Group 7-day waking average?


Couldn’t sleep again, 5.7 so happy with that. Plans for today, some housework, knit and natter not that I can do much knitting or crotchet at the moment but I can still do the natter and the big shop later when hubby gets home from work, need to get the shopping list ready.

@Northerner - good luck for today.
Morning Grannylorraine! that's amazing, well done you. The best I've achieved so far 7.7 last week, but then, I was only diagnosed type 3c 4 weeks ago. So, I'm still learning!
Have a lovely day!
6.2 on a bright and sunny East Anglian morning. Another waking reading higher than the previous evening's post-meal. Mystery. Restless night, though. Strange bed and all that.

Had a good run yesterday with no holdups, though there were several 50mph speed limit zones. Miles and miles of traffic cones but no signs of activity. Had earmarked a couple of garden centres with a cafe for a lunch stop and the one we picked did a belter of a BLT.

Planning on visiting Southwold today and then Sutton Hoo, having seen the movie "The Dig" about its discovery in 1939.

Have a good start to the weekend.
Glad you're having a great time apart from the cones! Enjoy the rest of your holiday in Suffolk.
Morning all - broken cloud and blue sky this morning. Yesterday it clouded over and was freezing, but no rain. So far this June despite some lovely sunshine it's not been really warm as there's been a cold wind.

7.5 this morning and 7.0 yesterday. I've not posted for a couple of days as I haven't had time to turn my computer on. Thursday I overslept and then had to hurry to meet a g/f for lunch, then we came back here and sat in the garden having coffee and cake. When she left I popped next door to let my neighbour know that apparently our whole road has been overlooked when they delivered the new set of dustbins/food waste bins etc and they start collecting next month. Each house now has to apply online to get them. The rest of the village got them automatically. Anyway, she invited myself and Julian in for a glass of wine and by the time we got home it was time for me to get dinner on the table. Then yesterday we met friends and by the time we got home it was time to get dinner again! Where do the days go?

Today all that's on is grocery shopping after lunch.

Glad to hear that hopefully things are settling down with @Gwynn and hope it continues. Congrats on the HS

Good luck @Northerner with your op today. I've already reassured you it'll be OK.

@TinaD I don't know how you do it! That garden is so much work!

@Martin.A and @Eternal422 hope you are still enjoying your holidays!

So... have a brilliant day all.
Morning all, It's was a 5.7 for me earlier this morning, and it's just started to rain.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
4.9 today when i checked my over night reading I apparently had a 3.3 but if my alarm went off neither my hubby or I heard it, thats a first for me, its registered on the low Glucose chart so ive no idea what happened scared me a bit to be honest not waking up, hope everyone has a good day
4.9 today when i checked my over night reading I apparently had a 3.3 but if my alarm went off neither my hubby or I heard it, thats a first for me, its registered on the low Glucose chart so ive no idea what happened scared me a bit to be honest not waking up, hope everyone has a good day
Check that your alarms are working. Also the low might be because you laid on the sensor and it was a compression low.
Good evening! Late on parade today. I woke with phantom pain this morning so it was smallest room., painkillers, cuppa, Wordle, smallest room and bed about an hour later. BG was 7.1 when I woke and 6.5 when I went back to bed. Then I woke at about 7:30 going hypo north of London. It just would not respond and I struggled for about an hour which left me with a day long headache. Good BG all day with 6.1 before lunch and 6.8 two hours on. Then another hypo an hour ago.

I need to discuss this erratic insulin response and weight loss at Wednesday's appointment. Hopefully it will be my regular consultant back as stand-in preferred his own voice and suggested I should be on a statin and mini-aspirin which I have been for over a decade.

Need a good night's sleep...

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Morning all - broken cloud and blue sky this morning. Yesterday it clouded over and was freezing, but no rain. So far this June despite some lovely sunshine it's not been really warm as there's been a cold wind.

7.5 this morning and 7.0 yesterday. I've not posted for a couple of days as I haven't had time to turn my computer on. Thursday I overslept and then had to hurry to meet a g/f for lunch, then we came back here and sat in the garden having coffee and cake. When she left I popped next door to let my neighbour know that apparently our whole road has been overlooked when they delivered the new set of dustbins/food waste bins etc and they start collecting next month. Each house now has to apply online to get them. The rest of the village got them automatically. Anyway, she invited myself and Julian in for a glass of wine and by the time we got home it was time for me to get dinner on the table. Then yesterday we met friends and by the time we got home it was time to get dinner again! Where do the days go?

Today all that's on is grocery shopping after lunch.

Glad to hear that hopefully things are settling down with @Gwynn and hope it continues. Congrats on the HS

Good luck @Northerner with your op today. I've already reassured you it'll be OK.

@TinaD I don't know how you do it! That garden is so much work!

@Martin.A and @Eternal422 hope you are still enjoying your holidays!

