Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. 5.4 on this soggy Tuesday. I’m not surprised it’s raining, it rains every June 4th, it’s our middle daughter’s birthday. I can hardly remember a totally dry June 4th, sometimes we’ve been teased by a dry start, only to be soaked to the skin when firing up the BBQ. Luckily, she’s at work today so it doesn’t matter. We visited yesterday to deliver her birthday present, a garden parasol, ever the optimist! 😉

Picked my prescription up yesterday, and for the first time ever I wasn’t given any Creon. Even when others on here, and the Type 3c FB page have had problems, my pharmacy has always managed to source some, but my good luck has finally ran out. They have some 10k, most of us use 25k, but I have to contact my GP to have my prescription changed as 10 doesn’t divide into
25 equally! Nuts! I had to do the same years ago when they stopped making the 40k and we could only get 25k. Then when it all gets sorted, hopefully, I’ll have to get it changed again. Of course it seems a simple solution but we all know the problems we have getting in touch with someone at our GP surgeries. But I’ll pull up my big girl’s pants and gird my loins and just do it today, unless of course I lose track of time and it's too late, and I’ll have to try tomorrow, but I’m going out tomorrow, and on Thursday I’m babysitting and by Friday I’ll have totally forgotten about it, then they’re closed for the weekend, so maybe Monday I’ll get it sorted! 🙄

Have a good day, I’m staying in, it’s pouring down. At least we’ll get the veg watered. Every ( rain) cloud and all that.
Good luck with the Creon and I had some similar issues earlier in year but since using an Internet Pharmacy which does local delivery they have been fine.
However I did have a text from my GPs about shortages of Creon and advice on how to deal with it but essentially is try and get 10000s and contact them if required but they are very supportive.
Morning all, 5.6 here. Did a 10 mile walk yesterday, the first half uphill, aided by 6 jellybabies, a protein bar and a salami roll, all without bolus insulin! About 60 carbs in all, I think. I don’t know why I thought a walk from sea level to a hillside overlooking the pass of Glencoe was a good idea, but the scenery was spectacular.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0

Well, I have very good news. The hospital reviewed my wifes progress yesterday and will be releasing her on Thursday this week!!!

Of course I will now have to hire a skip to clear away all the party goers and rubbish, beer bottles/cans/creates, pizza boxes/fish and chip wrappers, chinese food boxes, and hire some contract cleaners to sort out the house in double quick time!!!

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No, just kidding, I keep a clean tidy house!!! Here is a picture of the kitchen this morning...

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I must admit to being surprised and rather anxious that things will now go better for her. It all depends on her chosing to take her meds every day and to think of good things not 'scary ghosts'.

Oh dear just had a call from my wife. She was upset that her texts are not getting through. I fixed it because there was something wrong with my messaging app. But no she went straight down that rabbit hole of someone getting at us!! And then she promptly rang off!!!

I don't think she is as well as they think. I will ring them later on and discuss things. ☹️

Today walk (but not if it continues to rain), panic, practice keyboard (if I can concentate).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Gwynn just reread your last bit of your post and hope it all turns out well
7.2 this morning. Been running a bit higher than I’d ideally like recently but not so high it’ll prompt me to do anything radically different. That said I have some time this morning so might head to a cemetery and see if I can find the graves of three relatives we know are buried there but know scant details about.
I’m hoping that the Hebrew inscriptions will at least give us a parent name and a clue of date of birth.
Gym later (yeah two days in a row!) and a survivors zoom call this evening.

And if you’re at a loose end later and need something to watch on the telly then may I suggest Lost Boys & Fairies on bbc iPlayer. It’s a three episode thing about love and adoption. It’s based on the experience of two gay men seeking to adopt a child and it’s beautiful, harrowing, funny, sad, insightful, entertaining and a great piece of telly.
6.7 this morning.

Great news! I was released from hospital yesterday at around 6pm and through the night I was ok, actually gradually getting better. I did wake pretty much every hour through the night to go to the loo, but after having retention each visit was a relief and helped confirm that I’m on the road to recovery. The consultant doesn’t want to see me for 3 months so he must be happy with my progress. Not had a bill yet for yesterday, keeping my fingers crossed it was included with my first payment. But at least no surgery needed which is a relief.

Decided to stay at home today rather than going to the boat as being in the middle of nowhere could be an issue if I need help, if today goes well then we may go later this week.

@Gwynn- I hope you get to speak to the hospital and get things sorted for your wife, it will be a long road but I’m sure things will work out for you both.

Take care everyone!
Morning all on this dull day. There has been a spatter of rain for a few minutes, but it's dry now.

