Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, a happy 5.6 for me on yet another grey and blustery day.

Must get on now, got to start cutting my 40' of privet hedge and that's going to take two days
at least - at least it's not rained for a while so it should be dry.

Have a good Saturday folks and stay safe.
Good morning! Rabbits!

Think MicroSoft have the weather contact as it started with patches of blue and sunshine. Now it si all "greyed out". Who is not paying their Sunshine 365 Licence? :rofl:

Opps, I don't know if @ColinUK is to blame but the greyed out weather has crashed and it is raining heavily! Quite chilly too!

Realise I forgot my BG earlier. Went the opposite way to expected overnight and woke to 12.2! :(
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You must have a great equivalent up in Scotland as that is their normal sunshine ration for the year.
But this year has seen the Highlands see some great weather ( see Eggy pics) and not sure what effect this has had on the midge population which is normally a problem this time of year.
That’s exactly why we don’t do Scotland after mid May! The midgies raised their ugly heads the day before we left! I’m an all inclusive buffet for them and mozzies when we’re abroad.
That’s exactly why we don’t do Scotland after mid May! The midgies raised their ugly heads the day before we left! I’m an all inclusive buffet for them and mozzies when we’re abroad.
Have you tried using Skin So Soft from Avon? I'm lucky as I don't seem to attract mossies much but Julian does. We both use Skin So Soft when we go to Corfu, where mossies are rife.... and it really does keep them at bay. Apparently the British army issue it to their soldiers who are going to places where mossies abound.
Morning all. 7.4 this morning. Glorious sunshine streaming in through the windows and the heating’s turned itself on as it’s a lowly 10 degrees apparently. Forecast is for 23 by mid afternoon which is only 5 degrees above the seasonal average.
Here’s the forecast for the rest of the week:
Morning all.6.9. Don’t know why I’ve been so high, for me, on a morning for quite a while now. No Crunchies or newly baked crusts of bread were consumed last night! My meter agrees too, unfortunately. The problem is, I’m very insulin resistant on a morning and especially when I’m over 7 and it can take up to 1.5 hours to get down to under 6 which is my preferred number to eat on. I’m so hungry by then I could chew my own arm off! Maybe a slight basal tweak ( half a unit) before bed. :confused:

The grandchildren have left the building! They’d all departed by 4.30 yesterday. Phew! To be fair to them, they’ve been a joy. The weather since the first two arrived on Thursday until their parents picked all three of them up yesterday, has been wondeful and we’ve spent the entire time outdoors, including eating our lunch. Only in the house for breakfast and tea, and bed and baths of course. Lots of Factor 50 has been used and we all huddled under the dappled shade of the grape vine from time to time. We tidied the garden after they went, but the bedrooms are getting sorted today, then collapsed in a heap. Tea, Dr Who and Rebus ( on IPlayer) and bed at 9.30! No wonder I’ve been awake since 5.30. Another beautiful day today, the last for a while I fear, so catching up with the weeding I think. Or we may just put the parasol up and get the loungers out, we certainly haven’t had much time to lounge this week!

@PattiEvans yes, I’ve tried Skin So Soft and all the usual remedies, even going so far taking Vitamin B1 tablets for a month before travelling. It’s got worse since I had my spleen removed, I’ve always been bitten but now they almost all get infected and I have to have antibiotics. And the itching! 😱We’re going to Maderia in October and I’m already worrying!

@Robin it looks gorgeous, I’m jealous and want to go back to Scotland. Which area are you staying in? Glad the weather is good for you, it makes such a difference.

Have a great day all.
5.3 after a long day in Birmingham. Got the train over to browse a few shops, had naughty five guys and then saw Yes in concert.
Good morning. 5.4

Beautiful morning here with a forecast for sun all day.

Spent yesterday topping paddocks - have a plague of buttercup. Nick was great - replacing belts twice - a tedious job - as well as starting the brute after a winter of idleness. Not sure if it was gremlins or the local mechanics incompetence when he serviced it last year but after Nick's good efforts it ran as a Honda engine should. In between heaving on spanners he barbequed and, once I was cutting happily, took the boys to the seaside. They are both coming on - Bengie can now hold a conversation and Rowan is, as ever, a bright spark if somewhat eccentric, which fits in well with the rest of us, and, boy, is he an athlete.

Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.
A 5.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! Woke to 9.3 with nasty 2:00am spike. FOTF 8.1 but has crept back to 9.4.

Back to podiatry early tomorrow. These weekly appointments can be anything from 4 to 11 days apart which is not ideal.

Broken cloud with sunshine but rain forecast for Monday and Tuesday.
Morning All - 8.9 this morning. If I complain about my back don't listen to me as I did 8 hours of gardening (weeding) yesterday. Managed at last to plant out my courgettes & runner beans that I've grown from seed (first time and very exciting for me) and really sorted my veg bed so it looks all pretty too with Nepeta and Cosmos. Learnt how to use our strimmer so that's another string to my bow. Hubby back later and then I'm going to give him a loooong list of jobs that I've been saving up while he's been away (although to be fair to myself, having discovered handy YouTube videos I've been able to do most of it myself!). Gorgeous morning here so far. My Mum's coming over this afternoon to have a wander round. Just about to go back to bed with a cup of tea although I doubt I'll manage to go back to sleep. (Dogs barking at 6.15am have made me feel tired). I can also confirm that the old wives tale that midges don't like people who eat marmite is exactly that - I eat it every single day and they don't bat an eyelid when they're coming in for the kill. @eggyg you'll be pleased to hear that because our cottage is near the sea in Harris there's generally a breeze to keep them away 🙂 but @PattiEvans I find if I use enough Avon Skin So Soft they drown on me rather than it stopping them:rofl: Have a lovely day everyone.
Good morning everyone

Mee too @MeeTooTeeTo BG 5.1

Had to go to the church early (6am) this morning to get my music sheets as they need correcting and I forgot to bring them home after the practice last night. Doh!!

My wife sounds a bit better this morning thank goodness.

Today church, walk, food

I cannot work out what to have for tea tonight!!!

Have a great sunny day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. A 10. 7 and <eh? emoji> for me.

Lots to do today but I’ll give any heavy weeding a miss - don’t want a repeat of yesterday evening’s hay fever, achooooo! I’ve bought myself a growing table (I think that’s what you call ‘em) for salad leaves, chives and radishes. But the neighbourhood cats use any stretches of soil as their own private toilet, so I splashed out on the frame/cover too to keep the meowing crappers OFF!! my salad veg. Soooo, I’ll put the whole lot together today, and sow my seeds...exciting times!

Yes @harbottle in concert, wow, I saw them at the NEC 40 years ago. Were they any good?
Morning all, 4.3 here, but no dip into the red overnight, which is odd fo me. Did do a couple of walks yesterday, but nothing too strenuous, one was up and down hill, but only 3 miles, and one was a couple of miles on a canal towpath.
That’s Ben Nevis in the photo, @eggyg and taken from the towpath on the Caledonian Canal, which is a 10 minute walk from the cottage. This was the view from the cottage last night. (I say cottage, it’s actually a granny annexe. Granny is no longer in residence, I haven’t enquired….). Ben Nevis doing its best Uluru impression. This morning is grey and misty with a forecast of drizzle to come, so I think a walk up the Great Glen footpath by the canal is on the cards for today, rather than anything involving altitude.
Midges. Everything that flies eats me. The highlands midges can turn me into a simulacrum of a raw hamburger in seconds. Horse flies and mosquitos apparently call their friends while lunching...Found something called Mosi-guard insect repellent last year. Works a treat. Claims to be all natural ingredients - I give no guarantee that it is but it certainly discourages the little swine.

5.6 and feeling like I have a cold coming. Another lazy day, but finally the sun is shining.

I am another one that gets eaten alive by midges etc.

Have a nice Sunday everyone.
5.4 this morning after having to treat an overnight hypo of 3.1.

Looks like it will be a sunny day here today which will make a change. Of the three blue tit chicks left we lost one yesterday and this morning it looks like one of the pair left is not moving and possibly dead. That just leaves one out of the 8 eggs.:(

Have a good day everyone!