morning all 4.1 last call finger prick sensors been a bit out the last 24 hours, I was in the mid low 4s all yesterday
didn't do anything different, we had a meal out planned but BS dropped to 3 again finger prick sensor was reading 4.6
but i felt so ill very quickly anyway had 3 JBs no change after 20 mins so had 200 ml of orange juice, BS went up a little it, then we had our meal out, I had blade of beef mash and veg and even had lemon curd cheese cake with cream, 2 hours later finger prick was 3.3 to cut a long story short, i had 3 JBs 15 mins no change 2 digestive biscuits, no change it dropped to 2.9 i dont think ive ever felt so ill dizzy couldn't see etc had another 3 JBs think i had one more lot after that it jut wasn't moving so at 1.30 am hubby suggested i had toast bread being the key i have one and a half slices couldn't stomach any more, I had a terrible night kept waking up feeling hot and dizzy, i took 3 hours for BS to come up didn't check finger prick as i was so shattered, hubby checked sensor which said 12.2 then came down gradually to 4.1 i dont understand what happened and why it didnt come up much at all, feel shattered right now.