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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.1 here.

I’m invigilating an exam this morning. I was reading the bumph on the exam last night and mobile phones are NOT allowed in the exam room...oh. Luckily, I’ve got the Libre 2 reader and it was sensor change over day, so I’ll be flashing like a fool for the next two weeks. (Mental note to self: next year, make sure I get permission to take my phone into the room). Not sure how I’m going to stay awake LOL - I had a sleepless night, like everyone else who’s posted this morning! Pesky hay fever!

Happy Friday, folks.
Morning all, 6.4 here.
Woke in a panic in the middle of the night as I hadn’t heard the kids come in. (I say kids, they’re both in their thirties, but you never stop being their Mum) They met up here to go to see Foo Fighters in London last night, and I couldn’t believe that they could come back, daughter swapping to her car and driving off, son coming in to house (and he’s a heavy footed individual) bolting front door, using bathroom, etc, without waking me up. Got up and looked out of the window, his car was safely parked in the drive, so all was well. Feel I need to reverse the message 'try not to wake me up when you get in' with ‘make a bit of noise so I know you’re back'

6.1 today, feeling a little bit tight chested so hoping that goes during the day, once again nit much planned, must download an audio book, then I could sit outside in the sunshine with my eyes closed.
Good morning didn’t actually test on waking as had run out of strips in the bedroom, plus overslept
at 7am as usual took wife to work
came home and did some washing up then tested and was 8.2

under one of @ColinUK calculations
it probably was either 5.1 or 5.3 knowing my luck.

Have a fabulous Friday everyone :cool:
Morning on this beautiful day. Clickety click, 6.6.

Well, last night was disappointing, no, not the football, although it was. At, 9pm when I looked over to the fells they were lit up and promised a fantastic sunset. At 9.30 after persuading Mr Eggy to change out of his “lounge wear” AKA jim jams, to go down to the river ( literally a two minute walk) to photograph the brilliant sunset we were going to have. The sky was clear and we were very hopeful. As soon as we set off it clouded over. Ah well, we said, it might clear. The only thing that was clear was that I hadn’t thought it through. The midges were out in force, the long grass through the field was soaking and I had cropped pants on and I’d only put my Sketchers on! Still cloudy, walked on further, it was now getting to sunset time, 9.54. Not a sausage, but we were out so carried on on as far as the building of the new bypass allows us to now. Then we saw it, the moon, all full and moony. Snap, snap, snap. Gorgeous. I haven’t downloaded my photos yet as it was 10.40 when we got home, basal and bed! I’ll post tomorrow if they’re any good. That’s it, the longest day over and the nights will soon be drawing in and it’ll be Christmas before we know it. :p

@ColinUK I’ve given you a star for your imaginary HS!
@Wendal I’m intrigued. Turning right at Carlisle? From which junction, 42, 43 or 44? 42 could be north Lakes but you’d get off at 40 for that. 43 is the north east, and 44 could be Scotland. :confused:
***edited to add: that’s if you’re coming up from the south to north on the M6!

Have a fab Friday folks.
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Good morning everyone! 4.5 this morning when I got up just after 6am, fully rested after yesterday’s volunteering on Hatton Locks. The pounds should be dropping off me and muscles getting toned :rofl: Spent a bit of the night in the red sand, but not enough to wake me. Hopefully today will be a good BG day.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS!

@Gwynn - fingers crossed your wife’s meds will be sorted today.

Take care everyone!
Good morning everyone! 6'8 this morning, it is an improvement from the 10ish I had the past 2 days.

Not to brag but I slept like a log...for the short 5 hours I allowed myself by being stupidly late to bed :rolleyes: I was going to sleep around the same time during my holiday, but then I could happily wake up after 9! I'm more frustrated at myself because I've had two evenings off and didn't take that chance to rest properly, I will be working split shifts for the next 6 days so it will be harder to get a decent bedtime. Sight. How do I stop scrolling mindlessly on my phone?

On a different note, it seems I became my department representative for certain hotel meetings. I don't remember there being any formal elections or asking for volunteers. I got this "honor" at the time of a previous meeting, on the merits of... I happened to be there and my supervisor couldn't be bothered to attend herself. At least someone in the meeting said it was good to have someone like me, a bit more open minded, because my supervisors are "too set on their ways".
Forgot to say that in my productive spurt this morning, before heading to the gym, I prepped a cabbage and mushroom thing and shoved it in the slow cooker.
I know that cabbage and mushrooms feature heavily in east European dishes but this is the first time I’ve made this and it said to whack the whole thing on low for ten hours.
If it’s awful then it’ll be blitzed into soup.

Now sitting in a cafe waiting to go into therapy. I’ve had breakfast. It was good. Even with the odd grapefruit garnish.

Note: grapefruit really doesn’t go with smoked salmon!

5.8 this morning, another sunny day ahead but there's rain forecast for this evening and overnight. If so then it'll save watering the garden again - I got the hose on it yesterday evening as everything was so dry. Weekly BP check 115/65.

Friday so Big Shop, another Motorway driving session with our youngest, and a trip out to the garden centre greengrocer. Didn't get round to having a haircut yesterday so maybe today, if I can fit it in.

Now that our eldest has his own car I've taken him off the insurance on mine, but didn't get much of a rebate. I thought the premium was high because of him (he's 24) but clearly it's because of me.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS this morning.

Enjoy Poet's Day.
5.3 for me, woken up twice in the night in the red both treated and managed to get back to sleep eventually, odd because there not showing on the overnight line this morning and were not compression lows as I was on the other side, new sensor last night but I've now taken to putting it on 48 hours before the old one runs out, so must have been a glitch, big shop today then the gym have a good one everyone
Forgot to say that in my productive spurt this morning, before heading to the gym, I prepped a cabbage and mushroom thing and shoved it in the slow cooker.
I know that cabbage and mushrooms feature heavily in east European dishes but this is the first time I’ve made this and it said to whack the whole thing on low for ten hours.
If it’s awful then it’ll be blitzed into soup.

Now sitting in a cafe waiting to go into therapy. I’ve had breakfast. It was good. Even with the odd grapefruit garnish.

Note: grapefruit really doesn’t go with smoked salmon!

View attachment 30627
Grapefruit doesn’t go with anything in my honest opinion!
Update: we are still being messed around regarding my wifes meds. They may get a replacement sometime today...or not!

If only someone cared personally.

Meanwhile my wife has been very unpleasant today. Still, lets hope things improve..
And my early morning was a 5.1 it's been a busy day so far hence my late posting.

Have a good rest of the day folks and stay safe.
4.2 this morning showing on my Libre, thought was a little warm - 3.9 by finger-prick and so on with JB's before breakfast.

I had an appointment to take my blood this morning, but still, the walk to the health centre was good. We had a sunny interlude today, in between ominous clouds spoiling the day from time to time. Forecast rain tonight :(