• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.6.

@eggyg lovely photos. It looks like it was a lovely day there. Here it was forecast to be nice but was cloudy and cool most of the day.

@ColinUK do you get these cheaper tickets because its last minute? I love the photo, old photos fascinate me. Do you know much about them?
Good morning.5.8

Ex-path finished and seeded. Trailer of rubbish delivered to tip. Should have slept like log but sadly awake by 01.30. Read "Whose body" on the principle that an old, well known, book should drop me back to sleep, a ploy which failed. So face what looks like another grey day completely cream-crackered. Have avoided the "big shop" for days and am now reduced to cheese, crackers or children's emergency fish fingers...I haven't even enough flour to make pizza or any pasta (which is fortunate since I am trying to get daily score down)...so I have written my list and prepared myself for a run to Carmarthen. Judging by the dearth in pantry and freezer it will over heat and bend my plastic a bit.

@eggyg Loved the bird pictures. My little lot are facing strong competition from corvids - masses of wretched magpies and even jays accompanied by their funereally clad friends. Waving, whether through window or outside, disperses them to allow the tits, sparrows, finches etc a short go at the fat balls and seed. 50 balls and a bag of seed (£26) doesn't last long once the big guys start on the balls, greedy brutes. I assume the fat must be animal derived as I thought corvids were mostly carnivorous.

Time to feed Mr Wolf - wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

It is amazing how you can get over a crisis, start to settle down and 'whatever' throws in a curve ball. My wife was washing clothes, wash after wash, around midday I smelled an electrical burning smell but thought it was the next door neighbours burning some odd rubbish. Wrong, the washing machine had died!!! Just what we didn't need. And it died when it was full of clothes and water!!!

At first I thought the problem was a blocked water filter as it wouldn't drain. So the long, messy process began of emptying the thing of water. It went everywhere and I got soaked. But I cleared the filter (it was full of stuff) and my wife gave the washing another go.

Nope it was dead in the draining department and stopped 'full of washing and water'. So I had to empty it again!!! A fun evenings entertainment!!! Actually it didn't phase me at all. After 10 years hard service I should have expected it to fail about now.

Ordered a new one (wife doesn't know) and it will arrive tomorrow between 7am and 7pm (free delivery !). Mind you I had to pay for them to take the old machine away (recycling they call it).

Today, early doctors appointmrnt to discuss my latest blood test results. Hmm what could they possibly say... high cholesterol... and I think that's about it.

My wife has to go fetch her meds (with me) from the local hospital as she is still under their care.

I had better practice the new song. We had a practice at the church the other day but there was only me and the Pastor. The main singer could not make it. But it was a very useful time ensuring the chords and notes were correct, the sounds were correct, the added effects worked, etc.

Tonight sweet and sour chicken. Nice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A 6.6 for me. Odd blood day yesterday so hoping for better today. A friend is coming over but she is allergic to the cats so will go out for lunch, it used to always be a cream tea but that was before diagnosis and I can't do that amount of carbs now. Anything more than 4u insulin in one go and I'm asking for trouble. :oops:
@ColinUK do you get these cheaper tickets because its last minute? I love the photo, old photos fascinate me. Do you know much about them?
We know where the photo was taken (the photo studio name is on the back of the pic) in Poland. We know the names of the people and I’ve been able to trace details of all of his siblings plus his parents and grand parents. It gets a bit more difficult going further back.
On the maternal side I’ve got her fathers details but nothing for her mother.
Of course there are no (or at best scant few) official documents proving anything so it’s like piecing together a massive jigsaw puzzle but not knowing what the end result should look like whilst bearing in mind that there’s lots of very similar looking pieces out there.

Hello Dolly I’ve booked for August. It was cheap as it’s in the very sub prime seats at the front of the stalls. That said I do get discounts for everything I see thanks to my mental health being classed as a disability.

