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Group 7-day waking average?

I’m fascinated by the Finnish element. Daughter did hers, and came out 98% UK, probably Lancashire and Yorkshire (no surprises there, that’s where the family all come from) and 2% Finnish! One day OH and I will get ours done, to see which side it’s on (or both!)
It’s such a small amount that it’s likely more to do with how they’re tagging the sections rather than any actual Finnish heritage.

Although it is my brand of choice when it comes to dishwasher tablets so who knows?!
It’s such a small amount that it’s likely more to do with how they’re tagging the sections rather than any actual Finnish heritage.

Although it is my brand of choice when it comes to dishwasher tablets so who knows?!

Interestingly a recent blood transfusion would affect results for a week to ten days. So there is a possibility some people may have confused themselves! :)
4.9 this morning new computer has arrived just got to set it up all my stuff passwords are on the old mac which automatically logged me in so I've no idea what half of them are I t s going to be a long afternoon when we get back to set everything up. Having marks cod tonight I keep reading how a few of you say its really nice not sure which one but I got the one in the box hope everyone has a good day
Good morning.5.8

Ex-path finished and seeded. Trailer of rubbish delivered to tip. Should have slept like log but sadly awake by 01.30. Read "Whose body" on the principle that an old, well known, book should drop me back to sleep, a ploy which failed. So face what looks like another grey day completely cream-crackered. Have avoided the "big shop" for days and am now reduced to cheese, crackers or children's emergency fish fingers...I haven't even enough flour to make pizza or any pasta (which is fortunate since I am trying to get daily score down)...so I have written my list and prepared myself for a run to Carmarthen. Judging by the dearth in pantry and freezer it will over heat and bend my plastic a bit.

@eggyg Loved the bird pictures. My little lot are facing strong competition from corvids - masses of wretched magpies and even jays accompanied by their funereally clad friends. Waving, whether through window or outside, disperses them to allow the tits, sparrows, finches etc a short go at the fat balls and seed. 50 balls and a bag of seed (£26) doesn't last long once the big guys start on the balls, greedy brutes. I assume the fat must be animal derived as I thought corvids were mostly carnivorous.

Time to feed Mr Wolf - wishing everyone a good day.
The jackdaws in our garden are eating me out of house and home. Especially the fat balls, the little birds don’t stand a chance. I got a huge shock the other day though. A sparrow was feeding its youngest right outside my back door when a jackdaw with two young with it grabbed the sparrow chick and promptly killed and started tearing it apart and feeding it to its chicks. The jackdaws share the feeders with all the other birds regardless of their size so this was a total surprise. I Googled it and it can happen on occasion especially when raising chicks. They need the extra protein apparently. I felt guilty because I hadn’t filled the fat balls or peanuts up that day. Horrifying. Yet when a sparrowhawk does it I don’t bat an eyelid!
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The jackdaws in our garden are eating me out of house and home. Especially the fat balls, the little birds don’t stand a chance. I got a huge shock the other day though. A sparrow was feeding its youngest right outside my back door when a jackdaw with two young with it grabbed the sparrow chick and promptly killed and started tearing it apart and feeding it to its chicks. The jackdaws share the feeders with all the other birds regardless of their size so this was a total surprise. I Googled it and it can happen on occasion especially when raising chicks. They need the extra protein apparently. I felt guilty because I hadn’t filled the fat balls or peanuts up that day. Horrifying. Yet when a sparrowhawk does it I don’t bat an eyelid!
Nature innit!
Am I in time to post my waking reading for today? I'm getting later and later just recently...

Anyway, it was a 5.0 at 8.30 on what has turned out to be another lovely day.
The jackdaws in our garden are eating me out of house and home. Especially the fat balls, the little birds don’t stand a chance. I got a huge shock the other day though. A sparrow was feeding its youngest right outside my back door when a jackdaw with two young with it grabbed the sparrow chick and promptly killed and started tearing it apart and feeding it to its chicks. The jackdaws share the feeders with all the other birds regardless of their size so this was a total surprise. I Googled it and it can happen on occasion especially when raising chicks. They need the extra protein apparently. I felt guilty because I hadn’t filled the fat balls or peanuts up that day. Horrifying. Yet when a sparrowhawk does it I don’t bat an eyelid!
If you have swallows nesting watch out at fledging time - the ruddy magpies kill the chicks then - nice and big but easy to catch. Cleared my swallows out of the barn in 2022 and I have been without any since.
If you have swallows nesting watch out at fledging time - the ruddy magpies kill the chicks then - nice and big but easy to catch. Cleared my swallows out of the barn in 2022 and I have been without any since.
Fingers crossed that won’t happen, our swallows tuck theirselves under an archway and arrive here without fail around about 27th April every year since we moved here in 1986.
Morning a 7.2 and up early to take dogs out and would have been happy to stay in bed.
Had a chippy tea last night and could not resist polishing off all the chips we had left so me on the naughty step and a nice spike up to 12 just before bed to ruin my TIR.
Quiet day and then preparing for our w/ end Up North.
Watched the footy last night and really enjoyed Scotland who played much better and with much more fight.
Anyway going to be a good day so bring it on.
Good morning. 5.8

