Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 8.1 after an undisturbed night but then dropped to 7.1 FOTF. It was 6.7 just before insulin, and 30 minutes before supper, last night then shot straight up I started doubting myself about having taken my insulin. These bizarre responses are wearing!

Very gloomy and overcast despite it being Flaming June tomorrow!
Good morning my fellow Friday folk. A high, for me, 7.3. That’s because @Wendal I had my Friday Crunchie last night! I buy goodies for the grandkids coming and I dip into them. 🙄 Who doesn’t love a Crunchie?

Granddaughters still in bed and I’m hoping that will continue for a while so I can gather my thoughts and gird my loins for the next lot coming later. Luckily the forecast is great, I bought a wee water/sandpit thingie this week and it was well used yesterday by the farmers’ daughters, although Poppy is a tad old for it, I’m sure Zara will dive right in. Also the slide will be much used, a sack like shopping bag has been commandeered to use to make them go faster, Zara calls it a toboggan for reasons only known to her. Swing ball has come out of its retirement from become the shed. All that might keep them entertained for at least 10 minutes before they want fed!

Have a fabulous Friday.


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Back in the 5s this morning with a 5.8 after straying over the border for a couple of days. Weekly BP check 116/69, so OK with that. Sun's shining, so all-in-all a good start to Friday.

Thank you everyone for your 'Happy Birthday' posts - I had more of them than cards.

Really enjoyed our trip to NT Polesden Lacey and despite the forecast it only rained once, and we were in the cafe at the time. Nice long walk through parkland and woodland and the house itself has a fascinating history, so well worth seeing. Missed my usual Thursday swim, of course, so will try and fit that in today, in between the regular Friday Big Shop and a trip out to the garden centre greengrocer.

Enjoy Poet's Day.
@ColinUK this is a great day and I am looking forward to it. My wife is so much better and is allowed out of the hospital unaccompanied to meet me for 2 hours! Significant progress
Morning all. A nice number and the flattest ovetnight line i've had in a very long while.
1717140305754.png Today i need to get some washing done and clean at least the downstairs windows. A friend is coming for lunch and a chat this afternoon then we're off out for a curry tonight with some other friends who we haven't seen for a while. I definitely won't have another overnight line like that tonight, i rarely get curries or chinese food right with the basal.

Have a good day whatever you are doing.
@eggyg you have a lovely garden.
@Gwynn I hope your visit goes ok.
Morning everyone! A 6.5 for me today.

@ColinUK this is a great day and I am looking forward to it. My wife is so much better and is allowed out of the hospital unaccompanied to meet me for 2 hours! Significant progress

Wow! That’s brilliant news @Gwynn - hope your meet-up goes really well, and that this positive progress continues
Morning All - 8.0. We got back home at 11pm last night and hubby left at 6am this morning to go running in Wales for the weekend (South Wales Traverse) - dogs a bit confused (actually they've barely batted an eyelid for the fact that he arrived home last night after 8.5 week away :rofl: I had a lovely time in Norway but very much looking forward to kicking this TIR into gear - I've already done more steps this morning walking round the house and garden than I did in a whole day on the boat. Annoyingly my back has been very niggly for the last week but I really need to get into the garden as it's like a jungle out there. I cannot believe how much its all grown in just 8 days of being away. @Gwynn I hope you have a lovely visit today, that's so lovely. Have a great day everyone xxx
Back in the 5s this morning with a 5.8 after straying over the border for a couple of days. Weekly BP check 116/69, so OK with that. Sun's shining, so all-in-all a good start to Friday.

Thank you everyone for your 'Happy Birthday' posts - I had more of them than cards.

Really enjoyed our trip to NT Polesden Lacey and despite the forecast it only rained once, and we were in the cafe at the time. Nice long walk through parkland and woodland and the house itself has a fascinating history, so well worth seeing. Missed my usual Thursday swim, of course, so will try and fit that in today, in between the regular Friday Big Shop and a trip out to the garden centre greengrocer.

