Group 7-day waking average?

my last sensor drove me up the wall with its constant signal loss / sensor error. Dyou find it always goes AWOL just when you need it? Tech, eh?
Definitely! And what i find hard to understand is if i'm upstairs and my phone is downstairs, the low/high alarm will go off but if i have my phone about 3-4ft away, i need to scan as it says there is no signal!
Well it was 14. unfortunately I need to make sure I pay attention to my nighttime high alert(i mean I originally set it go off and 10 for reason) and I do need to get my time in range sorted but I'm going to work on it work on things I do have alot if worryd and stresses going on at the moment)(I had actually seen a nurse in ages I might need to contact them and ask when s next appointment is). On a slightly lighter note my dexcpm low alert went of a little while ago and managed to cut myself on jellybabie packet who new you could do that,
Well it was 14. unfortunately I need to make sure I pay attention to my nighttime high alert(i mean I originally set it go off and 10 for reason) and I do need to get my time in range sorted but I'm going to work on it work on things I do have alot if worryd and stresses going on at the moment)(I had actually seen a nurse in ages I might need to contact them and ask when s next appointment is). On a slightly lighter note my dexcpm low alert went of a little while ago and managed to cut myself on jellybabie packet who new you could do that,
I can believe it, I used to be a safety rep and managed to get a paper cut from the committee documents at a meeting and bled all over the place, it did cause some amusement in the room.
I've often mentioned it to gp and was dismissed with a shrug or 'nothing we can do about tinnitus'. Never heard of TMJ therapy please tell me more. Thank you
I don't know anything about it myself but saw mention of this therapy in the newsletter of my local health hub. So it's basically to do with if your tinnitus and vertigo are caused by problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) but I'm not sure how you go about finding out. Mr Google tells you quite a bit about it.
Good morning! A 6.9 this morning.

Silly doors start for Foot Clinic as have to be ready for Patient Transport two hours before so could be anything from over an hour early to never even being picked up (fingers crossed that doesn't happen). Added a note to My Poorly Leg about yesterday's visit to Limb Fitting Services.

Heavily overcast.

Edit -:a negative FOTF as now a Heinz (5.7)

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6.3 but considering I ate pizza and ice-cream last night I am pleased with that. So happy to finally have the dates booked in for my cataracts. Today off to the dentist for a filling so hopefully not too painful.
Morning a 5.8 for me and a flat line overnight so very pleased am getting back to some form of normality and ties in with a less carb heavy diet.
So my recent volatility is purely down to my lack of discipline in eating less carb heavy meals/ doing less exercise/ only slightly increasing my insulin levels ( what a surprise lol).
My sensor ran out after 10 days last night so e mailed Abbott about it.
Lovely trip to mid Wales today and a pub lunch which am looking forward to so have a good one whatever you are up to.
Morning all. 5.9, I’m happy with that after an extraordinarily carb filled day. As I suspected, the wake was just a total carb fest, sandwiches, sausage rolls and cake! I didn’t pick any cake up but Mr Eggy didn’t eat his chocolate cake as he decided to have a scone instead, so I greedily ate it. Well, it seemed rude to waste it.🙄 Then for tea, I don’t know what I was thinking about when I did my weekly menu, homemade fishcakes ( carby) and oven chips ( more carbs). Today is going to be definitely less carby, I don’t want to feel like I did yesterday, bloated and very tired. TBF no exercise was done to counteract all the carbs, unless you count opening the freezer to get the McCains out!

Today is another day and apparently it’s going to be dry with sunny intervals with a light wind. We may even reach the dizzy heights of 13/14c! Woohoo! Bed changing day so will get that out on the line, along with any other washing done. My tumble dryer conked out last week drying the bedding, the belt slipped off as it’s gone slack, Mr Eggy has slipped it back on but I’ve rather not have to use it incase it happens again. New belt to be ordered.

That’s my very exciting day, Mr Eggy is excited as he’s getting a ton of little stones delivered for the garden, we call them shillies, I have absolutely no idea if that’s how it’s spelt, he went to the aggregates “shop” with a child’s beach bucket filled with the ones we already have so he could order the right ones. It’s been five years since we last had some delivered, I would think the new ones may look a bit cleaner! That should keep us busy this afternoon as they will be dumped in the arch between numbers 2 and 3 ( we’re number 5 in a row of five houses) and we’ll have to wheelbarrow them through into our back garden. It’s ok we do have reasonable access rights through our neighbours gardens, ( according to our deeds we’re allowed to bring round a horse and carriage!) 😛

Glad you’ve got a date for your cataract ops @Grannylorraine.

Have a smashing day and I hope the sun shines where you are, when are we going to get some warmer weather, it’s getting boring now?
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6 hmmm
BG 122/75 not too bad

Yesterday was good.

Today walking, keyboard practice, gardening to get rid of some weeds.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Drum roll please……
