Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and a 5.9 for me after a lovely nights sleep.
I badly needed it and apologies for missing yesterday but up at 4.30 not with pooches but had to catch an early train to Birmingham for a a very long day at the NEC.
Spent 10 hours on my feet so was tired when I got home last night at 9pm.
My BG level was up and down as I decided not to bolus on the day but had a veggie wrap for lunch and only one ice cream ( we had an ice cream machine on the stand so I could make my own and it was nice).
I just had to resist the sprinkles/ flakes etc that were part of the offering.
Welcome Paul to the forum and that you are doing so well and good advice from Roland as usual.As he says do not try and worry about progress too much as it will come naturally as you gain more experience in how your body responds to different foods/ insulin etc.
I am a relative newcomer so diagnosed August last year and still loads to learn but my knowledge of how to manage my condition ( everyone is different) has increased a lot and given me the confidence to try different approaches and essentially live a normal life just with a few small adjustments like taking the insulin etc.
Quiet day for me today so have a great Friday feeling and an even better w/ end all
Unfortunately 13.8 and it didn't reach 15 I was going to do a correction when I woke up at 12.3 at 5 but must have fell back a sleep I have given myself a correction now. At the doctor's moment yesterday they gave omperpoles Incase some stuff was acied reflux and said to come back in a week if that doesn't work and also gave a nasel spray for the heyfever only that is a another steroid. I'm trying to decide whether I should go into the charity shop with something's I've been feeling
5.7 this morning. Not such a good night last night, but I expect recovery will not be a straight line and I should expect both good and bad days.

We’ve woken up to a lovely sunny morning, so maybe someone did manage to turn the weather off and on again yesterday to fix it? Hoping for a pleasant day with something like 10 locks and 5.5 hours cruising.

@Gwynn - pleased that yesterday went well for you, hopefully this morning’s start is just a temporary blip and today will get better for you.

Take care everyone!
7.7 here this morning. I didn't really have supper last night as one of my dogs had a very upset tummy which I discovered when I came down from having a long bath and it put me right off eating! I did still manage one of my "snack bowls" though. My line looked to go quite low a coupe of times during the night but I think it must have been compression lows and do think I noticed I was lying on my left side when I got up to go to the loo in the night and this morning. Dentist this morning - hygienist and then a checkup. This afternoon an old school friend is coming to stay just for the night on the way up to her daughter's graduation from St Andrews University. I haven't seen her for quite a few years but we have a very active School Facebook group and I know it will be just like old times. She's bringing her little dog with her so I hope mine behave - I think they will, and Wilbur will be exhausted from a day on the fells with the dog walker today. Have a good day everyone xxx
It's another bright and sunny start here with wall-to-wall blue sky. Our youngest is up, showered, had breakfast and has already left for the golf course. My wife and I will be packing once breakfast is out of the way and then heading off for our long weekend in East Anglia, staying near Lowestoft. Long trek round the M25 to the A12 - not sure I've been that far round it before - and hopefully find somewhere nice to stop for lunch (but not a Motorway Services).

6.1 when I tested - for some reason I'm getting lower post-meal readings than waking ones at the moment, even an HS after yesterday's Smoked Salmon & Spinach Omelette & Salad dinner. Weekly BP check 114/66.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.
Weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was furiously revising for my English Literature Finals. I wonder how I got on with them, since I studied Maths and Computer Science at Uni. 🙂
Still all that hard work produced a 5.5 on waking. 🙂

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning. 5.3

Over ate last night so reasonable BG quite unjustified.

Neighbour coming over this a.m. to browse my shrubberies for potential cuttings. The price of plants, when one has a large and empty garden, is quite frightening. So far she has nothing but a hedge and a handful of raised veggie beds.

Haulier called yesterday - my new toy is coming on Monday. So while my poor car has gut surgery (needs its cam belt changed) I shall, hopefully, be puttering round the lawns on its little competitor. If I lose my licence, applied for renewal in early October 2023, it may provide my sole "motoring". I wonder how far afield one can take a lawn mower...."Honestly Officer I am just mowing the verges...."

@Gwynn Hope your wife settles back at home and her concerns this morning turn out to be temporary.

Happy Friday all.
Putting this here to be open, honest, accountable etc.

I’m heavy…. (For me)

Weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was furiously revising for my English Literature Finals. I wonder how I got on with them, since I studied Maths and Computer Science at Uni. 🙂
Still all that hard work produced a 5.5 on waking. 🙂

Have a good day everyone.

Am sure your Maths/Computer Science tutors would have loved you waxing lyrical with your flowing language and interpretive quotes in explaining the Science.
Whilst your colleagues stuck with explaining in symbols and equations you would have the ability to describe and explain in a much more literate way
Morning all and 6.2 for me.

Today's excitement will be sorting socks, trying different clarinet reeds and hopefully sorting some Laps for posting.

Have a good day everyone.
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Morning all

A happy 5.7 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
But you are very tall. You looked absolutely fine to me.
I’m not very tall! Well maybe when standing next to you but you’re knee high to a haggis!
Afternoon all. 6 point something this morning. So glad its Friday.
5.7 this morning late posting been out food shopping, the only sausages I like are from Waitrose, and its a 40 mile round trip, but we buy a couple of trays so they last a few months, ive tried delivery but they always put substitutes in my order as they sell out fast, we just phone and they save them for us, bad night last night went vert low 2.9 I felt ok but it came on suddenly, Libre was 4.5.