Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 6.9
Morning all and an early start for me. Not really got a waking reading as I only started running clear an hour ago. Got a 5.2 on a finger test just now so I'll claim that.

8 o'clock appt which I'm glad about as the ketones are at 0.7. I'll be glad when I can jab and eat.

Have a good day everyone.
6.5 for me today.
Had a good day yesterday looks like eye problems are not auto immune related just a reaction to infection. Had 2 consultants have long discussion about it. But if anything changes to bypass gp and go straight back to them. Result.
Have a good and level day all :D
Morning all, reading will be along in a moment, I hope, I’ve got that annoying 'try again in 10 minutes' messsge, and the graph is showing a line of himalayas overnight. I did wake up lying on the sensor, so expect it’s just trying to recover from being squashed. Because we're just back from being away and I haven’t fine tuned the unpacking, my finger jabber and strips are downstairs.
Have organised today badly, haircut first thing, then riding the pony this afternoon, which will involve flattening my nicely cut and blow dried hair under my riding hat.
Edit. It’s come up with 8.2, but a vertical line shooting up from the red, so I expect it’ll realise its overshot in a mo, and settle for somewhere in the middle.
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Morning folks. 6.0 for me.

Exactly what my mum keeps saying @Northerner - “No glasses! Yippee!!” And her blood pressure has improved. The surgeon thought that was hilarious. Glad it went well...

Same here @freesia - my last sensor drove me up the wall with its constant signal loss / sensor error. Dyou find it always goes AWOL just when you need it? Tech, eh?

Only one student in my Zoom class last night, but it went well. He usually keeps video turned off, but I was honoured / relieved when he popped up on screen. It’s hard work talking to a black rectangle!
Good morning all. A very nice 5.4.

As @zippyjojo said we’ve had a wee bit rain over night but it looks like the wind has dropped. We got some lavender plants yesterday to fill the border that I tidied last week. This is just a tiny border that divides the garden, like a terrace but not as grand! Mr Eggy made two sets of steps at either end a few years ago so the little ones can get up it, when they were just toddling it was difficult for them. We call them Sadie’s steps, Sadie is 6.5 now. On the right of the right hands set of steps is a little bit of border and it’s directly under a bird feeder, consequently they drop seeds and grass grows there and I’m forever weeding it. In the spring it has fritillary and dog tooth violets and I’ve been reluctant to do anything more with it. Yesterday we decided enough was enough and Mr Eggy concreted it over. Firstly I removed the bulbs and planted them between the lavender, fingers crossed they grow. But before you throw up your hands in horror at the concrete, Mr Eggy had the bright idea to place my collection of rocks I’ve collected over the years from mainly Scotland but also Devon and Cornwall as well as local beaches, into the concrete. I pick these for the grandkids but they never get them as I love them so much. I’ve had them displayed in my kitchen and TBF they do looked a bit cluttered. He’s made a good job and now I can see them all everyday. We’re calling it Elaine’s Rockery.

@Gwynn congratulations on your HS and on having a fab day yesterday.
@ColinUK I too had fruit yesterday, it had been fermented in a barrel for a while then decanted into a bottle before I got it though.😛
@zippyjojo today’s another day.

Have a Happy Monday.

Here’s my new “rockery” and new lavenders.
Mr Eggy is a very clever man and obviously a keeper, but I think after all these years you've already worked that out for yourself! Can't wait to see Elaine's rockery in person soon xxx
A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

6.2 for me.
Sedentary afternoon and early to bed, with a long lie in this morning doesn't seem to have helped the fatigue from 3 busy days. My head feels weird, the tinnitus is really loud and vertigo is making walking difficult. Will be mostly stationary today I suspect, except for hospital this afternoon for eye checks.
Have an enjoyable day folks
I saw this the other day and just wondered if it's something you've ever looked into? "

TMJ® therapy can help with a wide range of issues, not only relating to the jaw and face but also throughout the whole body. Symptoms of an issue with your TMJ (the TemporoMandibular Joint or jaw joint) range from clicking/ popping in the jaw joint, face and jaw pain, trigeminal neuralgia, limited opening of, or, unable to close the jaw. Tension in the muscles around the jaw and face can also contribute to headaches, tinnitus and vertigo."
Little bit higher for me this morning with a 7.7 which i can put down to a Bakewell slice for supper yesterday. Still, we had a lovely day staying put at Tixall Wide, meeting up with my wife’s friend for a long lunch at Great Haywood then chilling out after the short 20 minute walk back to our mooring.

