Group 7-day waking average?

White Rabbits and a 5.5 from me. 🙂

White rabbits! White rabbits! White rabbits! :D


A highly DP-influenced 9.2 for me today 😱 🙂 I will have to start taking a reading before I wake up at this rate if I want to see anything decent! 😱 At least with the Libre I know that's not how I spent most of the night 🙂
And it's a 'white robots' from me...

Good morning 5.9 today

looks like I’ve got lots of pages of posts to catch up on
was off work (on a weeks holiday last week) we didn’t go away
but a few jobs done at home but mostly we were resting and relaxing

The back garden is coming on
I have 3 ton of gravel arriving on Monday
so still more to do.

Have a super Saturday everyone 😎

I seriously do not understand the mentality of some small business people who would rather lose the sales rather than reduce profits. Where I used to live there were two menswear shops. One took Amex and the other did not. The one who did said he did not understand the mentality of the other one being willing to lose business to him over a small percentage difference charge from the credit card number. Anyway when he retired the other one decided he still would not take Amex. A few years later he.decided to go online only so he didn't have to pay someone to cover one day a week and his summer holiday as if was closed there were 3 x M&S, 2 x Debenhams and a John Lewis with 10 miles. So his thinking was a mix of logical and illogical. His sales fell so he decided to open a pop-up shop three or four times a year . Then Covid struck and his business went down the pan. I suspect he might have survived if he had had more respect for his customers. Too many independent cafes and restaurants failed over the years because of their owners attitudes! :(
@MikeyBikey - ! have run a small retail business and I wish it were as simple as that. Many will not take Amex because they were an expensive pain to deal with. The costs come straight out of your margin and the margins in the trade I was in would not take it.😉

PS actually got a 6 this morning.

PPS @Gwynn Things will get better but don't try and rush. Important to focus on, and reinforce, the progress with your wife and put the downs to the back of your mind. Someone once suggested to me the analogy of the tide coming in. The water comes and goes but overall the movement is in one direction and that is the thing to concentrate on.
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07:16 BS 5.8. Nice to get back to 5s yesterday & today! 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Was poorly for about 10 days or so after my last post on here with an ear infection in both ears & had a bit of a chesty cough too so, mainly stayed in bed & slept a lot during the day as well as the night: wasn’t awake for long; but, couldn’t sleep for long either. 🙄

Was on Otomize antibiotic ear spray for 8 days & my ears have been clear & free of the underwater feeling for a couple of days now but, VERY itchy & trying NOT to stick my fingers in for a scratch! BS was erratic & swinging up & down a bit but, settling down nicely now the infection has passed. Still got a teeny bit of an intermittent cough but, dry rather than chesty. Starting to sleep less often & more awake during the day & have a bit more energy. Was scanning a lot & trying not to use too much NR as I was caught out a few times in the high 3s while I was on the Otomize spray! 😱

I saw the ads for The Shingles vaccine & have asked on the online prescription form if I could have it: 50+ for people with compromised immunity; technically NOT me, I suppose but, did point out I have a history of Bells Palsy & can’t take the steroids used to treat that anymore because of hallucinations. Also, prone to a lot of ear infections which may be related to the Herpes virus that causes Shingles & Bells Palsy? I’m hoping that I CAN have the vaccine as I DID ask about it before way back in 2017 after the last time I had the steroids for a bout of Bells Palsy & had to come off them early. Was told then that it was only for 75+ but, the latest ads have now widened the criteria for the vaccine! Maybe even help to cut down the ear infections I get? :confused:
A 7.2 for me and good to see the pictures of White Rabbits/ Robots
Nice quiet normal w/ end planned and had Pizza last night.
We have a Day of Dance in Town and my wife is making/ baking Cakes/Welsh cakes to take down to local Church Hall to raise money for charity.
She said she finds it very therapeutic to bake them and I said I find it very therapeutic to eat them purely I the interests of science and enjoyed “Bakers Privilege ” even if I played no part.
Sun is out and again all looks good in Wendal world and hope your w/ end goes well
Think MicroSoft have the weather contact as it started with patches of blue and sunshine. Now it si all "greyed out". Who is not paying their Sunshine 365 Licence? :rofl:
Has anyone tried turning the weather off and on again?
07:16 BS 5.8. Nice to get back to 5s yesterday & today! 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Was poorly for about 10 days or so after my last post on here with an ear infection in both ears & had a bit of a chesty cough too so, mainly stayed in bed & slept a lot during the day as well as the night: wasn’t awake for long; but, couldn’t sleep for long either. 🙄

