Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone!

A gently undulating 6.6 for me.

My pump is coming up for renewal next month, and I’m very tempted to switch to another closed loop because of some inevitable niggles with the current system. But if I do switch I’m potentially really going to miss the amazing overnight stability that tSlim has given me for 4 years. I’ve simply never had overnight results like it.
A nice round 6.0 this morning. Nice and sunny when I got up, overcast now. I was outside at 07:15 putting two loads of yesterday's washing on the line and now I'm keeping an eye on the weather in case I have to whip it all back inside again.

Fathers' Day but no special plans. I don't like being made a fuss of anyway. 4 kids - one here, though he's got a full Sunday shift at Sainsbury's today, one in Hamburg at Euro24, one living in Swansea and one living in Bedfordshire. It means I have the day to do whatever I want, which is a gift in itself to be honest. Looking forward to the Kernow Dark Chocolate that I know our youngest has got me, ordered from the Fowey Sweet Shop in Cornwall, as the lot I got for my birthday is all gone.

Looking forward to watching Boulter v Raducanu finish their match later, and England v Serbia this evening of course. By then our eldest should be on his way home as the match he's going to is a 2pm KO. Hope his flight isn't delayed or it'll be gone midnight when he gets home, and guess what - he hasn't got a house key with him.

Hope you enjoyed your dessert @helen56 - I wouldn't mention it to that DN of yours, though,

Enjoy your Sunday.
Morning all, 8.5 here, and weirdly for me, a completely flat line overnight, I normally dip and rise again.
Doubt OH will hear from our kids, he always makes a great speech about how commercialised Father's day is, and how he doesn’t see the point of celebrating it so they take him literally and don’t. Son is camping in the middle of a muddy field in France with loud traffic racing round the outside, anyway…he’s gone to watch the LeMans 24 hours.
Well done @harbottle on the HS. A 5.7 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! Another night interrupted by Phantom Pain. Looking back it has been every night since the Doxycycline was stopped but I cannot see any connection. The stomach seems to be improving though. Was 10.3 when I woke in the early hours after climbing steeply but down to 5.6 on waking at 7:00.

Sunny but threatening cloud!
Oops, around 8 this morning. Probably due to the past few days stress with my parents. Our second visit yesterday was when the nurses came to see mum. It was helpful we were there as we could hear first hand what they are saying about care, assessments, etc. Dad is totally bamboozled by everything so at least we could help take some of the strain off him. As we said goodbye to mum she insisted on showing my wife some jewellery and saying that she wanted her to have some specific pieces. She’s done this sort of thing for years, but somehow there seemed to be something more intense about it.

Hopefully a day off visiting the folks today, daughter and family coming to us for lunch which will be really nice.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS today!

Take care everyone.
Morning all, 8.5 here, and weirdly for me, a completely flat line overnight, I normally dip and rise again.
Doubt OH will hear from our kids, he always makes a great speech about how commercialised Father's day is, and how he doesn’t see the point of celebrating it so they take him literally and don’t. Son is camping in the middle of a muddy field in France with loud traffic racing round the outside, anyway…he’s gone to watch the LeMans 24 hours.
Hoist by his own petard! MIL years ago went on and on one Christmas everytime we went to visit about how she didn’t want any presents, it was for the kids etc etc. so we took her at her word and got her a big fat nowt! Her face was a picture. :rofl:
Funnily enough the following year she never mentioned anything!
Morning all - 7.0 for me today which is good, for me. Resisted any late treats/snacks last night but supper was quite crabby (ready meal curry). Day trip to Waitrose was fun - We drove through Hexham which is gorgeous but no time to have a look round. We were all on a mission with our shopping bags and Wilbur firmly shut in a cage in the boot so he didn't eat our wares on the way home. I think I've got that out of my system for another year. The good thing was that lots of things were near their use-by date so I was muttering a bit which made me more impressed by our local supermarkets (Sainsburys, Booths & M&S food). I got lots of my old time favourites though which are now out in the chest freezer and we just have to hope we don't have any power cuts any time soon! Our local village sports day today. I'm not sure what happens if it rains but looks like it might hold off till ½ way through. Have a lovely Sunday everyone xxx


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It was 10.8 but not there all night in fect blood Sugers have been better the past couple of days


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I’ve never had a crab curry before. Was it a Waitrose special? 😛
Bl**dy predictive text! Although it was actually a fish curry and quite carby :rofl:
Morning all. 5.1 and a flat line overnight. I'm pleased with that as yesterday levels were very spiky for some reason.

Congrats on the HS @harbottle
Morning all,

5.7 today, been to the crem with flowers for our dads, now waiting for our daughter to visit before hubby has to go to work. Son came round while we were at the crem, which is a shame we didn’t get to see him. Going to see my friend later.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.
Morning all - 7.0 for me today which is good, for me. Resisted any late treats/snacks last night but supper was quite crabby (ready meal curry). Day trip to Waitrose was fun - We drove through Hexham which is gorgeous but no time to have a look round. We were all on a mission with our shopping bags and Wilbur firmly shut in a cage in the boot so he didn't eat our wares on the way home. I think I've got that out of my system for another year. The good thing was that lots of things were near their use-by date so I was muttering a bit which made me more impressed by our local supermarkets (Sainsburys, Booths & M&S food). I got lots of my old time favourites though which are now out in the chest freezer and we just have to hope we don't have any power cuts any time soon! Our local village sports day today. I'm not sure what happens if it rains but looks like it might hold off till ½ way through. Have a lovely Sunday everyone xxx
Had to reply as Hexham is one of our favourites but I can walk to our Waitrose and will have to settle for our w/end in Morpeth next week.
Mind you Martin has Waitrose Head Office on his doorstep so he trumps us all.
I only had Crab Curry once as generally I do not like Seafood however it was fantastic.I had a holiday near Mombasa a long while ago and stayed at one of the old colonial residences which had an Askari attached ( caretaker/security guard/cum Cook and each day he went down the local market to source the ingredients and then cook it.
It was delicious but the setting was perfect as well.
Enjoy your day as much as I enjoyed that Crab curry but if you find something you enjoy keep on doing it unlike me.
Morning all and 6.5 for me. At least it's not raining at the moment although as I can see the other side of the valley it's going to rain.

England tonight, not too sure what I'm doing before then.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone, it’s a 4.7 for me today, that’s two days on the trot in the 4’s which is unusual for me as I’m usually in the 5/6 range.

Have a good day folks and happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.
Morning all - quite dull today - mostly, but with sunny periods.

8.2 when I finally woke up, but that was a result of the Dextro tab and a biscuit at 6am.

Congratulations to @harbottle.

Have a good day - oh and any postings from me might be a bit sporadic over the next 10/12 days.