Whilst minding our own business on board the boat we heard knocking on the side, it was this family begging for food


Of course we had to give them some food!

Not going to leave until after 10am today to avoid the rain (hopefully) then heading down to Fradley Junction for tonight.

Congratulations @khskel on your HS.

Take care everyone!
No reading today as I forgot to take a new pot of strips up with me last night. Got the hospital assessment today for my cataract, so hopefully by the end of the day I will have a date for the op. Taking mum for her spring Covid jab this morning as she initially said she wasn’t going to have it done, but today and Thursday are the last chance before the clinic closes until the Autumn, so she decided she would now get it done.
Morning all - 6.9 this morning which I'm pleased with and not surprised as didn't partake in late night ginger cake or chocolates last night. Hope everyone has a good day. It's sunny here but SO cold. Reflexology & physio/chiropractic appointment for me today. @Bloden I read that as "only one person in my Zumba class today" :rofl:
Morning all and a lovely day again. Yesterday was sunny all day, but a cold wind made it unpleasant to sit outside.

10.0 today, looking at the graph it seems it's due to over-enthusiastically correcting a hypo at 7 and dinner on top. The hypo hit me like a train as I haven't had one in ages and ages. That in itself was due to not eating all my lunch and not having the piece of banana loaf I'd bolussed for. Obviously I didn't bolus enough for dinner either.

Bit worried about my left eye that had the cataract op 12 days ago. I feel like there's a lense sliding about in my eye. On the other hand I might be imagining it. Don't want to go to the optician until I get back from holiday in case they stop me going.

Off for drinks at some friends in Marazion today before lunch then lunch in a restaurant local to them and coffee back at theirs. Some other friends who moved away will be driving 1.5 hours to join us. We don't often see these people and the friends in Marazion are perpetually away on cruises, so looking forward to a catch up.

Chin up @eggyg, the funeral will soon be over and I've sometimes found wakes turn into a rather jolly interlude, laughing at past memories.

@Gwynn is your wife taking her medication as directed?

So... have a good day all.
Safely back home after our long weekend in East Anglia and a 5.8 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Bit of a curate's egg weatherwise yesterday but fortunately we were either driving or indoors when it rained, and boy did it rain! Bressingham Railway Museum was a tad disappointing - very quiet with not much going on. Their cafe wasn't open either so we ended up having lunch in the cafe at the garden centre next door. Called in at NT Wimpole Hall in the afternoon as planned and glad we did. Well worth a visit.

Normal routine kicks in today with my regular swim before lunch, and also need to catch up with the laundry and pop out to the garden centre greengrocer to top up on fruit & veg.

Have a good day, all.
Morning all, it was a 4.6 for me earlier this fine sunny day.

Have a good day folks and stay safe....
I saw this the other day and just wondered if it's something you've ever looked into? "

TMJ® therapy can help with a wide range of issues, not only relating to the jaw and face but also throughout the whole body. Symptoms of an issue with your TMJ (the TemporoMandibular Joint or jaw joint) range from clicking/ popping in the jaw joint, face and jaw pain, trigeminal neuralgia, limited opening of, or, unable to close the jaw. Tension in the muscles around the jaw and face can also contribute to headaches, tinnitus and vertigo."
I've often mentioned it to gp and was dismissed with a shrug or 'nothing we can do about tinnitus'. Never heard of TMJ therapy please tell me more. Thank you
But I’m hoping and praying it’s nothing like the hailstoning, thundering deluge we got late afternoon yesterday.
Sounds like what we woke up to yesterday. The place we stayed at was a holiday park. It was split into sections - one for Lodges (where we were), one for campervans/caravans and one for tents. Can't imagine what it was like for the people camping.
Back from my cataract appointment, booked in for 26th June for 1st eye and 10th July for my second one, the hospital was lovely, no drops for my assessment like mum got. really pleased that the end is in sight literally.