• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good mornings! Woke around 2:00am soaked in perspiration with Phantom Pain cutting in, BG 10.9 . Got back to sleep after taking milder painkiller and now 8.3!

Physio this morning but unusually not looking forward to it because of the heat and no air-con in the gym. Double dose of Lynx I think!

Strange streaky clouds.
Good morning. 5.7 and it’s an early start. Dentist/hygienist at 9am then cut and colour at 10.30. I know which one I’m looking forward to the most! I’ll give you a clue, it’s the one where I’ll be relaxing, chatting and reading a magazine!

Well, the summer was nice, all two days of it. Back to normal today with thundery showers and 40mph winds. Getting cooler too, back down to 15 degrees. It was nice whilst it lasted. :rolleyes:

Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

Dark, wet out there, cooler

BG 4.9

My cough/cold lingers and it needs to be gone by Saturday! At least there's no sore throat with it.

Today more rest, keyboard practice, rest, rest, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 6.5 and flat line overnight and getting back to normal after recent excesses.
Really nice relaxed day yesterday ending up in a cafe in Prestatyn which was distinctly tropical and only thing missing was an ice cream.
Another nice day to look forward to in Frodsham and then meeting brother and wife for an afternoon coffee and had a longer walk with pooches this morning.
So happy it is getting cooler and fresher and closer to w/ end.
Good morning. 6.3

Local farmer has cut the hay so that it one worry out of the way. Of course it could mean rain...

Looks like a cooler day today, which I welcome. No need (excuse) for ice cream.

Best mate coming over tomorrow which should be fun. Fortunately she is not a natural housewife, indeed is a total slob, so no need to rush about polishing everything. She'll be happy enough sitting in the garden - which is tidy since I finished the weeding yesterday.

Today's urgent job - rat attack. Saw 2 of the brutes by the bird feeder. So I'll be spreading joy (and weird green poisoned grain) wherever I go. Always difficult to find enough places that birds will not go but rat will.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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5.5 today (4.7 yesterday).

Did another day volunteering at Hatton Locks yesterday - very hot, but the new water bottles / flasks kept drinks cold, so pleased with them! A few boats moving in the morning but by 1pm nothing at all so we decided to leave given how hot and quiet it was.

Bathroom refurb started yesterday, here’s a before and just started picture :


Morning all. 8.2 here. Monday’s basal tweak doesn’t want to work, so I’ll monitor for a few more days and decide what to do. I must do some proper basal testing, now that my work timetable isn’t as busy / erratic.

I’ve had emails from some of my Welsh learners saying how much they enjoyed my classes this year (which is lovely). One of them posted in Welsh, obviously google-translated, saying: thanks for teaching with humour and ‘yn amharchus’ (disrespectfully!). I’m not sure what he really wanted to say LOL but it made me chuckle.

How are you doing today @Grannylorraine?
Dentist/hygienist at 9am then cut and colour at 10.30. I know which one I’m looking forward to the most! I’ll give you a clue, it’s the one where I’ll be relaxing, chatting and reading a magazine!
You're so lucky - not many dentists would allow you to do that.
TBF my dentist does chat to me and I feel like I should respond but it’s a bit awkward when I’m lying there with my gob wide open!
Mine really annoys me! She’s a lovely lady, but she has a tendency to fill your mouth with instruments/her fingers, and then tell you the latest cure for diabetes. Last time it was Bitter Melon.(that’s unfair, that was the time before last, last time it was actually seeking reassurance that they’d dealt with someone’s hypo correctly, she said she knew the theory, but actually having someone hypo in the chair and needing to deal with it was quite scary. She had done all the right things, and the patient was fine).
Good mornings! Woke around 2:00am soaked in perspiration with Phantom Pain cutting in, BG 10.9 . Got back to sleep after taking milder painkiller and now 8.3!

Physio this morning but unusually not looking forward to it because of the heat and no air-con in the gym. Double dose of Lynx I think!

Strange streaky clouds.

Just when it seems it will be a cooler day for physio I get a call cancelling it. That's 4 out of 8 weekly sessions I have missed through no fault of my own! And it has been suggested I really need two sessions a week! :(

Dentist was remarkably uneventful yesterday. I was in and out in five minutes tops. No X-rays as they did them last time. No issues whatsoever so just the normal hygienist session to come in a few weeks.

Saw Così fan Tutti last night. It’s an Olivier award winning production and it’s well staged with some glorious music but it didn’t really hit my buttons. Pleased I saw it though.