• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon! 5'8 today. Haven't seen a morning 5 in some time, pleased with that.

Last night shift felt busy but was not as bad as I feared. The worse part was how late we finished, since only 2 of us were old enough to stay after 10pm and there was loads to do. Let's hope tonight I can go home earlier. At least I don't start so early tomorrow morning. I'm in a better mood today, even if a bit sleep deprived.

Yesterday I tried Tesco's roast chicken fillets with the mango and lime marinade, from the discount section, they are very nice. I also had a short diabetic chat with a guest who had his Libre reader and insulin on the table. I'm always tempted to say something when I see diabetic guests but I'm concerned they won't want to talk. However this man had had a few glasses of wine and was giving me conversation already so I figured it would be okay. I asked what type of insulin he had, he went "is Fiasp, why, do you have some understanding of diabetes??" and I showed him my sensor to prove I'm in the club :rofl: We talked about diagnosis (he said back in his day the doctors suspectedp he had AIDS because of how skinny he was!) and how convenient is to have Libre now. He said it's something he has to live with and is not ashamed, so he didn't mind me asking.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
Morning all. 7.0

Sent a message to the GP yesterday about the lump that I was told in February was nothing to be concerned about. Over the last two weeks it’s suddenly grown and changed shape.
They messaged back with an appointment this morning.
Can’t quibble at that.
It’s probably still nothing but better to get it looked at.
Good morning. 5.9

Quite cool and overcast, zero wind.

Off to the tip again. Filled the trailer yesterday with brambles, weeds and a few low branches off the pond side willow tree. The latter were making mowing a bit dicey. Just at throat height when driving the mower...

Neighbour popped in last night to bring me a litre of extra virgin olive oil having been to Tesco's. Ridiculous to drive 36 miles for olive oil but the local shop only keeps the smallest amounts at prices that only Rishi Sunak would fail to complain about.

I am feeling a bit of fitness returning after my enforced lay off so plan to tackle the path behind the pond - once I have finished that and weeded the veggie beds the place would look quite tidy if only gardening wasn't like painting the Forth Bridge.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning! Woke after two hours sleep soaked in perspiration with a 3.7 (finger 3.4) thinking it's too heavy weather. 2 x JB to start.

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Good Morning 2! Missed the HS but scored a Heinz (5.7)! Quite a level night for me;

No appointments but a lot of things to catch up on that I was going to do yesterday afternoon which I spent waiting for transport.

Broken cloud and sunny. Getting unconmfortably warm.

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Morning all 6.4 for me. Slept most of yesterday, almost human. Paperwork all sent out, now just to print off what I need to take with me. Starting the packing list. So a nice slow day. Enjoy the weather everyone, its gonna be hot :oops:
Morning all. 7.2, hot and stuffy night here too.

Yesterday was nice, not too hot but warm enough to get the paddling pool out for unexpected visitors! This then turned into turning the slide into a water slide! After our visitors left we did a swift garden tidy up and lit the BBQ for the first time this year, and had a nice steak, new potatoes ( freshly dug up) and salad, I may have had a small glass of vino too.

Off to GP surgery this morning, got a letter a couple of weeks ago asking me to make an appointment to get bloods taken. I had no idea why, called surgery and asked them, my DSN had requested it. I do vaguely remember her telling me, way back in April when she called to give me my annual review results, that my white blood cell count was a tad concerning. As I’d just had a stinker of a cold before my bloods were taken and of course I don’t have a spleen, I said it would just be that and it happens a lot, she said they may decide to re do them. When I never heard anything I thought nowt of it! They can’t have been that worried as I they waited 2.5 months to do them again! Only problem is, I obviously got bitten on Sunday, by I don’t know what, as when I woke up yesterday a part of my right arm was red and swollen and there was two lumps where I’d been bitten! I took an antihistamine first thing, doubled up on my Penicillin and resisted scratching, but this morning they’ve blistered up, a sure sign of infection. I’m only seeing a HCA but I’m going to show her them and hopefully she’ll get someone to come and have a look. I’ll probably need stronger antibiotics than my daily Penicillin. That’ll probably bugger up my white blood cell count again! I think I’ll move to Iceland or something, or never leave the house when the weather’s nice! Me and bugs do not co-exist happily!