Enjoy Poet's Day.
I went to an open air production of Midsummer Nights Dream at Polesden Lacey 50 years ago, it was a brilliant setting for that play. OMG was it really that long ago.
@ColinUK this is a great day and I am looking forward to it. My wife is so much better and is allowed out of the hospital unaccompanied to meet me for 2 hours! Significant progress
That’s fantastic news!!
Retinopathy check done. No eye drops and no battle to insist on not having them either!
Morning all

I'm pleased with a 5.5 on this very windy grey morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Retinopathy check done. No eye drops and no battle to insist on not having them either!

Wahoo! What’s your secret? Mine are always very determined with the screening programme checks, even though Specsavers are never bothered in the least!
morning all 4.1 last call finger prick sensors been a bit out the last 24 hours, I was in the mid low 4s all yesterday
didn't do anything different, we had a meal out planned but BS dropped to 3 again finger prick sensor was reading 4.6
but i felt so ill very quickly anyway had 3 JBs no change after 20 mins so had 200 ml of orange juice, BS went up a little it, then we had our meal out, I had blade of beef mash and veg and even had lemon curd cheese cake with cream, 2 hours later finger prick was 3.3 to cut a long story short, i had 3 JBs 15 mins no change 2 digestive biscuits, no change it dropped to 2.9 i dont think ive ever felt so ill dizzy couldn't see etc had another 3 JBs think i had one more lot after that it jut wasn't moving so at 1.30 am hubby suggested i had toast bread being the key i have one and a half slices couldn't stomach any more, I had a terrible night kept waking up feeling hot and dizzy, i took 3 hours for BS to come up didn't check finger prick as i was so shattered, hubby checked sensor which said 12.2 then came down gradually to 4.1 i dont understand what happened and why it didnt come up much at all, feel shattered right now.
Morning all- at present it's sunny, though there are clouds around. Yesterday afternoon after my cataract op the sky was completely clear driving home with bright sunlight! S*d's law!

A horrible 9.8 this morning, but hardly surprising after the op yesterday. After dinner of steak, a few chips, broccoli and sugar snaps cooked by Julian I rose to 15. This morning I had an ache around my eye socket, but I've taken some paracetamol which has eased it. Oddly, with my glasses ON this morning I have perfect clear vision in my left eye which was the one operated on, but my right eye is quite blurry. We shall see how it pans out! I am expected to still be a bit blurry in the left today, so perhaps that's why the glasses are working well.

Not doing much today. Have a roast in the bag garlic and herb chicken for tonight and all veggies prepared, so minimum effort.

@eggyg what a beautiful garden!

@Gwynn fabulous news!

@Elenka_HM the book sounds like the plot of a Mills and Boon. Many years ago I wrote two of them. They were not accepted although the rejection said "fluently written and you describe the scenes beautifully, but they lack the sexual tension we require". No wonder, I was writing behind reception in our hotel in between answering guests questions on "how to get to St Michael's Mount and how much does it cost" etc etc. It was a bit hard to keep sexual tension up! LOL!

Hugs to the rest of you. Have a good day.
morning all 4.1 last call finger prick sensors been a bit out the last 24 hours, I was in the mid low 4s all yesterday
didn't do anything different, we had a meal out planned but BS dropped to 3 again finger prick sensor was reading 4.6
but i felt so ill very quickly anyway had 3 JBs no change after 20 mins so had 200 ml of orange juice, BS went up a little it, then we had our meal out, I had blade of beef mash and veg and even had lemon curd cheese cake with cream, 2 hours later finger prick was 3.3 to cut a long story short, i had 3 JBs 15 mins no change 2 digestive biscuits, no change it dropped to 2.9 i dont think ive ever felt so ill dizzy couldn't see etc had another 3 JBs think i had one more lot after that it jut wasn't moving so at 1.30 am hubby suggested i had toast bread being the key i have one and a half slices couldn't stomach any more, I had a terrible night kept waking up feeling hot and dizzy, i took 3 hours for BS to come up didn't check finger prick as i was so shattered, hubby checked sensor which said 12.2 then came down gradually to 4.1 i dont understand what happened and why it didnt come up much at all, feel shattered right now.
Pam, it sounds like you need to decrease your basal a fair bit. I can't recall if you are on just basal, or also bolus. Do a basal test. As the weather warms up a lot of people need less insulin. It's normal to tweak it several times a year.