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Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.1 for me this morning. :)

Morning All - 7.4 this morning. Great day helping at the local sports day yesterday and the sun shone on and off for the whole event with the first suggestion of rain coming just after the races had finished at 4pm. I was a catcher on the finish line and did it for 3 hours solid! Some great races but the most hilarious was the Father's Race. I'd tied big baking potatoes onto a piece of garden twine which they then had to tie round their waste and let the potato dangle - they then had to swing the potato by thrusting their hips forward and make it hit a lightweight football up the track (about 40m) - very funny and we had to do two heats as there were so many takers. After the sack races we had the duvet races where you had teams of 3 in a double duvet cover jumping/running/falling along the track - great fun. In true Cumbria style whilst this was all going on there was also a more serious fell race on the hill by the field - I met lots of locals and have made a note of who they are and roughly where they live so I don't forget by midweek. Later on I met my Mum at Askham Hall for their NGS Yellow Book Open Garden which luckily was on until 7pm - so a lovely day all round. Have a good week everyone. I'm going to try to having a waking score in the 6s although heading off to France for a long weekend on Thursday so might be tricky with BGs there.


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5.9 this morning, an average of 6.4 LH and 5.4 RH. It's another lovely morning and the forecast is good - dry and temperatures hitting the dizzy heights of 20 degrees. Yesterday turned out nice, too - we got the covers off the garden furniture for the first time in a while and enjoyed a coffee on the patio while reading the Sunday paper. Bath towels washed and then dried on the line, too.

Our eldest's and his mate's return flight from Hamburg was delayed and they were getting into Gatwick after the last train had left, so one of his other mates picked them up, which was good of him, otherwise it would have been a taxi. He got home at 01:37. The Poland v Netherlands match he was at was the best of the tournament up to that point as the earlier matches had been a little one-sided, so it was a good one to have got tickets for. Shame it wasn't Wales instead of Poland, though.

Hope everyone gets some of this sunshine today.
07:55 BS 5.9 :)

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! ;)

One final day of livestream Milan Men’s Fashion Week & the names I, in italics, know are Giorgio Armani and Gucci! It’s been an interesting few days of watching men’s fashion: in between the livestream shows there’s a lot of ads of Milan’s tourist board of local places in & around the city and clothing industry kind of haberdashery ads; never knew there are special zips made especially for shoes! :rolleyes::rofl: And of course, gazing at all those gorgeous male models strut their stuff. Saw quite a few of the suits being modelled by female models too of the androgynous body type a la Jamie Lee Cutis in her younger “The Body” hey day: strutting beside the male models wearing the same outfit; the suits looked even better that way? :confused:

Did I ever tell you that my younger brother, his name means “rich & famous” was once approached by a 90’s group or band called “Salad Days” to be in their music video. My brother was still at college back then & told me that he spent a day shooting it along with some other male models that were hired. He got quite bored by the end of the day as they only talked about how to keep looking good, their skin & hair care routines etc etc! :rolleyes::rofl: Salad Days gave him a VHS tape of the music video & he looks like Keanu Reeves in his “The Matrix” get up of trench coat, slicked back hair & dark sunglasses! :cool::p:rofl: He said it was ok to do it for a day but, he couldn’t stick doing it for a living! :rofl:
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Afternoon everyone, a rather late in the day 5.4 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks, I'm off for a bike ride now to get some wind in my hair....
10.2 this morning after several Libre alarms in the early morning hours! I had 4 JB's and had a biscuit then went back to sleep. It is a lovely sunny day here after the early mirk of morning, should be good all week with an interruption on Friday (supposed to rain), which is way off. I phoned my brother on the mobile instead of the landline (after a funny feeling that someone wanted me on it), and lo and behold it rang ten minutes later!
5.1 this morning just bought a new mac computer after hubby spent all weekend trying to fix my old one it wasn't even broken just a dodgy power button that you had to wiggle about to turn it on but in his wisdom he decided to replace it which involved taking almost all th inside out and as it turned out the button had just come loose but try as he might he couldn't get it back on. I've had it for 13 years so I can't really complain looking forward to the new one arriving its bigger and better hope everyone has a good day
No waking reading because I haven't slept more issues wih what I said. August can't come quick enough
Morning a 6.9 for me and a fairly flat line overnight so my 2u correction was a better decision than previous night.
My wife goes to Slimming World on Monday night so was home alone watching the films my wife does not like ( so war and gangster and documentaries for me and period dramas and romcoms for her).
Hen she eats and will often say to me do you want some chocolate or toast and as they say I can resist anything except temptation.
Podiatrist for regular foot care first thing and then trip to Wrexham so pretty quiet day.
Good morning 6.2 today, yesterday was 7.4
I had some high readings over the weekend (10.1 on Sunday and I think it was 9 on Saturday)

since the end of last week, I have have been suffering with hayfever
have a terrific Tuesday everyone :cool:
Morning all. 6.4

Physio yesterday had me jumping off boxes and things which was interesting. My body just didn’t want to play ball but I did it and it was fine.
Good morning folks. 7.7! Hmmm….maybe shouldn’t have had that snack whilst watching Bake Off: The Professionals. Food programmes always make me hungry.

As promised, I did nowt yesterday, apart from fill up the blooming bird feeders again! I just read my book, and finished it. Then I sat on my butt all night watching telly. Watched the final episode of Lost Boys and Fairies. OMG! I cried from the start right to the end. I had to clean my specs with the proper glasses full strength cleaner and not just a bit spit on my cloth as I usually do! Absolutely heartbreaking but also joyous and funny in parts too. Give it a watch on IPlayer if you can. Have the tissues ready and the full strength specs cleaner beside you too!

Today I think we’re going to try and get out for a walk, haven’t done any significant walking for ages. Fingers crossed the weather plays ball.

Have a good day all.
Morning all. A surprise 9.3 for me - the DF or my late dinner? Who knows / cares since it was out of my control!

We’re expecting a delivery from Jewson’s tomorrow, which means hubby will be able to start laying the bamboo floor in the lounge, which means I need to strip the lounge bare this afternoon before the DIY-fest begins. Then we’re off out for our tea tonite to celebrate the fact that my evening classes are gradually coming to an end (last one tomorrow night) and I’ll be free...free!...to slob out in front of the telly of an evening instead of working...woohoo!