Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.8

Tried to watch the Starmer v Sunak debate last night but found Sunak's appalling manners impossible to tolerate. Talking over one's opponent, instead of letting them have their say, is not debating, it is mere rudeness. What a ghastly little man. Not that I would be rushing to defend the barricades if Starmer was my leader. A most disappointing advocate, so wooden I wanted to check for Death Watch beetle. Where is the fire of Aneurin Bevan or the polished language of Churchill? Oh well, better than watching frog faced Farage I suppose. ITV ought to be ashamed of failing to control the debate. Run as it was yesterday these sessions will hardly inform the voters. Me? I'm voting Plaid simply because Ben Lake isn't a Tory but is a good, young, hard working, constituency MP.

In the interests of my blood pressure, and to prevent the TV screen receiving a boot through it, I retreated to bed, muttering imprecations, and soothed my mind with a book. Slept like a log after a bare chapter and was rewarded with a respectable BG this morning and a blue sky with high, thin, shards of cloud. I shall distract my mind this morning from thoughts of the shambles the UK has become by weeding the veggie garden. It is very quiet here now the youngsters have departed.

Hope everyone has a good day.
And why was Ed Davey Liberal leader not included in the debate?
I'm with @Grannylorraine on the 5.3 step on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning and the forecast is for more of the same and no rain, so grass is going to get cut and some shrubs are going to get a haircut. Garden waste collection tomorrow so makes sense to get things done today otherwise we'll be storing a load of garden waste for another fortnight. Not until I've had a coffee and read the newspaper, though.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS this morning and @PattiEvans and @Pam123 on yours yesterday.

We gave the debate a miss and watched France v England in the Women's Euro25 Qualifier instead, though I did catch a little of it on the 10 o'clock news. Not the most edifying spectacle, I have to say, so glad we watched the footie. My wife is a Sewing Bee fan so recorded it and watched it after the match. I do enjoy election night but not everything that goes on in the run-up to polling day.

GP replied to my eConsult about my RBC count, Haemoglobin Estimation and Haematocrit being marginally low and recommends that I take an iron supplement as my numbers indicate that I'm anaemic.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
David Attenborough’s programmes are worth the licence fee alone, and also Spring/Autumn/Winterwatch. Plus the BBC do produce the best dramas over all the channels in my humble opinion. Plus we wouldn’t survive our childcare days without CBeebies! 😉
Apple TV+ are making some of the best telly drama out there these days. They do tend to focus on science fiction though that’s in the broadest sense of “alternate realities” rather than space and aliens etc.
And why was Ed Davey Liberal leader not included in the debate?
I’m assuming that they’ll have someone in the 7-way debate that’s coming up.

It’s not as if each party can have a presence at each debate and this was really a debate between the two front runners for PM. Regardless of our personal politics there’s zero chance of anyone other than Starmer or Sunak being PM after this election.

I’d love a two hour debate including all party leaders. Imagine Count Binface mocking the more serious politicians!
Morning all - yes it's still morning. Lovely day out there, but I've not been outside yet so unsure if that cold wind has gone.

Was woken by the low alarm this morning to a 4.2.

Didn't get to Porthlevan yesterday as my friend rang in a panic from the bus station saying she'd lost her bus pass. We drove into town, picked her up and took her home to look for her bus pass in her pockets from the day before. (She lives on the other side of town to us). No luck so Julian dropped us at the new place "Surf Club" at Marazion. Lunch was a bit of a shambles. They do not officially open until 27 June as they're still working on the interior, so why open then if you're not ready? It's been a run down cafe for years but has been bought by an Indian consortium who seem to be buying up every restaurant in town. It'll be an open plan kitchen with dual English and Asian cuisines. What has been finished is very nice indeed. We were seated in the conservatory with a view of St Michael's Mount. Superb position but.... we asked for sparkling mineral water, no they only had tap water. I asked for Camomile tea, no they only had English Breakfast tea... both items were on the beverage list we were given. The waitress said "well, we'll be getting them soon". We had tap water. The jacket potatoes were good with generous fillings, I will say that... though the menu hadn't mentioned sweetcorn and it was a generous portion of that - not good for my BGs. We had to ask twice for the music to be turned down a bit as we couldn't hear our conversation. Not helped by a lot of banging from the open kitchen. The waitress who we christened "Miss Bossy boots" tried to take our plates whilst I was still eating, so she then tried to take my friend's plate. I was trained never to remove a plate if even one of the group is still eating. So was my friend and we've both done years in hospitality. We had coffee after the meal and the next thing Miss BB did was to ask "Would you like anything else or I'll give you the bill" Nothing like being told your time is up! Maybe we'll make Porthlevan next week.

