Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning/moaning! Woke to 8.4 but FOTF took it to 10.5 when it went the opposite way yesterday! Sure it is the Doxycycline! :(

Early doors podiatry today. This weekly dressing can be anything from 4 - 11 days apart. Not ideal me thinks!

Blue skies and sunny when I woke but now a streaky sky with some very dark streaks!

An oh so near oh so far 5.3 for me today, not too much planned as still off sick from work for a couple more days.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS

@Lily123 - good luck with the rest of your exams.
Morning all - 8.9 this morning. I'm surprised it wasn't higher as annoyingly some friends gave us some Swiss chocolates in a beautiful tin and whilst up until yesterday I hadn't had one last night I scoffed about 8 before bed - I've told my husband I give him permission to hide them away. Walking Netball at lunchtime - hoping enough people turn up so that I don't have to actually play because want to guard my back a bit before seeing a new physical therapist tomorrow ... I'm off on a walking netball coaching course on Saturday down in Manchester which will be good and means that I can host a session on my own if the main coach can't be there - I really need to brush up on the rules as still get muddled up when put on the spot by the participants and they ask me where certain people can go on the court - particularly muddling is GK, GD, GS & GA but I think I'm getting better (GK & GD inside semi circle and up to first red line, GS & GA in semi circle and in two thirds of court - don't worry, I'm not expecting any of you to take part in this, I'm just thinking out loud!). Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning 7.3 which is better then it has been. Yesterday was getting very breathless(still do seem to be it kind of comes and goes) thought it was a an asthma attack at frist(there were people around me) the inhaler didn't seem to help and I was still experiencing things and few hours latter so eventually contacted 111 and they booked an appointment at the walk in centre and they said "go home relex and if doesn't get better in about an hour or so go to hospital") so a couple of hours later I took myself to a and e(well I was sent to the blue urgent trement centre) they didn't do anything different to the walk in centre apart from take an ECG. Didn't think it was the astma They though perhaps it costoscronitys related. I did also start feeling genullly unwell while I was there. I do have tooth problem at the moment so I wonder if that could be playing in to things I know that sounds silly but the boddys wired sometimes
Good morning woke up to 9.2 today
but on testing just before breakfast dropped to a slightly more respectable 8.1

back to work today for both my wife and me,
after a week off work we didn’t go away but cracked on with landscaping the back garden
It’s been a lot of hard work ( mostly for Mrs G) but she appreciated my supervision
the result will be a low maintenance garden, for us both to enjoy 🙂

DMO clinic appointment later on this afternoon see how that goes
I might be getting a different treatment (depending hat they see when they do the scans)
plus a diabetic nurse, who phoned me just over a week ago has suggested a alternative to Trulicity might now be available, if the DMO clinic are happy she said, which apparently Mounjaro another GPP-1 is available as an alternative to Trulicity, will see how that goes.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

Happy Monday 😎
Morning all, 5.3 here, and the sun has come back.
I haven’t played netball since school, @zippyjojo , but isn’t it paired opposites? GS and GK just in the semicircle and one third, GA and GD in the semi and in two thirds? I used to remember it by thinking the words Shooter and Keeper were words that sounded very focussed on getting/stopping goals, so stayed close to the goal, and Attack and Defender were more nebulous terms, so they were allowed to roam further away from the goal.
Morning all. A nice 5.5, the extra half unit of basal last night did the trick or was it the three hours of weed pulling yesterday? My back/hip/pelvis is niggling on the left, that’s my “bad” side and I’m limping slightly today. Ironically enough I did have an osteopath appointment this morning but I cancelled last week as I felt fine! I’m sure I’ll be fine in a day or two.

Mr Eggy picking up his new reading glasses today and then we’re going to middle daughter’s to take her birthday present as she turns 37 tomorrow but she’s working. Then a trip to B&Q for some cement as Mr Eggy has started Phase 2 of the garden makeover, last year was the green house, this year is a summer house/sun room/ maybe just a covered area, it’s a work in progress but the ground works need done. I’m going to look for a lavender bush as our’s departed last year and I finally pulled it out yesterday. It was quite old and was easy to pull out, now I have a glaring gap in my border and need to fill it before the weeds got hold of it!

Just as I was writing this looking out over the garden Mrs Woody appeared on the feeder which is literally a metre from the patio doors. Luckily my phone was in my hand. She was there for ages. Beautiful and a joy to watch.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.
@Lily123 good luck fo the rest of exams, I’m sure you’ll smash them.
@zippyjojo do not try and recruit me for your walking netball, I was rubbish at school and I don’t suit a tabard! :rofl:

Have a Happy Monday.


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Good morning. 5.9

A somewhat cooler day than yesterday. I think we are planting oak trees today. I have grown them on in pots so they should be fine. Me less so as I shall have to strim the area first.

The paddocks look like a bowling green after the topping. Looking across the valley to a neighbour's field yellow with buttercup I feel quite smug. Amazed that the children thought driving round and round, very, very slowly was marvellously amusing. So much so that on return from the seaside 3 year old Bengie threatened tears if he wasn't allowed another go in the "tractor". A slight misnomer for the elderly 4x4 with which I tow the topper.

Made a pear frangipane for pud last night, went down a treat, and, what was even better, I managed to resist it.

Hope everyone has a good day.
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all.

Off to the gym.

Before I go though I mentioned I’m doing research on dad’s mum’s family tree… we had two postcards that were sent to grandma and were written in Yiddish. They were seemingly indecipherable by esteemed Yiddish scholars as well as AI that’s designed to decipher handwritten Yiddish. Well I posted them on a Facebook forum and three translators have collaborated and translated them.
Now it turns out that they might have been written to my grandmother by her grandmother! We now have a location went she was living, potentially the name of her husband and of other children we didn’t know about before.

The postcards mean so much more when you can understand them. You can feel the poverty and the love.

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Morning BG seems to be suffering from being away over the weekend and not being able to stick to my normal diet, plus it being my birthday a few days ago and there being some sweet treats still around - 6.4 today. Shades of the fallout from the festive season so time to get back on track. I need a good week as we're away again this coming weekend, although it is self-catering so that helps.

Saturday's usually a washday, Sunday's usually towel change day, neither happened so some catching up to do. Sun's trying to break through so hopefully a good day for getting everything out on the line.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS

@Lily123 - hope the rest of the exams go well and that your results, when you get them, are good

Have a good start to the week, all.
Good morning all. A 7.2 this morning for me, no doubt due to some stress of today’s hospital appointment.

I’m now sat in my hospital room, recording how much I’m drinking and keeping my fingers crossed everything works ok! Wish me luck!

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS!

@Lily123 - good luck with your exams!

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning all. A 7.2 this morning for me, no doubt due to some stress of today’s hospital appointment.

I’m now sat in my hospital room, recording how much I’m drinking and keeping my fingers crossed everything works ok! Wish me luck!

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS!

@Lily123 - good luck with your exams!

Have a good day everyone.
Good luck.
Good morning/moaning! Woke to 8.4 but FOTF took it to 10.5 when it went the opposite way yesterday! Sure it is the Doxycycline! :(

Early doors podiatry today. This weekly dressing can be anything from 4 - 11 days apart. Not ideal me thinks!

Blue skies and sunny when I woke but now a streaky sky with some very dark streaks!

Really bizzare as shot to 13.9 as I was having a wash!

Was sneezing badly as the oil seed rape season has really kicked in. Never had hay fever before this awful stuff was introduced into the country. As a protest I avoid any product with it as an ingredient!

Waiting for podiatry.. .