Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - 6.9 for me this morning. Started my new sensor on Tuesday evening (Libre sent it to me free to replace the one that lost it's signal the whole time). I've realised that it was also faulty as my readings are so different now and luckily my TIR is starting to climb again as had gone down from 88 to 50 and I was blaming the potato on the boat but think now it was partly that and partly the sensor. Got to garden this morning as my companion gardener coming but my back is quite niggly from the work done on it on Tuesday (followed by more gardening 😳) so I'll try to take it easy. I need to be fit for Saturday as driving to Manchester for my Netball Host coaching training with England Netball. I'm assuming though that as we'll be learning how to coach walking netball there won't be any running around (fingers crossed emoji). Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning all. 5.9 today and the sun is shining! Not for long though, rain forecast at 10am and yet another cold day, 10/11c for the third day running. Brrr! Mr Eggy has said he’s lighting the fire this morning for baby Eden coming, it’s really because he’s a cold fish and and he just loves making fire! I said, can we not just flick the heating on? The look I got! I’m not putting the heating on, it’s June, he replied. :rofl: Is 10c warmer in June than 10c in November?:confused:

As @zippyjojo has told you, we gabbed from 11.15 to 3.45. I’d got there at 10.45 and I noticed the sign to say five hours max parking, I thought that’s fine! Ended up rushing out incase I got clamped! Otherwise I think we may still have been there! Great day. No wonder your back is niggling Jo, sitting on those hard seats for so long in the cafe. Hope it improves soon.

Youngest family coming for lunch today, then grandson coming after work and me and him are going to a book launch at a local venue for a local author who’s nationally renowned. MW Craven. He writes crime, primarily set in Cumbria, I’ve got them all and they’re great. Got grandson into them a couple of years ago, he’s a book worm like me, but this time instead of borrowing mine I’ve bought him his own to start his own collection. The first launch of this author I went to was for his second book in 2019, and you just wandered down , no ticket needed and no cost. His wife made cake for us! This one sold out on the day the details were released in February and it cost £22, that includes the book. If you like crime with a bit of humour, give him a go. The first one is Puppet Show, it’s best to start at the beginning to see how the “relationship” between the protagonists Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw develop.

Have a grand day folks and I hope it’s warmer where you are.

Found myself with some unexpected free time yesterday (I turned up for an appointment a week early!) so thought I’d take the opportunity to head to a cemetery and find some ancestors graves.

Found three great great grandparents’ graves. Came home, did a bit more research. It seems that that cemetery has at least 20 ancestors buried there. Most are likely great great aunts and uncles but there is a possibility that there’s a great great great grandmother there too.

Found myself getting a bit upset at the condition of the gravestones and decided I’d investigate restoring the worst one. That’s out of the question if there’s so many there as it would cost a fortune to do them all so how can I pick just one to restore?

Unsurprisingly dreams last night featured lots of dead relatives pleading to be remembered and threatening curses of their gravestones should fall.

Of course it all looked a bit like this!
Good morning. 6.6

Didn't get much weeding done yesterday as bending was uncomfortable. I instead decided to raise the canopy of the fruit trees so that when my new toy arrives I will not decapitate myself on low branches. The new ride on is due tomorrow but I expect it will be delayed as no message from hauliers as yet.

Kids are in negotiation over a new house - the estate agent has been telling them it is not on the market but the vendors say it is as their "accepted" offeror turns out not to have sold their house. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile I have spotted an adapted water mill by the coast with a few acres which looks worth investigating...

Nearly the weekend - respite for the workers - none for the gardener. Have a good day all.
Morning all, 4.7 here.
We stopped at Rheged on the way up to Scotland @eggyg as you or @zippyjojo had mentioned it previously as being run by the Tebay lot. Normally we’d stop at Tebay, but we dived off the M6 to drive through the Kirkstone Pass, so missed it. Thanks for the tip, it's a really good cafe, and there was a mother duck with 10 ducklings just bringing them down to the pond for their first swim.
It’s really cold up here, too, we keep getting hailed on, and there’s snow on Ben Nevis and the surrounding hills.
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Good morning everyone

Still no confirmation about my wife being discharged. Hmmm I will ring later but may have to go regardless. At least my friend can come along too. The real hard work will start when she is home...

BG 5.5
BP elevated but not too bad 127/78

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

5.7 after a restless night, finally been told I have been added to my company’s Private Medical Insurance database so I will call them and try and start a claim to get my cataract sorted, in the meantime I was told to stay off sick, but my doctor sent a fit note that says I can do amended duties/reduced hours etc, sadly all my job is on a screen so no amended duties, and they would prefer me not to be only working a few hours a day as that means I won’t be on full pay, so I would be on a reduced income, so off to do battle with the doctors today, will probably need a referral letter from them anyway.

@Gwynn - so sorry to read that you have no definite answer to your wife coming home today.

@eggyg - lovely photo, sounds like you both enjoyed yourselves.

Also congratulations to anyone who has had a HS in the last couple of days as I have been a bit remiss at posting the congratulations
A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all, 4.7 here.
We stopped at Rheged on the way up to Scotland @eggyg as you or @zippyjojo had mentioned it previously as being run by the Tebay lot. Normally we’d stop at Tebay, but we dived off the M6 to drive through the Kirkstone Pass, so missed it. Thanks for the tip, it's a really good cafe, and there was a mother duck with 10 ducklings just bringing them down to the pond for their first swim.
It’s really cold up here, too, we keep getting hailed on, and there’s snow on Ben Nevis and the surrounding hills.
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Mr Eggy said he got hailed on yesterday in the garden. Hope you packed your thermals!
Glad you enjoyed Rheged, it’s a lovely place, can be pricey if you start looking in the lovely shops!
Mr Eggy said he got hailed on yesterday in the garden. Hope you packed your thermals!
Glad you enjoyed Rheged, it’s a lovely place, can be pricey if you start looking in the lovely shops!
I was walking in a teeshirt on Monday, and got a sunburnt neck, then the next day I'd got jumper, fleece, heavy waterproof and a wooly hat on! (and I’d left my gloves in the car, bad mistake).
We did have a look round the clothing shop, and left hurriedly, OH picked up a shirt for a tenner in Mountain Warehouse in Fort William yesterday, that’s more his line!
Morning everyone
For the third day in a row it’s another 6.1 for me, I seem to be stuck in a rut at the moment.
Have a good day everyone and stay well.
5.9 for me on this bright but cool Berkshire morning. My wife and I are off to East Anglia tomorrow for a long weekend, staying near Lowestoft, so some grocery shopping to do later as it's self-catering. That should help keep my BG in its place, unlike last weekend with its garden party food and an overnight hotel stop. Hoping to take in some NT places that are too far away for a day out from here.

Our youngest got the first of the DVLA's demands out of the way yesterday with an appointment at Specsavers, who told him afterwards that they have no idea why the DVLA thought the test was necessary, confirming what his consultant had already said. Must have been a box that needed ticking back in Swansea, but a waste of everyone's time (and DVLA's money, as they pay for the test).

Swim later, but no one WFH so it's back on the bus again. Not for much longer, though - our eldest gets his own car on 18th so I'll then have my Astra all to myself.

It's clouded over while I've been typing and I see that it's not expected to get above 16 degrees today. Flaming June? Don't think so, at least not so far. Enjoy your day if you can.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Bright but cool. Washing out. Got to sort some vinyl orders for posting.
It turns out our erstwhile record label have put a fictitious bar code on our cd and LP. Last I heard we have not released anything via an organic olive growing co operative.
Nevermind proper distribution now sorted.

Have a good day everyone.