Group 7-day waking average?

What has happened to the summer, we are freezing, having a new boiler fitted so of course all the doors are open because they are coming and going out to their vans.
We're fortunate in that respect because our boiler is in our garage. It used to be under our stairs but when we extended we had to get it moved as otherwise it would have been venting into the extension (into the new kitchen, to be precise).
Horizontal rain here. Just been checking European long term weather forecasts for the stops on our river cruise. It looks like it will rain every blooming day. Better revise what I pack and not take shorts and flimsy tops. Of course the weather forecasts can be wrong (she said hopefully!)
Do pack some shorts and flimsy tops. As we say here, hope is the last thing one loses! But bring other clothes more appropriate for that forecast too.
Good moaning. 10.3 but looks like it was around 7.7/7.9 20 minutes earlier. Been tossing's and turning for two hours with worsening Phantom Pain. Simple painkillers when I went to bed making no difference so the big boys now! I was surprised when a medical professional recently told they had thought Phantom Pain was just the sensation the limb was still there! At the moment it feels like the top of the foot has been scalded, the ankle broken and I have cramped in the 5,000 meters.

Going to try tackling the Wordles for distraction as can be up late as a day off after three "early doors" appointments in a row which I have to repeat next Tuesday, WSednesday and Thursday!

If I look out the cars are wet. Oh I so much want to drive again at about 120mph down the Autobahn do do the "ton" on a Triton! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 7.0 for me today 🙂

Finding it surprisingly hard to break the habit of reaching for my glasses every time I sit down to read, or at the computer, or to watch telly, which has probably been the case for the last 10-15 years 😱 🙂
Morning all. 6.2 on this wet and miserable day. Ugh! I’m really looking forward to summer, it’s my favourite day of the year! 😉

Up at the crack for no reason apart from RLS. @MikeyBikey I do not envy your phantom pain one iota. This is bad enough. I took some pain killers at 4am but still restless at 5 so I got up. It’s pointless trying to sleep. At least today is a day at home, nothing to do ( apart from a pile of ironing, a good old Hoover and polish throughout, clean the bathrooms and then think about something for tea, I’m leaning towards something salmony) and no one to see, thank goodness. As predicted yesterday was hectic. How two tiny little people can make so much mess I’ll never know! My living room floor is covered with cracker crumbs as Zara wanted a snack at 4pm and opted for pâté on Carrs Water Biscuits, very sophisticated for a three year old, most of which are currently under my sofas! I didn’t have the energy last night to clean up but I’ll get my Shark with bendable tube at it first thing. Luckily I’ve a hard wood floor, I’m not daft!

Forgot to mention earlier in the week, we got a new visitor to the garden on Monday and he’s been every day since. Never had one before, in fact apart from in the Black Forest I haven’t seen one in real life, well not in the UK. Here’s Jay Z, Zee to those not down wiv the kidz. TBF I used to be, but now I can’t get back up! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday.


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Good morning 🙂 7.0 for me today 🙂

Finding it surprisingly hard to break the habit of reaching for my glasses every time I sit down to read, or at the computer, or to watch telly, which has probably been the case for the last 10-15 years 😱 🙂
I am the opposite - was very shortsighted since early childhood so didn't need glasses to read, but the distance was a blur. Now I need glasses to read, annoyingly different strength reading glasses for computer but after ops the distance was fine without, though already this is getting less clear as the new lenses will eventually need laser treatment - nobody ever mentioned this before the ops, but apparently c10% will need this.

I was absolutely amazed how long my brain took to adjust -weeks, months even rather than the few days I expected. I have only just stopped bringing books, papers, labels closer and closer before I realise it doesn't work any more!
Morning all. 6.2 on this wet and miserable day. Ugh! I’m really looking forward to summer, it’s my favourite day of the year! 😉

Up at the crack for no reason apart from RLS. @MikeyBikey I do not envy your phantom pain one iota. This is bad enough. I took some pain killers at 4am but still restless at 5 so I got up. It’s pointless trying to sleep. At least today is a day at home, nothing to do ( apart from a pile of ironing, a good old Hoover and polish throughout, clean the bathrooms and then think about something for tea, I’m leaning towards something salmony) and no one to see, thank goodness. As predicted yesterday was hectic. How two tiny little people can make so much mess I’ll never know! My living room floor is covered with cracker crumbs as Zara wanted a snack at 4pm and opted for pâté on Carrs Water Biscuits, very sophisticated for a three year old, most of which are currently under my sofas! I didn’t have the energy last night to clean up but I’ll get my Shark with bendable tube at it first thing. Luckily I’ve a hard wood floor, I’m not daft!