Finished watching Lost Boys last night, rather than the other offerings. It was heartwrenching!

Ho hum... making Banana Bread this afternoon as Lidl kindly gave me 5 free bananas. Probably shouldn't eat it, but I'll throw caution to the winds! Then meeting friends in the local early evening as we usually do on Wednesdays as locals get 20% off on Wobbly Weds.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS and @Pam123 for yesterday's.

@Gwynn, hoping all goes well with your wife tomorrow.

Have a good day all...
I had my appointment for my toe nail 'surgery' but much better than anticipated as the new nail had grown up under the loose one and they were just able to snip it off leaving goodish nail to grow. He said it will probably grow fairly thick but to abrade the surface and apply Vick vapour rub every day. So not nearly aggressive as anticipated so all good and no massive bandage, result.
A 7 for me this morning and I had a plan for the morning.....

Breakfast.... brew while checking stuff on computer.....shower .....dress....Out for 8:00 to nip into Aldi....get to blood clinic before it opens at 8:30....enough time allowed to catch the 9:30 bus into Preston....Carers coffee and chat 10:00 til 11:30....bus back to car......back home for lunch.

All went well (you can rely on our Aldi) until I turned up at the blood clinic. Doors are not yet open but the queue went round the side of the building. I estimated about 100 people. Now, it takes about 5 mins for the vampire to do their stuff, about a dozen per hour. Lets be generous and say they get a move on and do 20 an hour. This means there was about 5 vampire/hours of work waiting. Normally there is only one vampire....and the clinic is on for 3.5 hours. Even if there are two vampires its going to be a 21/2 hours wait so no chance of making coffee and chat.

So knock the idea of the blood test on the head as long as I get it done in the next month, thats OK. Drive home to park up, look at the forum and then head for the village bus stop to catch the 9:32 bus into Preston. 9:40, no bus. Check Preston Bus app. No bus showing although there is one about half an hour away. Wait for that and I will get to coffee and chat as it is breaking up.

Back home, get car, drive into Longridge to catch bus into town. Get parked and as leaving car park bus trundles by. If I wait for the next then I will get to coffee and chat as it is breaking up.

No option, if I want my much needed coffee and chat outing then, I'll have to drive into Preston. This is something best avoided. Crawl my way to the bus station car park (one I rarely use) and thankfully there is plenty of space on the second floor. The reason why it is empty is that you can only pay for a ticket with cash or if you have some app or other and its empty because anybody in the know avoids it. I had some change but not enough to buy a ticket. Nobody about to change a note. Can't risk leaving car without ticket. Too late to drive across Preston to a car park with a ticket machine that reads cards, so call it a day and go home. No coffee and chat and a chance to catch up with fellow carers.

As the poet wrote

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!

Too right.
And it was a 6.1 for me much earlier today.
A 7 for me this morning and I had a plan for the morning.....

Breakfast.... brew while checking stuff on computer.....shower .....dress....Out for 8:00 to nip into Aldi....get to blood clinic before it opens at 8:30....enough time allowed to catch the 9:30 bus into Preston....Carers coffee and chat 10:00 til 11:30....bus back to car......back home for lunch.

All went well (you can rely on our Aldi) until I turned up at the blood clinic. Doors are not yet open but the queue went round the side of the building. I estimated about 100 people. Now, it takes about 5 mins for the vampire to do their stuff, about a dozen per hour. Lets be generous and say they get a move on and do 20 an hour. This means there was about 5 vampire/hours of work waiting. Normally there is only one vampire....and the clinic is on for 3.5 hours. Even if there are two vampires its going to be a 21/2 hours wait so no chance of making coffee and chat.

So knock the idea of the blood test on the head as long as I get it done in the next month, thats OK. Drive home to park up, look at the forum and then head for the village bus stop to catch the 9:32 bus into Preston. 9:40, no bus. Check Preston Bus app. No bus showing although there is one about half an hour away. Wait for that and I will get to coffee and chat as it is breaking up.

Back home, get car, drive into Longridge to catch bus into town. Get parked and as leaving car park bus trundles by. If I wait for the next then I will get to coffee and chat as it is breaking up.