Well, would you believe it! 5.2 this morning first thing. I've not seen anything like that in forever.... I thought I had taken a screenshot, but cannot now find it on my phone. Wasn't logged either and next minute it was 5.1. Ah well!

My friend and I are getting the bus over to Porthlevan today where there are many fab restaurants. So hoping for a nice lunch.

@ColinUK we saw 2 episodes of Lost Boys and Fairies last night. I agree, it's brilliant! Looking forward to Episode 3 this evening. I won't say more as if I do it will be a spoiler.

@Eternal422 so pleased for your outcome yesterday and good luck for today.

@Gwynn, sorry to hear that your wife isn't as well as the hospital staff seem to think she is. Do tell them, better to get her fully well before discharge, though it will be a huge disappointment for you both.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 7.2 on this drizzly morning.

Went into the pharmacy to chase a prescription up which I assumed was being delayed due to a shortage of Creon. No, they'd managed to lose my phone number when changing my records from one branch to another. They also swore blind that I'd already picked everything up bar the Creon. Eventually walked out with everything I needed.

Have a good day everyone.
@Eternal422 so pleased for your outcome yesterday and good luck for today.
Thank you! Feeling so relieved now, things not quite back to normal but apparently it can take up to 2 days before everything settles. At least I don’t have problems anymore, bit of the opposite at the moment!
Good morning everyone! 6'8 today, and on my way to the airport.

Been a bit miserable for the last couple of days. Seemed to have another episode of athlete's foot and it made it painful to walk. Two fingers in particular were slightly red and swollen, the pharmacist wondered if I may have hit them at some point apart of the infection. Now the pain and itching are almost gone but I have an ugly blister that I'm not sure if it was a reaction to the cream I used or a result of me being dumb and insisting on working my last shifts on Sunday, which involves tons of walking.

Yesterday I woke up early to do laundry with the intention to attend a "Comfort Coffee" after that in the new cafe I like. Didn't make it on time for the event but I still had some tea and cake while reading my new book. Then proceeded to procrastinate until 8pm before packing, eating at 11 when my stomach was growling and leaving the pile of dishes to wash this morning. Sight! Well, at least I'm proud I didn't leave any dirty clothes and the fridge and freezer are empty, apart from the usual insulin and a bottle of soy sauce.

Don't worry about the diabetes fairy @MikeyBikey, I bet she is waiting for me in Spain! My insulin needs always increase dramatically when I go back home :D
Morning all, it was a 6.1 for me earlier on this bright sunny morning.

Have a great day folks and stay safe.
Oh, I couldn't be bothered to buy food for the travel (tried to avoid unnecessary walks to allow my foot to recover) and I should arrive to Bristol airport in good time, so I plan to eat my lunch there. A sit down place rather than the usual sandwich from WHSmith and the like.

Any recommendations? I get is not a place where you go for the gastronomy but...:rofl:
8.2 this morning, it was raining earlier but spitting now..., and expecting more rain in a few hours - nothing like normality (that's when it rains persistently, day in, day out!), and the wind's picking up again. Deep joy!
Well had the microsuction-at-home visit. Although the left is now totally clear the right needs a follow up visit. However, hearing is better to the right than the left. Once everything is clear I will press for audiology appointment. This has gone in for 2.5 years now and I am sick of it...
@PattiEvans and @Pam123 congrats on the HS.

@ColinUK we watched the first part part of Lost Boys and Fairies last night and enjoyed it.

@Gwynn i hope you managed to speak to the hospital about your wife.

@Eternal422 pleased to hear you're improving.
Good morning. 5.8

Tried to watch the Starmer v Sunak debate last night but found Sunak's appalling manners impossible to tolerate. Talking over one's opponent, instead of letting them have their say, is not debating, it is mere rudeness. What a ghastly little man. Not that I would be rushing to defend the barricades if Starmer was my leader. A most disappointing advocate, so wooden I wanted to check for Death Watch beetle. Where is the fire of Aneurin Bevan or the polished language of Churchill? Oh well, better than watching frog faced Farage I suppose. ITV ought to be ashamed of failing to control the debate. Run as it was yesterday these sessions will hardly inform the voters. Me? I'm voting Plaid simply because Ben Lake isn't a Tory but is a good, young, hard working, constituency MP.

In the interests of my blood pressure, and to prevent the TV screen receiving a boot through it, I retreated to bed, muttering imprecations, and soothed my mind with a book. Slept like a log after a bare chapter and was rewarded with a respectable BG this morning and a blue sky with high, thin, shards of cloud. I shall distract my mind this morning from thoughts of the shambles the UK has become by weeding the veggie garden. It is very quiet here now the youngsters have departed.

Hope everyone has a good day.