Its horribly dark, cold, wet out there. Where is summer?

My wife seemed a lot more 'together' yesterday, whhich was good to hear.

Today keyboard practice, a walk (if it stops raining), start preparations for a visit to see my wife tomorrow.

Gotta think of something for tea. Hmmmm. No idea right now...

Have great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and a 4.5 on first waking at 4..30 (by the pooch) and a 7 when I actually crawled out of bed at 6.
Normally I get up when the dog awakes ( settled back down last night) but as I had an Evening meeting last night and did not get back until late I do like a little lie in.
Enjoyed last night and had 25 nurses discussing ECGs and cardiology and anaesthesia
There is always an irony in that I take unhealthy things like sweets/ chocolate to any talks we support but I like to try and theme them so a small packet of lovehearts for everyone.
Reminded me if you drive through New Mills you get the smell from the Swizzells factory which I always found nicer than the distinct molasses aroma from say Burton on Trent.
Anyway quiet day today so hope yours is one you enjoy
Wasn't it much easier when you could just ring up to book an appointment. Woke up to no hot water this morning, the boiler appears to be not working. We have a British Gas Homecare plan but the booking procedure on line is tortuous.
First available time next Monday.
Luckily we still have the immersion heater for the hot water.
OH always get frustrated by the whole thing and then is like a bear with a sore head.
Morning LL yes the on line booking is not an easy system and we were given a date 2 months away with a window of 8-1pm.
My wife had to go out at noon for 39 minutes and yes the engineer called and left his card to rebook.That was a much simpler process just ringing and he arranged an appointment the next week and specified a time.
He came and for once did not try and sell us a new boiler and it probably does need replacing but works fine and we like to decide when we will renew.
Good morning, 8.4 - Oops!

Nasty grey cloud cover and brisk breeze of the chilly variety. Managed to get accommodation for family sorted yesterday - now arriving for lunch today.

Think the house they have looked at is a frost - really be better to knock it down and start again. Madness to contemplate with young family and seriously overpriced. Agent indicates they will accept offers but I doubt that will allow for offers of 25% less than asking price. It has been an interesting exercise doing the designs and resulted in a discovery - son-in-law, a geological engineer, has no concept of the importance of kerb appeal nor flow nor impact on aesthetics of outside when changing/adding to internal layout! I can see the temptation of a reasonably sized garden but I think they need to look again at what is on the market - I do not think their buyers are urgently pushing them to move out of current home.

Need to go make a meringue to go with strawberries. Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. 6.9 this wet morn.

Had a great day out yesterday even though much of it was spent waiting for missed trains, late buses and derailments! Missed out connection to Oxenholme by micro seconds, very annoying. Next train 1hr 20 mins later! So we had a cuppa in the teeny tiny cafe and caught up with the craic. Rang restaurant to let them know we would be late, got to Windermere at 1pm, along with the whole world and it’s wife. Queue for bus was massive. Decided to push the boat out and jump in the many waiting taxis. In Ambleside 1.15. Restaurant was lovely, very busy too. Food was delicious, we were all stuffed. Just one bottle of wine imbibed. Left after 3 to catch bus back to Windermere, had hoped to do a wee bit shopping before 17.07 train. We got lost! Found bus stop eventually, bus due 16.03, arrived 16.35! No shopping. Caught 17.07 train. Got to Oxenholme. Derailment at Shap, on the south bound track, but warned it would cause delays going north. It was a bit slow and we had to stop at Penrith for a while as there wasn’t any platforms available in Carlisle for the train to stop at! Got to Carlisle 40 minutes late and it was utter chaos! Learnt later that they stopped all north bound trains from Oxenholme too! I think we may have got the last train going north. No one was hurt, the train involved was a freight train, but the logistics……

Hair appointment this morning and two of our farmer grandchildren coming for a two night all inclusive city break. Giving them a break from lambing! All go.

Have a fabulous day.
A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Woke to 5.4, but within 40 minutes and despite having pre-bolused for breakfast it had bumped up to 6.9 before levelling out. 🙄

Thanks Mr Liver. Would you mind calming down a bit now?
Morning all. 5.9 after an overnight correction. I'm noticing a spike overnight whenever i wake with night sweats (sorry if its TMI). Its not often usually but this last week its been around 3 times. Also, being off work i could do with increasing my basal slightly but only being off for a week, it doesn't seem worth it.

Yesterday i ended up being out most of the day, running errands. Today, the plan is to give the kitchen cupboards a clean and wipe down the walls in the bathroom. Then sort out a load of clothes i can't get into from when i was first diagnosed T1 (i'll never be that size again) to give to chatity or the clothing bank. Busy day. Lets see how far i get as i planned yesterday afternoon to get one thing done but then had to do shopping for mum.

@eggyg the travel yesterday sounds awful!

Have a good day everyone

5.9 today and no work as I was told to go off sick yesterday lumchtime by my manage due to my deteriorating eye sight with the cataracts, she was angry that after 2 1/2 months HR still hadn’t sorted out my private medical insurance, so told me go off sick while she dealt with HR and escalated it, sure enough she text me at to say i should be on the system by today, but has told me to stay home today and tomorrow.

@eggyg - wow what a journey.