Yesterday managed a 2nd tip run, hedge clippings and cardboard, as well as a mammoth shop. I'll be needing anther tip run soon as the path behind the pond is totally occluded by overgrown shrubs. Gauntlets on, secateurs in hand, cleared about 3ft and over filled large barrow. The day had started quite cool but was, by then, sweltering so I gave in to baser instincts and sat down - to wake 2 hours later. What is it about age that induces sleep during the day and insomnia at night?

Postal vote forms delivered yesterday. I shall miss pottering down to the old school to make my mark but without any photo ID I have no option. Determined to get young Ben Lake back into the House, a task made less easy post-boundary changes. Pembs is notoriously Tory but the changes have only incorporated the Northern part which is more Welsh speaking so, hopefully, some Plaid supporters. Ben is very young, an energetic and effective constituency MP, no Etonian but a local state school boy, son of a local policeman. Just what we need to represent us. I await my large placard for the gate with almost the same enthusiasm as I scan the post for mail from the DVLA but no sign of that as yet.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning! Route 66 (6.6) this morning after a fairly good night following a late evening spike!

Rushing as early doors physiotherapy today. Reverted to silver dressings on my macerated wounds but no clear answer why the previous week's podiatrist had stopped them. Wish I could see same person, same day and time every week.

Bright sunshine and no dark clouds to be seen.

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Good morning 9.2
I did some chasing up yesterday, so hopefully GP will get the letter from eye department today

appreciate had I not had a bowl of cheesy chips for dinner last night (followed by chocolate)
I might’ve had a more respectable waking BS today

Have a fabulous day everybody :cool:
Morning all. 12.2 and dropping. Graph shows a spike up to 16 overnight, maybe from comfort eating carbs (even though i bolussed) for an extremely stressful day yesterday. Exhausted this morning isn't the word for how i feel. Tearful maybe? I really don't want to get up this morning.
Good morning. 5.8

Yesterday managed a 2nd tip run, hedge clippings and cardboard, as well as a mammoth shop. I'll be needing anther tip run soon as the path behind the pond is totally occluded by overgrown shrubs. Gauntlets on, secateurs in hand, cleared about 3ft and over filled large barrow. The day had started quite cool but was, by then, sweltering so I gave in to baser instincts and sat down - to wake 2 hours later. What is it about age that induces sleep during the day and insomnia at night?

Postal vote forms delivered yesterday. I shall miss pottering down to the old school to make my mark but without any photo ID I have no option. Determined to get young Ben Lake back into the House, a task made less easy post-boundary changes. Pembs is notoriously Tory but the changes have only incorporated the Northern part which is more Welsh speaking so, hopefully, some Plaid supporters. Ben is very young, an energetic and effective constituency MP, no Etonian but a local state school boy, son of a local policeman. Just what we need to represent us. I await my large placard for the gate with almost the same enthusiasm as I scan the post for mail from the DVLA but no sign of that as yet.

Hope everyone has a good day.

My postal vote came through a few days ago I am glad to say after missing last year's local ones despite two applications for a postal vote which were messed up by council. Then sent paperwork for proxy that arrived too late. Seen no one and only Reform bumpf shoved through letterbox. Done trust Mr. Frog and will not be voting for young'ish Con (artist)!
Morning all. 6.3

Bit stressed this morning but otherwise good. Weight unchanged. Body fat down 2%. Which I’m not complaining about at all.
Average resting hr has eased from 65 bpm to a perfectly fine 56.
Seems that actually going to the gym and working up a sweat 3x a week does have a positive impact.
Good morning. Light overcast. Sun peeking.

Sailing along in sheer luxury quite fast somewhere near Dusseldorf airport. 8.1 on this, our 39th wedding anniversary . Due no doubt to sticky liqueur last night whilst dancing the night away.

Cologne this afternoon and @ColinUK we have booked a walking tour of the historic Jewish quarter.