No option, if I want my much needed coffee and chat outing then, I'll have to drive into Preston. This is something best avoided. Crawl my way to the bus station car park (one I rarely use) and thankfully there is plenty of space on the second floor. The reason why it is empty is that you can only pay for a ticket with cash or if you have some app or other and its empty because anybody in the know avoids it. I had some change but not enough to buy a ticket. Nobody about to change a note. Can't risk leaving car without ticket. Too late to drive across Preston to a car park with a ticket machine that reads cards, so call it a day and go home. No coffee and chat and a chance to catch up with fellow carers.

As the poet wrote

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!

Too right.
We have to advantage of being able to book blood tests at a local pharmacy via Swiftqueue which are efficient and involve no wait to speak of. You just need your blood form from the GP.
Round here we have a number of blood test centres - you just turn up with your blood form. When the system started up it worked very well and no doubt streamlined the back end of the process. Over the years the number of patients has increased but the number of sessions has gone down and the number of vampires at each session cut. The service has declined (whoda believed that) but I had no idea it had got as bad as I found it this morning.
Haven’t checked in here for a while so hello all

BG was a bit high this morning, took a correction. Got a cruise and my PIP assessment on Friday which I’m nervous about. Feeling a bit rubbish today but I think it’s the ME not actual flu.
7.8, after FOTF 6.2 about a half hour later! a lazy morning following a phone call, then re-awakened to sunny, blue skies. Not so warm though, and a stiff westerly. Only a little postprandial spike today (less than 10mmmol (makes a pleasant change, as it is usually above 12)
Afternoon all. It was a 6.2 for me.

Just got back from Leeds. Quite a pleasant stress free drive too. I would have go the train but for three people the fares would have been more than the petrol and parking.

Have a good day everyone.
Update: you couldn't make it up...

I rang my wifes hospital this morning to check that she really is being discharged tomorrow... and they had no idea!!! They thought it would be Friday!!! Then they couldn't find any reference to her discharge in her review notes!! Then they tried to get to the consultant to confirm but could not get hold of him, and he hasn't contacted them either.

So at the moment my wife believes she is to be discharged tomorrow but noone can confirm it.

I am awaiting a definitive answer today. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Either way I have to now rebook my heart appointment at the surgery as another mob need to come do an assessment of us both at home on Friday just when my appointment is.

It's not quite joined up thinking/doing. Hmmmm

Which party is going to rescue the NHS? Laugh/cry now.
Update: you couldn't make it up...

I rang my wifes hospital this morning to check that she really is being discharged tomorrow... and they had no idea!!! They thought it would be Friday!!! Then they couldn't find any reference to her discharge in her review notes!! Then they tried to get to the consultant to confirm but could not get hold of him, and he hasn't contacted them either.

So at the moment my wife believes she is to be discharged tomorrow but noone can confirm it.

I am awaiting a definitive answer today. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Either way I have to now rebook my heart appointment at the surgery as another mob need to come do an assessment of us both at home on Friday just when my appointment is.

It's not quite joined up thinking/doing. Hmmmm

Which party is going to rescue the NHS? Laugh/cry now.

The whole discharge process is a nightmare and I have never had one go smoothly this century. At the start of 2020 I collapsed on the Saturday and spent 4 nights in hospital. The consultant wanted me to have an MRI before discharge and I had it mid-morning. At around 11:30 I was told it had been reviewed and to get dressed ready for review. A while later I was told to go to the discharge lounge and when I asked if I could have my lunch that was just arriving I was told No , and escorted (alleged duty of care) to the discharge lounge. I asked the administrator there for something to eat, and ended up having a black coffee and a small pack of digestives (not an ideal diabetic option). Five weeks after my amputation I was transferred from an acute hospital to a community hospital. This became a four day farce and they got the medication wrong resulting in an out-of-hours' GP being called in to authorise the pain medication (no doctor on duty outside working hours).

I hope your wife is OK. When I spent a period in the care home there was an 80 year old woman who could appear quite normal to those who had not encountered her for the first or second time but could be seriously nasty as a number of residents (including myself) and staff found out. Apparently she spent a months in a specialist mental health unit and is much recovered

As for lack of joined up thinking I once had three appointments in three different geographic locations in a half hour timeslot. It took hours to sort out but apparently the various appointment databases do not communicate with each other! :(

Good luck with it all!
Well @eggyg and I definitely put the world to rights this morning! Actually we just chatted and chatted about holidays, diabetes, being Type 3C, our surgeries, family, etc etc for FOUR & A HALF HOURS!!! :rofl: Here's a pic that we just remembered to take before she rushed off to her car as was nearing the 5 hour car park allowance at Rheged.


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