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Group 7-day waking average?

Just catching up wasn't able to post yesterday hubby decided to replace the power button on my mac and now it's dead I'm not very happy to say the least he still trying to fix it using my tablet at the moment but much prefer my mac anyway 5.2 yesterday and 4.9 this morning have a good day all
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How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week :)

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning :)

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! ;))
11.9 upon waking but 9.2 through the night
5.7 then after FOTF 7.1. I had a busy morning trying to figure out the wireless signal on my wireless printer but I wasn't successful. Instead, I found where to plug in a USB lead. So**ing technology - not always as it's cracked up to be!
Morning a 7.1 for me after a quiet w/ end and went a little high after a scone and crisps watching the footy and no correction dose as I was about 8 going to bed and level but should have realised I would have a delayed rise.
Nice early trip to Glossop to meet a colleague and a BLT and a gossip at local M&S and then find some work to do.
Have a good week.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 ok
Pulse 52 mmm a bit low but ok

Again it is dark, grey, threatening rain out there! ☹️

Yesterday the sound system at the church did really well but the chap who was speaking using a tie mic accidentally disconnected his mic lead when he shoved the transmitter into his pocket (after turning it on). That caused some confusion.

I seem to only be able to put one smiley in my post...

My wife treated me to fish and chips at the beach followed by ice cream. Nice.

On a bit of a downer... I had zero contact from my daughter (fathers day), who, about a year ago, arbitrarily, rejected us both as parents (silently, just stopped seeing us or communicating). Haven't seen her or heard from her since. No reason for it as far as I can see too. Sad.

Today, early, like in an hours time, back to the church to practice a new song (only time the vocalist can make it).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning/moaning! Unbelievable, after three/four nights waking with Phantom Pain no pain but a hypo (3.1) at 3:00am! Then woke at 6:55 at 4.1 going down. Maybe overdid thew wheelchair hovering!

Phone calls and paperwork today - wonder how long I will be on hold? Will leave Wordles till hypo head clears.

Broken cloud but was red sky (the old sheep herders' warning) as I was trying to get back to sleep!
Good morning all and a much better 6.3 and a much more civilised time to get up!

I woke at 4.50am for a loo trip and it was a fabulous sunrise, but now it looks like we’ve had a massive downpour since then as everything is soaking wet, but it’s looking brighter. Fingers crossed it stays like that.

As predicted, yesterday was chaos, house full. Three daughters, six grandchildren and one son in law! I baked chocolate brownies but luckily youngest daughter popped to Morrisons Local and emptied their shelves of baked goodies! There wasn’t much left by the time they’d all left! They’re like locusts!

Quiet day today, I haven’t any plans as yet, except maybe read my new book, TBF I mean one of my new books, I kind of bought eight new books last weeks, in my defence six were preloved.

Have a Happy Monday.
Morning all a lovely sunny start here, with a 5.6 for me.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Good morning 6.1

Very misty here this morning - can hardly see anything beyond the garden. Sun came out after lunch yesterday so I put in a good 4 hours on the garden. Just got to add the sand to level the old path track before sowing lawn seed. Managed to cut up the enormous pallet and packing which protected the mower on its journey and stow it in the trailer for tip delivery. Infuriatingly Lampeter has an excellent tip but lousy food shopping - just the big Co-op and a tiny Sainsbury's. Carmarthen is the opposite. When everything is a 32-36 mile round trip one tends to try to combine purposes for journey.

Not expecting to see anyone today so will be plodding on in the garden.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Morning all. 6.0
Off to physio.
Received the results of my retinopathy check up this morning. All clear. Now down to check ups every two years.
Morning 6.2 I did somehow managed to forget take my regular inhaler last night(, think I fell asleep before I was meant). So that might have helped with blood sugar obviously not recommend though I had actually gone really high after massively over treating a drop but came right back down. So good job I resisted the urge to do a correction it

4.8 today, Bakeclub this evening, so taking a Stilton and Leek quiche, so will be making that later.

@ColinUK - pleased to hear your eye screening was all clear.