• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

7.1 today, still higher than I wanted, but c’est la vie.

Got a day without anything planned, hoping to have some chill time and maybe a potter around the garden if weather permits. I know everyone told us that when you retire you are busier than at work, but it is actually true! Next week we have stuff planned for every day. But at least it’s all nice things, spending time with family and friends plus another day volunteering at Hatton Locks.

Take care everyone and have a good Saturday!
The libre was showing 5.3 when I got up, but a few minutes before that it was 5.2.

Yesterday finally had the first eye test for 6 years and the first since diagnosis of the Big D in 2021. Eyesight has changed ever so slightly for distance, and the optician explained how the high blood sugar that caused by blurred eyesight was due to the lens swelling. (Which I already knew.) Varifocals now (In 2018 they were surprised I didn't need them already, but this time it's a definite.)
6.3 this morning. Lowest morning reading in what seems like ages. And feels almost like a hypo for me.

Sun is out so more molehill clearing. But now have some traps and need to reduce the population. 11 new hills since Thursday when the grass was cut.
Good morning.5.9

Heavy rain over night. Looks a bit showery this morning,

Planning on a quiet day today as did too much yesterday and gave myself a vile pain in the chest. Pleased with the amount achieved - front of house now exhibiting "kerb appeal" - or, to be more precise you, you now spot it before you have driven past the gate. I was driven more by safety concerns than aesthetics as the hedges and roadside grass was obscuring vision, now all neatly trimmed for 20m in each direction. Yard got a good tidy up and the parking area is now mown. Might potter about with the secateurs today as I see the gooseberry bushes round Wolf's home are getting a bit out of hand (over 6ft high) and fear they will be concealing a bramble of two. Meanwhile the Rambling Rector is doing his imitation of a snow storm, the purple clematis has flowers the size of tea plates and the deutzia is a cascade of pink. All an inducement to just sit a bit and enjoy - if we get any sunny intervals.

@eggyg A delayed Happy birthday Mr Eggyg - the Victoria Sponge sounds lovely.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning all - another relentlessly grey day. The only disappointment on this trip has been the weather.

8.3 this morning , not really surprising given the amount of food (including desserts) we’ve been scoffing with no real idea of the carb count.

Yesterday we visited a mechanical music museum in the very picturesque town of Rudesheim. It was our luck to get a miserable looking female obersturmfuhrer as a guide, who regarded every question as silly and bossed the group around telling everyone just exactly where to stand. Then after a special “coffee tasting” (it was well laced with Asbach brandy), the sun came out and we sat for an hour in a biergarten before a thunderstorm overtook us and we fled for the ship.

We didn’t go on the excursion today a. We needed more sleep, b. It was a full day thing and it needed more stamina than I have and anyway it didn’t sound that interesting. Days are usually very full, with little time to yourself but we can’t fault the organisation which is immaculate. So it’s good to take some time out.

Will try to get some pics off my phone.
GoodMorning 6.7 today

Good news is GP phoned me yesterday morning
having finally received and reviewed letter he was waiting for (from Eye department)
following our conversation, he prescribed Mounjaro, although my usual pharmacy didn’t have it
the second pharmacy I went to had it :)

I’ve chipped a filling on a front tooth, so will attempt to see a emergency dentist
but suspect I will end up seeing my usual dentist in about 6 months:rolleyes:glad I didn’t swallow the bit that chipped off, If I recall correctly it’s been there about 5 years, and started off with a crack

Tomorrow I have my appointment at audiologist
have a Super Saturday
I had a patch on a front tooth which kept breaking off so I eventually had a veneer which has been satisfactory.
Good morning but almost moaning! BG 9.7 after a night skimming the teens.I had a Phantom Itch start late afternoon which became Phantom Pain- it felt like a bunsen atop the foot. It did not settle till after 01:00 but the adrenaline pushed my BG despite insulin and zero food!

Got a rubbish supermarket delivery later. I needed to edit it it yesterday evening but just forgot. It autofills your initial order and there doesn't seem a way of preventing this. Quite annoying as I do not need a big box if JBs every week, the salt was for when I was bathing my foot so I do not need any, etc. Sadly I will probably recycle about £20 worth!

Sky as grey as I feel!

I got notification of my delivery and there are some missing items. Sadly not what I do not want but the freak berries I like a small portion daily!" :( Not my day! Hope everyone is having a better one!
Morning folks (just) It was a 5.1 for me much earlier this morning, grey sky today and a tad windier.

Enjoy the rest of the day and be safe.
5.2 this morning another weird alarm 5 times in the night or so I'm told I only woke foe one, turned over grabbed a cciplt of JBs and turned over, hubby heard the other 4 I apparently told him I was fine don't remember, chart only shows one low at 3.6 and a gap of one hour, so I've no idea what's happening. Not much on just a trip to the butchers and get some eggs then its Hubby's scan, this afternoon, cannot believe its 6 months since the last one, then we have to wit for what could be a month before the results, trying not to think about it, he seams fine really well its just the not knowing. hope everyone has a good day
Good morning eveyone

BG 4.7
BP yesterday evening 105/58 this morning 118/75

Yesterday spent over 3 1/2 hours walking with my wife. I was tired and hungry by the end even tho we had fish and chips at the half way point. And then in the evening, a practice at the church where I was the sound man. All good.

Today church, possibly a shorter (than 3.5 hrs) walk.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 7.1 here.

Drizzle! The type of drizzle that looks like nothing but you’re drenched after a few minutes. I hope it clears orf asap - there are plants to be planted!

Hubby’s nephew and fiancée are staying nearby for a few days, so we’re off out for dinner this evening - they just got engaged! It’ll be fab to see them, they’ve had a very difficult few years, and I’m so pleased they’re still together and planning their future. Lots to do before then...must dash!
Good morning. 6.6

Not raining yet but full cloud cover. Not panting to get outside to carry on gardening - next job is the bank by the parking area. It always grows some brambles and this year it has gone mad. It is not exactly safe for clambering up to cut them back and then baste them with some of Mr Monsantos' finest...Managed the easier half of it yesterday so will have to grit teeth and finish it today. Need to get everything tidy before another flare comes along.

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
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