Forgot to mention earlier in the week, we got a new visitor to the garden on Monday and he’s been every day since. Never had one before, in fact apart from in the Black Forest I haven’t seen one in real life, well not in the UK. Here’s Jay Z, Zee to those not down wiv the kidz. TBF I used to be, but now I can’t get back up! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday.
Beautiful but hated by the small birds.
Morning and a 7.2 for me and looking forward to watching festival of sport as the weather hardly encourages “ outdoor living” and hope it improves for the wedding we are going to next w/ end.
Had a fish finger butty tea last night and my wife made herself a quinoa salad with pomegranates,melted feta etc and she put a little on my plate as a taster.
Really did not expect how delicious and tasty it was.I have usually found “ Middle Eastern” food not the most appealing as I prefer spicy options but it was so nice I wish I had a bigger plate but my belly was already full.
Nice local trip to Knutsford today so not straying far from home.
Looking forward to w/ end and best wishes Mikey for your phantom pain and hope your Autobahn memories are happy ones.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 excellent
BP 120/76

Yesterday we had 4 young squirrels playing in our back garden. It was a joy to see them.

Almost a melt down with my wife, thankfully averted by her being shown solid photographic evidence refuting her worry about something.

Today I go to the church to set up the new huge speakers. I just hope they are as good as we think they will be. Then a walk with my friend.

An easy day (I hope)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 7.6. I slept straight through last night though i still could go back to sleep. It seems to have been a long week again.

I've just looked at the weather for today, thunderstorms and heavy showers forecast for all day! When is the summer coming?! Hopefully it will over the "summer" holidays but preferably sooner.
Morning all. 6.0

Seeing the folks this evening and taking two DNA test kits for them to do. Not because I doubt they’re my parents but because of MyHeritage genealogy stuff! It’ll maybe help track down some distant relations we don’t know about. I’m still waiting for my DNA results to come back from the lab. As long as they say I’m human I’ll be happy.
Morning all. 6.0

Seeing the folks this evening and taking two DNA test kits for them to do. Not because I doubt they’re my parents but because of MyHeritage genealogy stuff! It’ll maybe help track down some distant relations we don’t know about. I’m still waiting for my DNA results to come back from the lab. As long as they say I’m human I’ll be happy.
We sent ours off last week, had an email yesterday to say they’d received mine. I’ll be surprised if I’m anything but an English/Scottish/Irish mix. But you never know, there might be something a little more exotic in me. Viking maybe! 😛
12.4 but this time it's because I eat too much after a drop. I didn't actually sleep much at at tall. Pherpherps only got about 3 hours I'm finding myself struggling to sleep quite often ah the moment I might need see someone. Got votetear work in the mind charity shop today. So hopefully I can manage as I'm feeling very tried now

6.7 but did eat a walnut whip yesterday and took a sleeping pill. Was just feeling very down. Anyway pre-op assessment done for my cataract op on 26th. Sun is currently shinning, but wonder how long that will last.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today.
Good moaning. 10.3 but looks like it was around 7.7/7.9 20 minutes earlier. Been tossing's and turning for two hours with worsening Phantom Pain. Simple painkillers when I went to bed making no difference so the big boys now! I was surprised when a medical professional recently told they had thought Phantom Pain was just the sensation the limb was still there! At the moment it feels like the top of the foot has been scalded, the ankle broken and I have cramped in the 5,000 meters.

Going to try tackling the Wordles for distraction as can be up late as a day off after three "early doors" appointments in a row which I have to repeat next Tuesday, WSednesday and Thursday!

If I look out the cars are wet. Oh I so much want to drive again at about 120mph down the Autobahn do do the "ton" on a Triton! 🙂

Second awakening about 7:30. BG 11.1 but FOTF hit 12.7.

There was a interlude of sun but the clouds are rolling back in!
Morning all. 6.1 here.

Last night’s class was a damp squib with only three students but we had a larf. I’m so glad we’ve finished and I won’t be teaching them next year - lovely group but hard to keep up momentum with small numbers and random attendance. So, next Thursday evening I’m free to do as I please - I think I’ll go to Welsh choir practice to catch up with everyone there.

A jay @eggyg - sgrech y coed (screech-of-the-woods) in Welsh. My fat balls are covered in greedy starlings, boo hoo. I want blue tits and goldfinches!
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
