• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and a 6.5 for me and a quiet day yesterday band all well apart from a stupid mistake where I forgot to take my bolus for lunch.
I normally like others have a nice routine but I was low going into lunch so thought I would just eat it and take a correction later but I completely forgot as my thought process was taken elsewhere.
It was only when I checked later ( do not bother with a high alert now) that I had gone to 13 and realised what I had done. No matter took my correction but took a couple of hours to get it back in steady state.
Trip to North Wales today but not the nicest bit but nice to get out and about

6.2 today, up early as it is cataract op day, feeling slightly anxious, but needs doing. Got to be at the hospital for 7.30 and that is 45mins drive, but want to allow extra time. Feel bad making hubby get up so early when has taken a day off to take me.

I upgraded my DNA tests to cover propensity for various health issues and the results of that screening has come through. I’ve opted not to know the genetic risk I have of developing Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s but the rest of the report is genuinely interesting.

I have an increased risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and AF. So far I’ve two of the three and mum has AF.

Significantly increased risk of being obese with 80% of people carrying a specific genetic mutation being 31-37 BMI.

Low risk for glaucoma.
Very low risk for age related macular degeneration.

Significantly increased protection from HIV which is interesting. Apparently I have two genes that are only present in <1% of the general population but are present in >72% of Ashkenazi Jews and when found together those genes result in a huge genetic protection from developing HIV.

Anyway… dentist this morning. Hopefully opera this evening.
Good morning 7.2 today, yesterday had the offending tooth re- built
which was a relief and got the treatment on NHS which was a bonus
for that treatment around half the cost of private treatment.

Some good news I’ve started loosing some weight, I think I’m now 5 weeks into
a healthier eating and fitness program I’m doing on a Thursday evening.
Plus I should loose weight now I’m back taking a GLP-1 so far lost 3KG

Good luck for the cataract surgery @Grannylorraine

Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody:cool:
Morning folks. 6.2 after being in bed for almost 11 hours! I didn’t sleep for the whole time unfortunately though. Just didn’t feel “ quite right” yesterday, felt so weary and achy. I can only presume it was a mix of infection from the bites and the antihistamine and flucloxacillin. The good news is the swelling in my arm has gone down quite significantly. Bites still horrid ( and even more pus filed then they were, TMI?) and the itching is driving me mad! Another day stuck in the house for me then. :rolleyes:

Good luck @Grannylorraine.
Dentist for me tomorrow @ColinUK urgh!
Has Dr Who taken away the Diabetes Fairy @Northerner ? That sounds like good news.

Have a wonderful, warm Wednesday.
After a very restless and hot night I managed to produce one of these.
:) Dez
Good morning 7.2 today,
yesterday had my broken tooth re- built, a relief to my wallet as got the treatment on NHS which was a bonus, as for that treatment ended up costing around half the cost of private treatment.

The good news I’ve started loosing some weight, I think I’m now 5 weeks into
a healthier eating and fitness

which I should now I’m back taking a GLP-1
have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone :cool: :cool:
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
Got all the pony's winter rugs washed and dried on the line yesterday, I’ve been waiting for the first really hot day of the year.
Don’t worry, nights are drawing in and it’ll soon be autumn!
Almost joined @MeeTooTeeTo on the HS step - 5.3 this morning.

Like last week I stood in for the dog that my wife, a Cinnamon Trust volunteer, usually walks on a Wednesday and we had a nice stroll through woodland before breakfast. Looks like another hot day, which is good as Wednesday is a washday, although they reckon cooler conditions will sweep in tomorrow.

Good luck with the cataract surgery @Grannylorraine

Well done @goodybags and @helen56 on your achievements - keep it up.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Wednesday.
Morning All - 8.9 this morning (must do better). Went to bed ridiculously late so need to really focus on that too. We've got into the habit of having a coffee in the evening at about 6pm which is fine but last night didn't have it till about 7.30pm so that's why I'm wide awake and not feeling tired when I should be. So I will put a few rules into place and really try to stick to them. One being eating our evening meal much earlier too. I'm out doing gardening (weeding) today and then meeting my Mum over at Lowther Castle to see the roses and parterre which should be massively come on since we were last year, if my own roses are anything to go by. Have a lovely day - it's the last sunny one here for a while. I'm off "Dine Sithe" (Down South in a posh voice) tomorrow on a mini tour - Cheltenham, Oxfordshire & London to see friends and the children so very excited about that.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Been to the vampires and didn't even get a chance to sit down in the waiting area.

Supposed to be fine and warm all day. A bit cloudy at the moment. Better get the stuff we cleared from the garden bagged up.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 5.9

Off to get hair cut this morning as resemble Einstein.

Jealous of @eggyg and @zippyjojo with their raspberries - mine are sulking this year and production is meagre. Strawberries are doing well tho'.

Baby grass has emerged on ex-path. Walk behind mower has not emerged from mechanic - he now claims the oil leak is from a cracked block. You would think that would be the first place to check? A nuisance if I have to buy a new one as the ride on cannot get into every tight corner and strimming makes my back ache.

Have a good ay everyone.
Morning all, looks like it's going to be another hot one today, so stay hydrated folks.

Oh, and it was a 4.8 for me earlier this morning.