Was on Otomize antibiotic ear spray for 8 days & my ears have been clear & free of the underwater feeling for a couple of days now but, VERY itchy & trying NOT to stick my fingers in for a scratch! BS was erratic & swinging up & down a bit but, settling down nicely now the infection has passed. Still got a teeny bit of an intermittent cough but, dry rather than chesty. Starting to sleep less often & more awake during the day & have a bit more energy. Was scanning a lot & trying not to use too much NR as I was caught out a few times in the high 3s while I was on the Otomize spray! 😱

I saw the ads for The Shingles vaccine & have asked on the online prescription form if I could have it: 50+ for people with compromised immunity; technically NOT me, I suppose but, did point out I have a history of Bells Palsy & can’t take the steroids used to treat that anymore because of hallucinations. Also, prone to a lot of ear infections which may be related to the Herpes virus that causes Shingles & Bells Palsy? I’m hoping that I CAN have the vaccine as I DID ask about it before way back in 2017 after the last time I had the steroids for a bout of Bells Palsy & had to come off them early. Was told then that it was only for 75+ but, the latest ads have now widened the criteria for the vaccine! Maybe even help to cut down the ear infections I get? :confused:
Hi Lanny,
I hope you manage to get your Vaccine.I have had Shingles a couple of times and know the residual Herpes virus ( after initial Chickenpox) causes it but did not realise there was a possible link with Bells Palsy.
One of my old work colleagues had an episode of BP and I thought he handled the situation very well as know it can be a traumatic experience so you do have my best wishes.
5.6 this morning and by the look of the graph I was in the red sand for a while overnight. That explains the headache I woke up with.

Off to visit friends today to set up their surround sound system, so taking a bag full of cables but undoubtedly will not have the right ones and need to go out and buy something. Should be a good day and will hopefully take my mind off the hospital appointment on Monday.

Have a good Saturday everyone!
Hi Lanny,
I hope you manage to get your Vaccine.I have had Shingles a couple of times and know the residual Herpes virus ( after initial Chickenpox) causes it but did not realise there was a possible link with Bells Palsy.
One of my old work colleagues had an episode of BP and I thought he handled the situation very well as know it can be a traumatic experience so you do have my best wishes.
Oh yes! If you get the infection in your neck where the opening for the facial nerves are it goes up behind your ears & if you have a narrow head there’s not much room for swelling so, it presses your facial nerves against the skull & that’s what causes Bell’s palsy!
Morning all. The curry we went out for last night was lovely and i thought i'd managed it well as i was in target still 5 hours later. I had a unit before i went to bed as i knew it would start to creep up. Sure enough, just after getting into bed the high alarm went off. Smugly i thought i've dealt with it, turned it off and went to sleep. Around 6am i woke and checked, i've been around 13-14 and was still 13.6. I corrected and went back to sleep. Woke again to a 3.3!!

I need to give the house a dust round today and get the ironing done. The weather forecasts a light breeze but the trees in the garden are blowing around a lot. Ah well, the washing will dry quickly. Its cloudy and cool though. I hope it warms up a bit.

Have a good day everyone.
Has anyone tried turning the weather off and on again?
I’ve checked and it’s my turn to run the Jewish Space Laser Weather Control System this afternoon between 13:01 and 13:09 so here comes summer!
I’ve checked and it’s my turn to run the Jewish Space Laser Weather Control System this afternoon between 13:01 and 13:09 so here comes summer!
You must have a great equivalent up in Scotland as that is their normal sunshine ration for the year.
But this year has seen the Highlands see some great weather ( see Eggy pics) and not sure what effect this has had on the midge population which is normally a problem this time of year.
Morning all - what a glorious day - though the trees are blowing around a bit so there might be a cold wind. Haven't been outside yet.

4.3 this morning - there's no pattern to my morning and overnight BGs which is frustrating.

Am still seeing well with the left eye with my specs on, which is the one operated on. Julian took the left lense out of my glasses this morning. Unfortunately the eye was not so good and I couldn't read at all because I need the reading bit of the varifocal. He put it back almost immediately.

Going to an 80th birthday party at the local sailing club this afternoon. I gather there is a buffet and possibly a group performing. Shall I wear a dress? Not worn a dress since my friend's wedding 2 years ago June, but it might make up for no make up..... or it won't, who am I kidding?

Good to see some of our missing members back posting again. Sorry to hear @Lanny has been ill and wishing her a good recovery.

@Gwynn it's going to be 2 steps forward and one step back with your wife, but it's generally going in the right direction, so chin up! Can't someone from the church give you a lift with your keyboard?

Have a good day all