Anyhoo, after all that doom and gloom, here’s our Zara having a whale of a time yesterday!

Have a fabulous day.


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Morning all, 6.0 here.
Went out to check for lily beetles on my lilies just before bed last night (found one!) not realising OH had just set up the wildlife camera. Must warn him the exotic beast crossing the patio is only me!
A 6.1 this morning for me. Not so hot as yesterday, we had some early morning drizzle which kept the temperature down.:)

Good morning 6.9 today

Thanks for the kind comments on our garden, Mrs G did a great job
although I must take some of the credit for fetching carrying and of course expert supervision
next we need to do some renovation on the Shed or is it a Summerhouse ?
we use it as a shed anyway, were thinking it might look good stained blue
the other thing we need to do is a step out into the garden from the conservatory.

when I phoned my dentist yesterday, I was told they can’t ge5 me in do my tooth until 12 th August,
how ever after politely pointing out I could go elsewhere (if necessarily private treatment) they phoned me back and I’m being seen this afternoon, although I’m not 100% sure if that’s on the NHS or private treatment as there are a number of Dentists at this practice and they do both private and NHS.

@eggyg loved that picture of Zara, hopefully after tonight’s match the England football team will be all smiling like that.

Thinking of my Mum, as 4 yrs ago today, It was her funeral
which (as it was during the Covid lockdown) was a very private affair.

Have a Terrific Tuesday Everyone :cool:
Awake earlier than usual this morning on account of finding ourselves on the Heathrow flightpath again, which isn't ideal when we're currently sleeping with both windows open because it's so warm overnight. Lost count of how many planes went over. Gave up trying to doze off again so got up at 06:40 and tested while the kettle boiled. 5.6 this morning.

Last week I started waking up with crusty ears so I logged an eConsult and the GP said it's otitis externa, inflammation of the external ear canal. It's more commonly known as Swimmer's Ear, and as many of you will know I swim twice a week so that might explain it. Now having to spray something into my ears three times a day and it's working as I've had no issues for the last few days.

Sun's out again, with wall-to-wall blue sky and it looks like we're in for another scorcher. The meteorologists might consider that Summer starts on June 1st but clearly Mother Nature has said no, it starts with the Summer Solstice.

Swim later otherwise nothing special planned, but there are still parts of the garden demanding attention so I expect that's going to take up a chunk of the day.

Enjoy your Tuesday.
Morning all. 7.0

Sent a message to the GP yesterday about the lump that I was told in February was nothing to be concerned about. Over the last two weeks it’s suddenly grown and changed shape.
They messaged back with an appointment this morning.
Can’t quibble at that.
It’s probably still nothing but better to get it looked at.
Hope it all turns out fine Colin and try not to get too anxious.
My wife noticed I had developed a small lump on my neck about 6 months ago and I got it checked out and my GP was great.Managed to get a hospital appointment within days to check it out and the ultra sound confirmed it was nothing to worry about.
So hope you get seen as quickly and best wishes.
A 8.1 for me this morning but a decent line overnight after a 2u correction as ate late but I know what I have to do.
Had a great long w/ end and back to a gentle reintroduction back to world of work but not sure for how much longer as I enjoyed my pottering about and a lovely lunch yesterday.
Morning all. This diabetes lark is just plain weird sometimes - at 6.47 I get a low alarm, a 4.3 and a downwards arrow; at 7am it’s 10.7 with an upward arrow. Where’s that DF? I’d like to strangle her...finger prick was 9.7.

Just the one class this morning, then I might start the End of College Year Great Admin Clear-out. There’s no room in my tiny home office for a year’s worth of lesson plans! I’ll be doing electronic ones from September - it’s a massive waste of paper otherwise.

A slip-n-slide! Great pic @eggyg.
6.3 this morning, now down to 4.5 after bolus and getting ready to spike up now I’ve had some porridge.

Windows and doors already open to get what air there is through the house. Hopefully our bathroom refurb will start today, don’t envy the guy doing the work in this heat.

Take care everyone.

5.4 today after another day of snacking rather than eating properly. Just can’t get my head back into the game if eating correctly.