It takes work but if anyone on here gets PIP for anything then get yourselves a Nimbus Card then look at the Access pages for any theatre or venue you’re interested in. They all run access lists which give discounted tickets or reserve aisle seats or whatever. Nimbus is £15 for three years but it’s paid for itself many many times over.
A 6.6 for me. Odd blood day yesterday so hoping for better today. A friend is coming over but she is allergic to the cats so will go out for lunch, it used to always be a cream tea but that was before diagnosis and I can't do that amount of carbs now. Anything more than 4u insulin in one go and I'm asking for trouble. :oops:
We need pics of the cat!!

5.7 and no plans for today. Got to take my for further eye tests due to a slight issue with her left eye, but next week I have my cataract op and mum has her diabetic eye screening, so that takes up hubbies days off, poor man never gets a chance to have a rest on his days off as always taking me or mum somewhere.
Morning all. 5.7 here.

Lesson planning and admin today - only three classes to plan for, then off to my last evening class until September. They seem keen, this lot, so hopefully they’ll be back for more after the summer.

Must dash, dog needs walking!
A 5.1 for me this morning. :)

Realised I ought to have been helpful and posted a link to Nimbus’s access card application website thingy
Good morning 10.1 from me today
Really stressful at work at the moment, but today should be a half decent day

I weighed myself the other day, and yes I have lost some weight
but it looks like I’m not going to achieve the 10% body weight reduction (in 12 weeks)
that I had set my goal as
when I enrolled on a fitness program although my fitness I'm sure has improved.

currently still waiting for Diabetic Eye Clinic to write to my GP,
at themselves, the Eye consultant assured me when they do, they will CC in me plus the Diabetes Consultant (at the same hospital they are based at)
to confirm it’s ok as far as they are concerned to put me back on the alternative to Ozempic/Trulitcity that both my GP and the DSN said is now available. that should improve my Diabetes control plus aid weight loss, definitely needed as my latest Hba1c had gone up to 75

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone
Good morning, 6.9 today for me.

Been a busy few days but things are settling down, mum is getting better and they are both starting to cope better now. We went to my wife’s sister Monday to stay the night and take her to her hospital appointment yesterday, a follow up after her foot operation. Although things are going well she still has to have a boot on to support her foot whilst it heals. Plus, I’m getting better now and not far off being normal again! Yay!

My wife is off to see a friend today so I’m planning to get some much-needed gardening done.

Take care everyone!
No other surprises in the mix. I’m putting the Finnish part down to Finns travelling in to the Baltic states and indulging in a bit of how’s ya father
I’m fascinated by the Finnish element. Daughter did hers, and came out 98% UK, probably Lancashire and Yorkshire (no surprises there, that’s where the family all come from) and 2% Finnish! One day OH and I will get ours done, to see which side it’s on (or both!)

Doctors appt, no surprises. Here have a statin.... no thanks, next!

Just been informed that there is a practice of the new song at lunchtime. The singer is available then. Just lugged my heavy keyboard downstairs waiting for transport later on.

It's all go today!!!
5.8 for me on a morning that started off cool and overcast but has now brightened up and it looks like we have another nice day in store. My wife is a volunteer dog walker with the Cinnamon Trust but the lady she walks a dog for on Wednesdays is currently having a short spell in a care home, to see if it's suitable for her, so she did her usual walk this morning, mostly through woodland, but with me instead of the dog.

Our eldest picked up his car yesterday and a nice one it is too, with only 9 miles on the clock. He works for Honda and they operate a scheme where employees can get a car from them, so he chose an HR-V hybrid. He now has a rather thick manual to look through to figure out how everything works. Don't remember my first car, a Mk 2 Cortina, coming with such an encyclopaedia. It's even twice the size of my Astra Manual.

Grass needs cutting so will take advantage of the dry day and do that later. Also going to nip over to Next in nearby Bracknell as I found an unused gift card in a draw, probably from Xmas.

@helen56 - pleased to hear that you have your first GP appointment. Let us know how it goes.

Whatever your plans enjoy the day.