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Group 7-day waking average?

GoodMorning 5.9 both on waking and going to sleep (in the early hours)

Apart from managing to chip a tooth I had a successful weekend
Garden looking a lot better Mrs G has been very busy, ably assisted / supervised by myself

Yesterday’s appointment at audiology dept went good, and they are going to sort me out some hearing aids, she said the hearing loss (in both ears) was a similar pattern in both ears, showed me some graphs on her computer screen, and explained its just age related hearing loss or something like that,
I’m going to give their hearing aids a go before considering forking out for anything privately.

Will see if I can attach few pictures of what we did to the garden so you can see - the garden was pretty much the last thing to get done at our bungalow, although having said that there’s still a few finishing jobs inside, plus the garage to sort out

Happy Monday everyone :cool:


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Morning all. 10.7...basal’s been tweaked, let’s see if it behaves tomorrow.

Had a lovely meal out with nephew and fiancée (and their Vizsla, Osian). I think hubby might have a teeny-weeny hangover this morning LOL since he didn’t get in until midnight. I’m making as much noise as possible, teehee - well, someone needs to walk the dog!
Good morning. 5.6, new sensor seems to be ok.

We almost missed the Red Arrows! Walked to the next village to the railway bridge where Mr Eggy had calculated ( with an OS map, pencil and ruler) they would pass over. The time given was 2.33pm. They’ll be dot on, announced Mr E, these fellas won’t be late. They weren’t, they were blooming 10 minutes early and came from the opposite direction we were looking! Mr Eggy managed a shot, he thinks, he hasn’t looked yet. My camera wasn’t even switched on! At least we caught a glimpse of them unlike last year where we were in the completely wrong place. I just laughed, Mr Eggy whinged all the way home. Ah well, we got a good six mile walk in even if I got nettled, prickled, bit by wee beasties and sunburnt! Never a dull moment in Eggyland! :rofl:

Have good day, it’s gonna be hot, hot, hot! No whinging though, it’s what we’ve been waiting for. ( It’ll be too hot for me.) :rolleyes:

Selfie on the railway bridge, we normally come here to watch the steam trains, all excited about the Red Arrows. My photo of the sky where two seconds earlier they flew over! :rofl:


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GoodMorning 5.9 both on waking and going to sleep (in the early hours)

Apart from managing to chip a tooth I had a successful weekend
Garden looking a lot better Mrs G has been very busy, ably assisted / supervised by myself

Yesterday’s appointment at audiology dept went good, and they are going to sort me out some hearing aids, she said the hearing loss (in both ears) was a similar pattern in both ears, showed me some graphs on her computer screen, and explained its just age related hearing loss or something like that,
I’m going to give their hearing aids a go before considering forking out for anything privately.

Will see if I can attach few pictures of what we did to the garden so you can see - the garden was pretty much the last thing to get done at our bungalow, although having said that there’s still a few finishing jobs inside, plus the garage to sort out

Happy Monday everyone :cool:
Looks fab, Mrs GB has done a brilliant job.
Morning 6.2 for me. Overdid it at the weekend but it was fun. Utterly exhausted today, wish I could go back to bed! Taking the cat sitter out to breakfast as a thank you then I need to do the op order for this weekend coming so everyone knows where to go and what to bring etc. Might leave the chores for tomorrow :rofl:


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Good morning - 6.3

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 7 for me but overnight line showed a nice improvement and a nice day planned with lunch and a visit to a craft centre on my long w/ end off even though back at home.
Weather hotting up nicely so hope your lives are all moving in a sunny direction.

6.6 today, probably by eating a cream cake and ice cream, just couldn’t resist, one of those conveniently forgetting I am diabetic moments. Back in must do better mode.
A 5.7 today. :)
Phew it's 23°C already inside, but I'm keeping the windows shut because the pollen count
is very high today and I do suffer badly. :(

GoodMorning 5.9 both on waking and going to sleep (in the early hours)

Apart from managing to chip a tooth I had a successful weekend
Garden looking a lot better Mrs G has been very busy, ably assisted / supervised by myself

Yesterday’s appointment at audiology dept went good, and they are going to sort me out some hearing aids, she said the hearing loss (in both ears) was a similar pattern in both ears, showed me some graphs on her computer screen, and explained its just age related hearing loss or something like that,
I’m going to give their hearing aids a go before considering forking out for anything privately.

Will see if I can attach few pictures of what we did to the garden so you can see - the garden was pretty much the last thing to get done at our bungalow, although having said that there’s still a few finishing jobs inside, plus the garage to sort out

Happy Monday everyone :cool:
What a splendid job, it looks well worth the effort.
The audiologist told my daughter it was important to wear the hearing aids all the time (well not in bed) as the brain has to learn hearing in a different way and if people keep taking them in and out it takes much longer to get used to them.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Started work on what was going to be a dance orientated electronic track. Ended up being strings, woodwind and piano albeit with some heavily processed percussion noises. Funny where you end up if you just let things flow

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. 6.9 - I knew that late night snack of cheese and crackers was a mistake - tasty tho'.

Nice warm morning here, sunshine earlier, cloud cover now. Met and the BBC are forecasting peak temperatures of 20-21 degrees but in case the English inferno sneaks westwards I have set the sprinkler going over the newly sown grass.

Despite the 45 degree slope, slipping soil and poor balance, I managed, yesterday, to remove all the brambles from the bank but, being unable to manage a weed bag while hanging on to walking stick, had to chuck the spikey tendrils down the parking lot, trying by Olympian javelin efforts to miss the intervening bushes...So I now have a cool job for today - sitting down and reducing 8ft brambles into 6 inch pieces so that they pack nicely into the bags for transport on to the tip. I may be some time - the pile closely resembles an old fashioned hay stack.

@goodybags Those pictures show a sterling effort and a fine result. Impressive. Well done - I could do with hiring you both as a team....
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5.3 for me on a gloriously sunny Berkshire morning and temperatures forecast to hit 80 today. Not surprisingly I put on shorts and a T-shirt when we walked down to Morrisons to pick up a newspaper and a few bits & pieces for lunch. My berry mix with my Weetabix this morning included raspberries from our garden and I noticed that our blackberry bush is starting to form berries too, so looking forward to fresh blackberries soon.

Haircut today (finally) and another motorway driving lesson with our youngest, who's off to Portugal on Sunday and has to drive himself and a mate to Gatwick. We're actually on the Reading - Gatwick line but there's no train early enough for their flight.

Did a fair whack in the garden yesterday, front and back, and gave it a good soaking with the hose, but there's more to do so that's pencilled in for later.

Hopefully this lovely weather is countrywide and everyone's going to get some today. Happy Monday..!
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Good morning everyone, 5.9 for me this morning.

Quiet day planned for today. Our bathroom refurb was due to start this morning but the tradesperson had a family emergency so has had to delay until tomorrow. Instead my wife is spending the morning listening to HMRC hold music on the phone and I’m still planning what to do!

Take care everyone!
Afternoon all, another 5.1 for me on what appears to be an even hotter day than yesterday.

Have a great rest of the day folks.
5.4 for me, not often I'm on target! I did a spot of gardening this morning in the sunshine, soon started to overheat, finished off and got to the shade for a real coffee with a neighbour. The groceries arrived and I started to do some household jobs!
I am sitting in front of a fan and the windows are open! It doesn't need to get any hotter.