So... have a brilliant day all.
It is only 0.8 of an acre but it is a bit much for one old lady. It would be easier if there were not trees, beds, shrubberies, a large pond etc to weed around and prune as well as the lawns to mow. The fields and the baby wood are much less effort - paddocks are a sit down job, once the machine is started for me, Peachy does quite a good job on the hedge banks once I have topped her paddock, the haymakers clear the rest, and the baby wood looks after itself except when I persuade somebody to plant some more trees. Today I have been trimming hedges in the garden and at the entrance with an electric hedge cutter - knackering - but a man comes with a big machine and does the field hedges. Life would be much nicer if I could find a reliable gardener but no luck on that. Hopefully dear Jake, the builders labourer, will find a spare day or two to paint the house and buildings and strim the lawn edges while I glide about smirking on the new toy. Meanwhile my next urgent job is to trim the shrubs obstructing the path round the pond - all clear in the autumn but now a locale in which Dr Livingston may be found...
Good evening! Late on parade today. I woke with phantom pain this morning so it was smallest room., painkillers, cuppa, Wordle, smallest room and bed about an hour later. BG was 7.1 when I woke and 6.5 when I went back to bed. Then I woke at about 7:30 going hypo north of London. It just would not respond and I struggled for about an hour which left me with a day long headache. Good BG all day with 6.1 before lunch and 6.8 two hours on. Then another hypo an hour ago.

I need to discuss this erratic insulin response and weight loss at Wednesday's appointment. Hopefully it will be my regular consultant back as stand-in preferred his own voice and suggested I should be on a statin and mini-aspirin which I have been for over a decade.

Need a good night's sleep...

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Fingers crossed that you get the real expert on Wednesday and not the substitute player.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
BP elevated

Today outside it is dark, clouded over, windy, cold.... where is summer? I want to complain about the heat!

Yesterday was a remarkable day. My wife was really well, active, positive, calm, good reasoning, good communication. She and I went out for 2 long walks and ice creams at the beach! Then she played her drums at home for quite a while! I had another long walk with my friend. Then Pizza for tea! I sorted out the chords and notes for a song we are doing at the church at the end of the month. Knackered by the end of the day.

Today church early as the pastor and I need to talk about the sound system as we are having some problems with it (again). Walk with my friend or with my wife this afternoon (if it is not raining). Fish for tea (yes, the inevitable M&S Cod in beer batter). Then hopefully a peaceful evening.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all 7.2 for me. Off to meet local diabetes group for a walk and natter this morning then I seriously need a rest. But all this talk of gardening is making me feel even more guilty as mine is getting away from me and needs serious attention. Ah well, won't be today lol
Good morning! After yesterday morning's shenanigans had 10gm extra CHO yesterday evening. This morning 8.2. Feels like ever decreasing circles.

Some housework today followed by sorting paperwork. Despite so much on line the amount of paper you receive seems to grow. One credit card company sent me 15;sides of T's and C's after I queried a charge with the outside white space taking up around 50% of each page with the centre part in microprint!

Weather looks mixed again with sunshine and cloud. Yesterday was very dark late morning and early afternoon but the rain held off. It also became remarkedly cool.
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Morning a 7.9 for me after a really nice day yesterday so Artisan market,garden centre lunch and a nice drive out.
We saw lots of people standing on the motorway bridges on the M6 watching the motorbikes go by ( sure Mikeybikey would love it) on the way to Barrow to enjoy their Dave day.
Another lunch out and a Cheshire Farm ice cream so pretty content but it is a little on the cool side.
Looking forward to work next week as some lovely trips to Shropshire and mid Wales planned and will be interesting to see how much I enjoy them as that will help frame how long I carry on.
Anyway enjoy rest of your w/ end and week ahead and Gwynn really pleased with your wife’s improvement

Weighed myself and BMI and body fat down but weight up a smidge
Morning all. A very nice, and for me, a perfect number 5.5. I affixed a new sensor last night as the previous one decided to drop off last night, I didn’t mind, it was new sensor this morning anyways. At bedtime,11pm, it read 3.8 going down, no alarm just a vibration, checked meter 7.8, then checked graph no sign of being under 6! Off I toddled to bed. Within five minutes it vibrated again, 3.4, then again. I ignored it after that and I dozed off. Looking at the graph this morning I was supposedly hypo for an hour between 11-12. When I saw the perfect 5.5 this morning I didn’t believe it so checked the meter 5.7! Hopefully sensor has settled in now and will behave itself.

Another cold, dull day. We did get sunshine yesterday but it was still blooming cold. I did the little big shop and my store cupboards are full again. Today we’re going plant shopping. I’m excited. And I must fill the bird feeders up, AGAIN! This time of year I can’t fill them fast enough. Whilst writing this I’ve just had about 20 starlings, mostly juvenile, hanging round the feeder closest to my back door. Comical little things they are.

Have the best day you can.