Group 7-day waking average?

Hello Angela @GracefulAng,

Is Paul wearing his Libre 2 sensor yet? If not, its time to get him to accept that he has to overcome his fear of needles and use the tech. It has a low BG setting which can alert him when he has got to 5.6 mmol/L or lower. He is very fortunate to have this tech on prescription and now has to pull up his big boy pants and take full advantage of the help this will give him. Do all you can to encourage him to do what I know that he knows is the sensible thing.

Meanwhile, although somewhere in the 8s might seem worrying because this is new territory for him, in practice it's well into "mid-range", ie between 4 and 10 and a great place to be. Since Paul is only taking a slow-acting, background, insulin (Toujeo) just once daily, his risk of going near 5 is very, very small. The Toujeo along with his food (carb) control have very gently, calmly, brought his BG down to below 10; its been a textbook illustration of BG management by you both since his diagnosis a few weeks ago.

Do not even consider reducing or stopping his Toujeo at this stage. It is doing a great job of getting his BG back to where it needs to be for his long term health. In the coming months his Toujeo dose might need further tweaking - up or down with a goal of getting his routine BG nearer to 5. That guidance should come from his GP or Hospital Diabetes Team at this early time; in time Paul will routinely recognise when to adjust his insulin as I now do.

Hypoglycaemia occurs at 3.5 mmol/L. This is always rounded up to 4 and that provides a tiny buffer or safety margin; "4 is the floor" is an expression frequently used. At 4, Paul might start to feel some of the hypoglycaemic symptoms - ONCE his body has adjusted to routinely being close to 4. Because he will have had high BG for months, possibly years, it is possible that his body (brain really) could have his inbuilt hypo awareness impaired. His gradual lowering of BG is a very safe way of getting that hypo awareness mechanism relearnt. So aiming to stay above 5, rather than the floor of 4, just adds to his hypo safety. 5.6 as an alert level is ideal at this stage.

The damage to his pancreas from the pancreatitis could not only have affected his insulin production, but also his ability to make another hormone called Glucagon. Hormones are part of our body's messaging system and Glucagon tells one's liver to release some Glucose from its store IF/WHEN one's brain has detected low BG. Its all part of a very sophisticated process that routinely happens in people who are not diabetic and who's BG stays at normal levels. It will take time to establish exactly how much damage the pancreatitis has already done and it is realistic to expect that his pancreatitis might continue.

Its all part of the difference between being Type 3c and the much more widely found Type 2, where someone is producing lots of their own insulin but their body is resisting using that insulin.

Please don't be put off asking questions, either of you. There is so much to learn. No question is silly.
At last I'm wearing the device!
Good evening, everyone! I've just started a new chapter on my journey, with my new Libre sensor device. It felt a little weird to start off with, but I am already getting used to it. It was very interesting to learn how the Libre phone app works via Bluetooth.
I'm sure I will be able to manage my condition much easier now.
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Couldn’t sleep again, 5.7 so happy with that. Plans for today, some housework, knit and natter not that I can do much knitting or crotchet at the moment but I can still do the natter and the big shop later when hubby gets home from work, need to get the shopping list ready.

@Northerner - good luck for today.
Good morning everyone.

Things did settle down later on yesterday, at a price of my very rzised blood pressure.

There are improvements in general that I have noticed.

BG 5.4

Dark and gloomy looking weather out there right now.

Today who knows.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning and a 7.2 after a decent nights sleep so feeling refreshed after my long Thursday and then a really nice Friday doing what I love best talking to folk and eating cake.
Pizza last night and a nice w/ end planned and just really in a good place so very best wishes to anyone struggling with any particular challenges at the moment.
Have a great w/ end
Back into the low sixes this morning with a 6.2

Went out last night. Got back in at 1:30. Straight to bed. Drifted off about 2:15. Awake at 4:30 ffs. Anyway… at least I didn’t have to watch the magnificent 7 debate!
8.0 wish it would make up its mind if summer is going to happen. Dropped my basel as it was getting warmer, may have been premature :(
Off to Southwick revival today. The whole village goes back to the 40s including all vehicles. Tape on the windows, sandbags on the street, they are very proud of their DDay connections. A fabulous weekend of nostalgia.
Had a notification that I’d won something on Euromillions last night.

I don’t think it’ll change my life significantly!

Morning all, 8.4 here, adjusted my insulin for a more strenuous day yesterday, then wimped out of our second walk having got soaked on the first and then soaked coming out of the supermarket. (I say soaked, I was swathed in waterproofs, so it ran off the surface, but still.) so I reduced overnight basal as usual for this week, and Mr. Liver went, do you know, I don’t really need to suck up any glucose overnight, I think I’ll have a snooze.
Good luck today, Alan @Northerner , hope all goes well.
An eerie follow on from Thursday night's dream. I was attending our annual Past Pupil's get together, when it was interrupted by the arrival of a large parcel from Amazon. There were reams and reams of that brown paper packaging, so much so that it wouldn't all fit into the recycling bin. Unfortunately I awoke, so I never did find out what was in the parcel nor whether I had passed the English Literature exams. 🙄

Anyway I got a 5.1 this morning. 🙂

6.2 on a bright and sunny East Anglian morning. Another waking reading higher than the previous evening's post-meal. Mystery. Restless night, though. Strange bed and all that.

Had a good run yesterday with no holdups, though there were several 50mph speed limit zones. Miles and miles of traffic cones but no signs of activity. Had earmarked a couple of garden centres with a cafe for a lunch stop and the one we picked did a belter of a BLT.

Planning on visiting Southwold today and then Sutton Hoo, having seen the movie "The Dig" about its discovery in 1939.

Have a good start to the weekend.
Wow! 5.2 this morning!

Change of plans yesterday as we came across this about-to-break balance beam on a lock :


We could only open the lock gate by using a rope on the end to pull it as any pressure on the balance beam would have snapped it. We then debated whether to carry on and risk whether it would still be passable on our return. After a couple more boats came through the split got worse so we decided to turn around (luckily there was a boatyard just after the next lock who were happy with us turning there) and came back through this bad lock to head the other way. I called CRT about it and no doubt they’ll end up closing the lock for at least a few days to either do a patch repair, or at worst a new lock gate is needed which will take longer. As we need to be back at our marina next weekend I think we have made the right decision by turning back whilst we could still get through the lock.

@Northerner - good luck today!

Take care everyone!
Morning all. 6.6 after a lie in.

Yesterday we relented and flicked the heating on. What a cold and miserable day it was. Forecast today, slightly better. I’m hoping to get the washing hung out. But first a little big shop ie only going to Aldi, not Tesco and the butcher. They can wait until Monday, I can’t be bothered today.

@ColinUK the drinks are on you! You didn’t miss much last night unless you count Nigel Farage being a complete and utter *enter your own disparaging word here! We only watched it until 8pm, I missed Sewing Bee on Tuesday to watch Sunak and Starmer there was no way I was missing Corrie!
@Northerner good luck today Alan.
@Eternal422 congratulations.

Have a super, sunny Saturday y’all.
Good morning 5.6

Spent yesterday afternoon attacking brambles - funny how much you see when a friend comes over and starts looking at the garden with you. The horrible things have got into the floral hedges so no chance of spray poisoning them. Leather gauntlets up to the elbows, hack out with secateurs, and then a little syringe of the baby growth next month may do it. I'm having to bag it up for a run to the tip as I don't want it in my compost bins - so far 8 bags...each tendril cut down to 6"...very tedious. Mr Wolf offered his usual assistance by digging a surreptitious hole in the lawn.

A grey morning here with complete cloud cover. Light rain off and on until mid-day then sunshine is forecast. So a slow morning which will give lots of time to prepare lamb kebabs for lunch and to fix the crossword.

Hope everyone enjoying the weekend. Glad to see @Gwynn has hopeful signs that his wife is stabilizing.
Morning all. 4.7 and a unicorn day yesterday. Today i'm cleaning through thr house and tackling a basket of ironing. Washing is done and waiting to be hung on the line though we've just had rain. Its getting brighter so fingers crossed its passing over.

Congrats on the HS @Eternal422
Good morning weekend 8.2
that was actually after I had been up and shaved showered etc (and my first 2 cups of tea)
so might’ve missed out on a HS maybe ? Yesterday was 6.2

the appointment at eye department went well earlier this week,
and eyes didn’t need treatment this month, the Dr in eye department said she would write to both the Diabetic Consultant & My GP, confirming they are happy for me to be prescribed the different GLP-1
that the Diabetic nurse said is now available, GLP-1 which previously helped me.
Will see how quickly the letter gets done and what my HbA1c comes back as.

Back Garden isn’t quite finished
but my wife has done a cracking job re-landscaping it (with my supervision)
might post a before and after photo tomorrow

Have s Super Saturday 😎
Good morning 🙂 7.8 for me today 🙂 Operation for the first stage of my $6 million transformation is first thing 😱 Wish me luck! 🙂

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Good morning, Northerner!
well done to you, you have inspired me so much. If this is possible for you then I'm sure, I can achieve this too. It just takes a bit of persistence and determination! Thank you for sharing this.
Good morning! After 12 hours with my new Libre sensor device, I feel so happy to see my BG level come down overnight from a high level. I did have a spike after eating too much white pasta. It read 17.6! oooops, but has dropped overnight down to 8.7! very pleased about that but will try to be more careful with pasta. Sometimes I learn the hard way.