Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks. After a much lower carb day than previous days I’ve been “ rewarded” with a 6.9! Huh! Don’t know why I bother.😉

Stones for garden arrived at 4.30, all hands on deck to get them wheelbarrowed through before neighbour arrived home and needed to park her car in the archway! A ton of stones =bad back and a broken nail! I did the raking and then went to make the tea. Luckily, my back is ok today but my nails may never recover, and I wore gardening gloves. 😛 But Greenhouse Phase 2a is complete, Phase 2b will probably be as and when the finances allow, or we win the lottery! The plan is a covered ( ie slate roofed) shelter/pavilion/bus shelter type building thingy. We keep changing the plans when we watch gardening programmes. Make your Garden Perfect with Angela Scanlon has a lot to answer too! The stones were just to tidy the area it looks good and my new bay tree has pride of place.

Babysitting today for a couple of hours whilst Zara has her swimming lesson then all back to ours for lunch. So, a hectic day!

@freesia my 87 year old MIL has the pendant around her neck too, even if your mum had pressed it the care line company would have rang you to deal with her. If no one had responded ie you,within a certain time, only then would they send an ambulance. MIL pressed hers about a dozen times non stop last week although she denies it, and hubby was called, flew round and she was fine, luckily it wasn’t the middle of the night but it has been before, she said she didn’t feel well, which is her stock answer when you ask her how she is anyways. It’s a worry isn’t it? Hope you all get a good night’s sleep tonight.

Have a good day.

Mr Eggy put our bistro set on the stones last night and shouted me to come and sit at it. It was blooming perishing, but I had to pretend it was “summer”! :rofl:


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Morning All - 6.9 this morning. Had a lovely day with my two gardening friends yesterday as we visited Sizergh Castle near Kendal. Several botanical names were said in excitement as we recognised things we'd learnt about on our course (we call ourselves Lady Gardeners on Tour) and were all reassured by the state of their runner beans too which matched ours that are looking slightly sorry for themselves. We then went to Levens Hall for lunch which was another gorgeous place - definitely need to take my Mum down there for a trip. I got a call from the Carlisle Diabetes team to see if I wanted to do a Desmond course early in July in Penrith. Decided I may as well as even though I'd done one before it was straight after my diagnosis and I could probably do with a reminder, besides it will be nice to be with a group of others. Our robo mower is back and earning his keep which is such a relief - he really does do an amazing job when he's not capsizing or getting stuck under a clump of red campion! Quiet day today with a quick trip over to my Mum's. Hubby away for two nights from tomorrow and I might sneakily put the heating on. Have a good day everyone xxx. (@eggyg loving your greenhouse and stones - can't wait for the Brighton Pavilion phase 2b. I'm intrigued by the window next to you - is that so you can be nosey and look into your neighbour's garden?)
I'm intrigued by the window next to you - is that so you can be nosey and look into your neighbour's garden?)
Haha! It is a bit quirky isn’t it? Apparently, our house was a farmhouse many, many years ago and the buildings on the right of us ( facing the front of our house) were the barns, farmyard etc. When we bought the house many years ago there was a big border and there was this square hole in the sandstone wall with glass in. It got broken over the years and the shrubs and plants grew over and through it. When we pulled out the border last year to build the greenhouse Mr Eggy decided to make a feature out of it and handmade the window himself. It’s rather nice isn’t it? It is frosted which you probably can’t see in the photo. The barns attached to our house were converted a few years ago into two houses and the window just looks over their yard and is quite a lot lower than our garden so we can’t really nose that much through the window, we just look over the wall for that! :rofl:
Good morning 9.0 today, Congratulations to the plethera of HS’s yesterday

Hope everybody can have a fabulous day 😎
A 6.0 for me this morning. 🙂

Another bright and sunny start to the day but that was when I got up at 06:30 - it's clouded over since. That seems to be the pattern for the past week. Yesterday afternoon turned out nice though and I managed to give the tumble dryer the day off and got the remains of Tuesday's washing dry on the line.

As usual on a Thursday we have no one WFH so I'll be catching the bus when I go for my regular swim later and will maybe treat myself to lunch in town.

Our eldest is off to Hamburg tomorrow as he and a mate have tickets for Poland v Netherlands in Euro 2024. He bought them in anticipation of it being Wales v Netherlands but we lost the qualifier against Poland and they went through instead. It's a 4am train to Gatwick and - oh no - he'd like a lift to the station..!

5.7 for me this morning.

Have a good day if you can. Just seen the forecast and there's a heap of rain coming in from the west.
5.9 this morning for me.

Back home as we had to cut our time on the boat short as mum isn’t well. A doctor went out to her and said it was likely a stomach virus. So, we turned around at the nearest winding hole and headed back to the marina (some 7 hours away, so not exactly a speedy trip back!).

Here we are on our “dash” back to the marina!


It was about 6pm by the time we were at mum & dad’s by then, although still in bed she seemed quite bright and talking about getting up tomorrow. The paramedics did a safeguarding referral so now dad is worried about so many people calling to arrange to come around to do assessments, at least we can go around today after a nurse visit this morning and help as much as possible.

At least I’m starting to get back to being normal, getting more good times than bad now.

Take care everyone!
Morning all - yes, we are currently "enjoying" that rain which is on it's way to you @Martin.A along with a stiff breeze. So hubby will not be doing the planned lawn cutting.

5.8 first thing. A direct contrast to yesterday's fearsome 12.7. How can anyone adjust basals when there is no rhyme nor reason for BGs?

Today I intend to sort out clothing for our river cruise. Looking at the weather in Amsterdam and Germany it's no better than it is here, so now in doubt over the mentally planned shorts and flimsy tops. Though yesterday afternoon was quite hot and we enjoyed an hour and a half in the pub garden with the usual band of suspects and had a good laugh.

Another task for today is to set up Julian's new kindle which arrived yesterday (his existing one died last week) and link it with our household Amazon account. That should be fun! Not that he ever downloads books. He just asks me to recommend a good book and hands the kindle to me to download something from my account.

All this talk of elderly persons @Eternal422, @freesia and @eggyg is making me think I'm actually not that far off that age myself, but at least we've no children to pester in the wee small hours.
Good morning 🙂 7.7 for me today 🙂 Feels like I've generated an exotic and thriving new ecosystem in my hair - not allowed to wash it until 4 days after the cataract operation 😱 Probably some new species that even David Attenborough would not recognise 😱 :D
@Northerner I was told that I could bathe and wash hair as normal, but not to get soap and water in my eyes for a week. I did manage to wash my hair whilst keeping eyes tight shut. However, at least you are contributing to the world's dwindling wild life! LOL!

Have a good day all.
Morning all - yes, we are currently "enjoying" that rain which is on it's way to you @Martin.A along with a stiff breeze.
Due here late this afternoon but the worst of it seems to be arriving tomorrow, which looks set to be pretty wet with thundery showers from around lunchtime. At least with it being Summer the rain will be warm, as the old joke goes.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.0 for me today.

Have a great day folks.
5.1 for me just got back from the usual shop not going out this evening to our local bistro although it's lovely food I'm not going again after being let down last Sunday and the owner doesn 't appear bothered her loss and our bank balance will alot happier is did a quick calculation on what we have roughly spent there since February and it's just over £2000 tonight were having Pork loin roast and just bought lemon cheese cake from marks. I split my lantus for the first time today top of each thigh so see how it goes hope everyone has a lovely day
5.1 for me just got back from the usual shop not going out this evening to our local bistro although it's lovely food I'm not going again after being let down last Sunday and the owner doesn 't appear bothered her loss and our bank balance will alot happier is did a quick calculation on what we have roughly spent there since February and it's just over £2000 tonight were having Pork loin roast and just bought lemon cheese cake from marks. I split my lantus for the first time today top of each thigh so see how it goes hope everyone has a lovely day
I know eating out is expensive but that is a holiday.
Last of the big spenders yesterday, 2 hot dogs and 2 diet pepsis at Costco for £3 for lunch.
What has happened to the summer, we are freezing, having a new boiler fitted so of course all the doors are open because they are coming and going out to their vans.
Horizontal rain here. Just been checking European long term weather forecasts for the stops on our river cruise. It looks like it will rain every blooming day. Better revise what I pack and not take shorts and flimsy tops. Of course the weather forecasts can be wrong (she said hopefully!)