Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and a 6 for me.
Must admit I tend just to eat what I want and when I want rather than at particular levels before eating and react accordingly.After a very heavy carb chippy tea I went very high before bed and had to take a 3u correction which brought it down nicely overnight.
I did go a bit mad on the Welsh cakes and the Tea was to celebrate my wife winning the best cake competition (Raspberry and Lemon) and £50.
I did not realise there was a competition and thought it was just to provide food for the Morris Dancers etc at the Day of Dance.
I dropped her off at 11am and 6 hours later she came back home( apparently there were 120 people to feed so they asked her to lend a hand in prepare the food and she said they seemed quite disorganised for the task in hand.But all turned out well in the end but she was out in her feet.
So I had a home alone day with the dogs so we will get in garden today and lunch out so have a good day all and weather is glorious.
Morning all. 3.6!

I'm taking my sister in law to see her husband in his care home today. He has dementia, so sad to see, he doesn't know us any more. Then i'm home to laze about in the sunshine with my book. It doesn't feel like i've had a week off as i've been trying to get some of the bigger jobs done around the house that i don't get time for in the week and i've been with mum a lot. Its upsetting to see her once so strong now so frail.
Midges. Everything that flies eats me. The highlands midges can turn me into a simulacrum of a raw hamburger in seconds. Horse flies and mosquitos apparently call their friends while lunching...Found something called Mosi-guard insect repellent last year. Works a treat. Claims to be all natural ingredients - I give no guarantee that it is but it certainly discourages the little swine.
Horse flies are a killer. I’ve still got the scar from been bitten whilst in the Lake District in 2021. Right on the back of my calf. Horrible things! I’ll look out for that Tina before I venture into any Cumbrian forests this summer.
Horse flies are a killer. I’ve still got the scar from been bitten whilst in the Lake District in 2021. Right on the back of my calf. Horrible things! I’ll look out for that Tina before I venture into any Cumbrian forests this summer.
At least we don't have putsi flies which you get in Africa which lay their eggs on your clothing which if they are not ironed the larvae burrow under the skin where they grow. My OH said they were very unpleasant, he used to live in Rhodesia.
GoodMorning 7.2 today

Yesterday my blood sugars were all over the place
including a bit low in the early hours
so I didn’t really know what to expect to wake up to

Looks like a Sunny Sunday here 😎
At least we don't have putsi flies which you get in Africa which lay their eggs on your clothing which if they are not ironed the larvae burrow under the skin where they grow. My OH said they were very unpleasant, he used to live in Rhodesia.
LL sound very unpleasant.
Mention of Rhodesia triggered my memory of when we kept Rhodesian Ridgebacks ( we had several and loved the breed) but always hungry and we have lots of stories of them stealing food from work surfaces.
We now have daschunds so their short legs mean we can leave food anywhere lol
Morning all - superb weather again today. Better make the most of it, since the rest of the week looks grim! Think I'll sit in the garden with my kindle.

9.3 again. I really must adjust my overnight basal. Was put off doing it by the 4.3 the other day. Or maybe just do a correction before bed if I'm too high. Or start eating dinner earlier rather than at 8.30.

The 80th birthday party yesterday was absolutely fab. It was held at the Sailing club in Marazion, which is right opposite St Michael's Mount and has a lovely terrace with spectacular views of the Mount and the sea. The sun shone, we sat on the terrace with a group of friends and had a good laugh. The Birthday girl looked lovely in a long lace dress. There was a scrummy buffet with far too much yummy sweet stuff and an Elvis impersonator who looked nothing like Elvis, but had a good voice and sang all the hits that were popular in my teens. Just a great afternoon.

It's funny that when I was flying and going regularly to mossie infested countries I rarely got bitten. I do think that I probably did get bitten, but rather I didn't react to the bites because I became used to them and didn't react, so didn't get itchy red lumps. During lockdown we were given a NT membership and though you could go round the gardens you couldn't do the houses. We went to Godolphin house and started climbing the hill from the top of which you can see both coasts of Cornwall. We never got to see that as we were attacked by a swarm of horse flies and fled back down. Julian's whole arm swelled and was most painful. I got a couple of little itchy bumps. @Leadinglights those putsi flies give me the shudders!

Have a good day all!
Morning all

Just for a change, it's brilliant sunshine, clear blue sky and warm as well - Magic.

Anyway, it was a 5.7 for me earlier this morning, enjoy your day folks.
At least we don't have putsi flies which you get in Africa which lay their eggs on your clothing which if they are not ironed the larvae burrow under the skin where they grow. My OH said they were very unpleasant, he used to live in Rhodesia.
Then they hatch and crawl out in public...husband, old Africa hand, horrified a Yorkshire pub. Very yuck.
morning all its a 5.3 for me, I had home made Lasagna for the first time since i was diagnosed almost a year ago, how time flies, its something i have to really fancy as I am not a big pasta lover, I expected a rise but nothing went up by just one after 2 hours, so thats rice chocolate and Pasta i can tolerate but not bread or pastry. looking forward to our meal out this evening, going to venture out in one of my new dresses since loosing all the weight, hope everyone has a lovely day
Late on parade today as we have not long been back home after our night away. My wife's cousin's 60th birthday garden party yesterday was well-attended and they even had live music, but the weather wasn't kind - overcast, grey and a little cool but, thankfully, dry. Paid the price for nibbling away at various party food offerings, and a late sandwich, with a 6.1 this morning.

We came back via NT Stowe as planned and went for a long walk through woodland and around small lakes and the weather was wall-to-wall blue sky and lots of sunshine. Could have done with some of that yesterday. Called in at a second NT place, Waddesdon Manor, which was on our route. Didn't walk the grounds but had a tour of the manor itself. We were there just before Xmas for their Xmas Market and light show when it was a good deal colder than it was today and, of course, dark.

Had dinner so it's time to relax with a coffee and the Sunday paper. Normal routine kicks in tomorrow.
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4.4 for me today. It's been a gloriously sunny, warm day. A little breezy but warm with it so definitely T-shirts today.
Church after 6 pm, followed by cake and coffee with I joined in, to my cost, for the first time. I don't think I'll repeat the cake again in the future.
Good morning 🙂 9.7 for me today, but not really as the sensor is reading 3 mmol/l above a finger prick. Debating whether to replace it. Obviously, it doesn't affect my HbA1c and it's consistently high, so still usable, but I wince when I see those numbers! 😱
Good morning - 5.3

10 exams left, so I’ve done more than half!

@Northerner is that not worth phoning for a replacement because that is reading quite off?

Have a great day everyone!
A 6.7 for me and such a sad day to hear about Rob Burrow losing his magnificent fight against MND and he is someone who touched so many lives outside of his sport and West Yorkshire.
He was truly inspirational and a reminder of the importance of living our best life and loving those closest to us as we owe them so much.RIP Rob x
Good morning - 5.3

10 exams left, so I’ve done more than half!

@Northerner is that not worth phoning for a replacement because that is reading quite off?

Have a great day everyone!

Exams. I remember exams. So much stress and effort. Thankfully, under stress (and when I was younger) I have a photographic memory. That served me well for getting through it all.

I hope yours are going well.
Good morning everyone. Up early at 5am. Cloudy, darkish, but a pleasant cool breeze.

Did some tidying and decided at 6am to teak oil the wooden garden gate!! But I only had enough to do one side! Doh!

Amazingly a 5.2 again.

Today, rest, put my keyboard back up again (downstairs), rest, walk, rest, rest, rest.

I have to say that yesterday at the church it all went really well thank goodness.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing