Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and an early morning reading Len Goodman would be proud off another 7 from me so Snap with Northerner.
Quiet day yesterday and not too busy a w/ end soba chance to recharge the batteries.
Pizza last night and will go out for lunch today as Father’s Day tomorrow and our usual place will be too busy and daughter not working as has w/ end off after seeing Foo Fighters last night( much better watch than the footy).
Anyway quiet or otherwise have a good w/ end

Joining Helen56 on the 6.2 step, diet has slipped a bit again, so need to tweak it back again.

Do any of you use a multi cooker? I bought a Ninja mini during the week, but now it has arrived, I am not sure if it is the wonder gadget I hoped or just another kitchen clutter. As I have a small kitchen I was hoping to replace the small air fryer and slow cooker with it and maybe use the electric pressure cooker aspect, but would like some feedback from people that have a multi cooker if they really are too good to be true. Trying to decide whether to send it back.
5.8 for me, I put my basel up 1u as autumn appears to have arrived.
Indoor jobs today due to the above.
My rose over the pergola is doing its thing.
Have a good w/end everyone :D


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Morning all. 5.5 here.

There’s a chill in the air and it’s threatening to rain. I hope not! because it’s Gwyl y Dysgwyr today - the end of year party for all our Welsh learners here in soggy Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire. I’ve got my purple t-shirt which means I’m officially a tiwtor now, not a dysgwr...exciting stuff!

Lovely rose @DianeD - I’m hoping to do something similar with a random rose that grows along the fence we share with the neighbour - if I don’t train it up something soon it’ll end up growing into his guttering, garage roof, workshop roof...and it’s a beauty, like yours.
Good morning! Surprised myself with a HS when I woke at 07:07. I had been awake in the early hours with a nasty spike from Phantom Pain and did not get back to sleep till around 3:00!

Congratulations to my HS twin @Robin! Wonder if we will be Wordle twins later?

Saturday - so housework, a washing load and yet more paperwork.

Broken cloud with sunshine but some of those dark clouds look ominous! 😱

Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 excellent, but could do better!
BP 120/80 ok
Pulse 54 back to my normal
Oxy 98%

Ok time for the big reveal... about 6 months ago everyone was saying that I was far too light and needed to put on some weight (I agreed as I did look very gaunt), so I decided to eat 'more fully' and did put some back on. Incredibly it didn't affect my blood glucose tests at all, but it did have a minor affect on my HbA1c test six months later, by increasing it by 2 (the effect of snacking?), still not in the diabetic range. One other thing I noticed was that I was finding it increasingly difficult to walk comfortably. I didn't like that!

So I have recently reverted back to my stricter diet and increased my exercise regime. Yesterday alone (but this is a few days into my new efforts) I lost 0.6Kg. Happy with that.

I won't reveal how far I am from my new lower goal but it's not too far.

Yesterday was good, wife was happy (mostly), sorted out setting up of the new church speakers, parcel arrived for my wife (some compost for her plants). She loves her plants but manages to kill most of them!

My wife spent a few hours playing her drums in the evening. Thank goodness we live in a detatched house!

Hmmm, she's not looking her best!


Today, walks, keyboard practice, a light tea (but M&S fish tomorrow), formal practice at the church (but I am only doing the sound).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 2.9!!!!! The alarm woke me but i must have dozed back off. Treated and waiting for it to go up so i can have breakfast. I've got the hypo headache though. We're off out for the day today. Not sure where, we'rr going to look at the weather in different places before deciding.

Congrats on the HS @Robin and @MikeyBikey.
6.5 this morning, which was a bit of a surprise, but it is right as I switched hands and did a second test. Dull, grey and damp outside - it's just started raining - and a wet day in store by all accounts. Just as well there's lots of footie to watch, but not sure we'll get any tennis in Nottingham today. My wife has an old schoolfriend visiting and she was planning a walk and then lunch somewhere, but not sure what they'll do if it stays like this.

Our eldest and his mate arrived safely in Hamburg but we haven't heard from him since they landed, although we can see that he's active on social media. The match they've got tickets for kicks off at 2 o'clock tomorrow so I expect they'll be watching today's matches at a Fan Zone.

Congrats @Robin and @MikeyBikey on your HSs this morning
Morning all. 5.7 but more importantly I’ve had a lie in.

Hoping I’ll have more energy than I did yesterday after been awake since 4am! Although I did clean up and do the ironing and feed the birds. Bathrooms didn’t get done as whilst having a chill after lunch Mr Eggy got a text from Ross from United Utilities to say that we may have low water pressure as another company had damaged some underground pipes. We’re having a bypass built just a mile away from us starting at Junction 42 of the M6, so I’m blaming them. Anyhoo, we had more than low pressure, we didn’t have any water! Luckily, it happened after our lunch time cuppa! It’s back on now, but a bit mucky looking and a bit off and on. We got another text last night, from Harry this time, they must think the personal touch is going to make us less cross, ( although I bet Ross and Harry are AI) to say the work to fix the leak was still ongoing and thanks for our patience. Hope I can get a shower this morning without it stopping and starting! If not I’ll just stand in the garden, it’s pouring down, just for a change! 😉

@Robin and @MikeyBikey congratulations of your HSs. @DianeD your rose looks fab over your pergola. We have a grapevine over our pergola, it’s great for shade in the summer months, we’ve not sat under it yet this year!

Have a good day.
A 5.7 for me this morning. 🙂 And congratulations to @Robin & @MikeyBikey on the HSs.


Took DNA swabs from the folks yesterday and I’ll post them off today.

Nothing much planned. May wander to the shops and peruse clothes.
Good morning. 5.7

Met Office Forecast 90% for heavy rain from 1500. Looking out the window at saturated garden, dripping leaves, huge black clouds, I think their clock is wrong. Got the last of the path removed yesterday evening. I don't think the weather propitious for using an electric tiller today. So no plans.

I put in an hour on the hunt for the last missing cousins without success. Having seen that several of us have done DNA tests I decided to send for one in case that helps identify them. Once the probate registry has issued a grant I want to be in a position to close the estate quickly. It seems, however, that the registry works to the same tempo as the DVLA (9 months and counting to renew my licence) so we will be lucky to distribute the loot before Christmas. Thank goodness that the poor old boy didn't have to wait for them to have a funeral. Judging by the political news Governments Depts are unlikely to see a rapid improvement post-election, rather the opposite.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning All - 7.2 for me this morning. I woke early but managed to go back to sleep till just gone 8am (pressing my snooze every 5 minutes from 7.30). Pouring here and I'm wondering if there's a wet weather contingency for our village sports day - knowing the villagers a little bit now I reckon it will all still go ahead and everyone will have a good time. Just hope the children in the children's races I'm overseeing don't slip & slide too much 😳 Off for our family day out to Hexham Waitrose in a bit. My Mum's coming too now so it's her, myself and my brother. Shame the weather is like this as we're driving up over the Pennines which would be gorgeous if clear. I need to put the dog cage in the boot so that Wilbur doesn't eat all the shopping on the way home ... Have a good day everyone xxx
I was 10 this morning, back from my cruise yesterday for a week at home. Annoyingly I’ve been really ill the whole week and I’m still not feeling great so it’s at least a duvet on my own sofa day.
New boiler fitted yesterday so now just got to get used to the different noises it makes. Of course there is always follow on work needed, putting insulation and boarding in the loft where the 3 tanks used to be and making the boiler cupboard which now has no hot water cylinder useable for storage.
Last time we bought some loft insulation it was cheap but now WOW.