Group 7-day waking average?

GOod morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesssss

Yesterday was great and astonishing...

I went to the church early to sort out some nasty feedback problems and after a lot of analysis and careful adjustments, I succeeded. The service went well. No nasty surprises. At last!!!

At the start, unknown to me, my wife sneaked in and sat behind me (she hasn't been to the church for years). I was concentrating on doing the sound so I did not know she was there! Towards the end of the service I heard a familiar voice singing behind me and to my utter astonishment, there she was. What a reunion!!! The church congregation were so happy. So was I!!!

Then to my utter surprise she asked to go to the beach and then to a fish and chip restaurant on the sea front. Bright, clean, food was absolutely delicious. We both enjoyed that.

Then I had a walk with my friend later on and a quiet evening (except for my wife playing her keyboard again). She hasn't played for a long time. She enjoyed it.

Amazing difference from how she was a few weeks back!

Today probably 2 walks, a doctors(nurses) appointment (not sure of the time) to check my heart.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A 5.9 for me after a big rise and then fall overnight due to me not taking enough units for my Cheese and Onion Pie plus wife’s Scones last night.
Fab news Gwynn and so glad you had such a great day after all your recent troubles and so hope your wife is on the road to recovery.
Awful weather and Haggis was even more stubborn than usual in going out in the rain and took 4 attempts at getting him to do the business.
He was like the Hokey Cokey dog you know in and out of the front door and the Shakey all about when his coats was put on and taken off as he gets all excited when wet.
Seems to be drying up so should get better and Paul saw your other thread and did not realise you had to lose your job which I know how much you enjoyed.
Is there a chance to get your licence back and wish you well in your search for something in the future.
Anyway have a good week all
Good Morning 7.2 today

Happy Monday everybody 😎

6.0 this morning, but as I forgot to take my meter upstairs when I went to bed last night, I am happy with that.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS and sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday.
Morning all. A surprising and shocking 12.6 this morning. Maybe caused by the night sweats last night and the thought of the week ahead.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn, glad you had a lovely day with your wife.
Morning all. 6.2
Had quite a lovely chilled day yesterday. It was London Open Gardens this weekend so made a relaxed day of it yesterday getting to go inside some of the private gardens in some very posh London squares. Followed those by visiting some wildlife gardens and then the absolutely beautiful trio of gardens inside the Inns of Court at Temple (the barristers “quarter” by the Royal Courts of Justice). They were all beautiful. No photos could really do them justice but I tried.
It was terribly terribly English with croquet on the lawns and a troop of players performing Midsummer’s Night Dream.
Stopped for an Earl Grey and a delicious little fruit salad. It came with a pastry case and a tiny bit of confectioners custard as a base :rofl:

Ended up having walked just over 11 miles.
Morning all. 8.0 for me. It must be a case of RDP - Random Dawn Phenomenon...mind you, saying that, everything’s random with (my) diabetes LOL.

My boss wanted me to go in half an hour early to do an assessment - the assessments are her domain IMHO so I said I couldn’t as it meant getting up at half six instead of seven. Hasn’t she seen my wrinkles lately? I need my beauty sleep!
Morning all - embarrassingly high BG this morning (that will be the two slices of ginger cake & 7 chocolates at bedtime 😳) but coming down nicely now. Swiss chocolates are finished now so that's a relief and I will NOT eat another piece of ginger cake that my friend brought who came to stay on Friday night (to be fair I hadn't told her I was diabetic and didn't break into it until my late night feast last night). I did take myself out for a walk yesterday evening though so hopefully that helped. Walking Netball today where no doubt I'll be asked all about my course on Saturday. In a couple of weeks the other newly trained Walking Netball Host and I are running the session as the main coach, who is a proper netball coach, will be away. Sunny here this morning but seems to have been a bit of rain overnight and temps still cool. Our robot mower is back from his holidays and so far so good which makes a massive difference. I think he's missed us and is behaving himself as I've only had to rescue him from a full capsize position once so far (that doesn't count him driving into the odd flower bed but at least he stops then and doesn't carry on cutting). @Gwynn I'm so pleased you had such a lovely Sunday and what a gorgeous surprise to see your wife in Church. @ColinUK I did LOL at your description of your CAKE. Have a good Monday everyone and sending love to anyone struggling at the moment xxx
Good morning 6.9

Heavy rain last night but a nice bright morning now. Need to press on with my ramp building today so that I can get the new toy down the steps to the orchard. Made a good start on them yesterday evening. Off to the garage in half an hour so I can stop worrying that the valves will hit the pistons...

@Gwynn So glad to hear that you and your wife had a happy day yesterday - long may it continue.

Hope everyone has a good day
Good morning all. A very nice 5.4.

As @zippyjojo said we’ve had a wee bit rain over night but it looks like the wind has dropped. We got some lavender plants yesterday to fill the border that I tidied last week. This is just a tiny border that divides the garden, like a terrace but not as grand! Mr Eggy made two sets of steps at either end a few years ago so the little ones can get up it, when they were just toddling it was difficult for them. We call them Sadie’s steps, Sadie is 6.5 now. On the right of the right hands set of steps is a little bit of border and it’s directly under a bird feeder, consequently they drop seeds and grass grows there and I’m forever weeding it. In the spring it has fritillary and dog tooth violets and I’ve been reluctant to do anything more with it. Yesterday we decided enough was enough and Mr Eggy concreted it over. Firstly I removed the bulbs and planted them between the lavender, fingers crossed they grow. But before you throw up your hands in horror at the concrete, Mr Eggy had the bright idea to place my collection of rocks I’ve collected over the years from mainly Scotland but also Devon and Cornwall as well as local beaches, into the concrete. I pick these for the grandkids but they never get them as I love them so much. I’ve had them displayed in my kitchen and TBF they do looked a bit cluttered. He’s made a good job and now I can see them all everyday. We’re calling it Elaine’s Rockery.

@Gwynn congratulations on your HS and on having a fab day yesterday.
@ColinUK I too had fruit yesterday, it had been fermented in a barrel for a while then decanted into a bottle before I got it though.😛
@zippyjojo today’s another day.

Have a Happy Monday.

Here’s my new “rockery” and new lavenders.


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6.2 for me.
Sedentary afternoon and early to bed, with a long lie in this morning doesn't seem to have helped the fatigue from 3 busy days. My head feels weird, the tinnitus is really loud and vertigo is making walking difficult. Will be mostly stationary today I suspect, except for hospital this afternoon for eye checks.
Have an enjoyable day folks
@eggyg A few grapes never did anyone any harm!
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂
Well done @Gwynn on the HS and I'm glad to hear you and your wife had a good timeyesterday.

Uh oh, 7.9 this morning, just when I thought things were back into the 5s.

Decided to stay another night here at Tixall Wide and have arranged to meet one of my wife’s friends at the nearby canalside cafe at Great Haywood Junction (20 minute walk away) for lunch. Nice spot to stop though, this is the view now :


@Gwynn Congratulations on your HS and so pleased to here you both had such a good day yesterday.

Take care everyone!
Congrats on the HS @Gwynn - what a lovely day you had yesterday. So pleased for you.

A trundling 5.7 for me this morning