• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?


5.4 today, thank you for all the good wishes, op went well, had my own room before the op which meant hubby could stay with me, lovely lunch although not wholly diabetic friendly, but indeed very lovely ham sandwich and a nice cup of coffee, to be honest if it wasn’t a hospital I would have recommended as a nice place to eat . Just cleaned the eye and put the drops in although eye is very blurry and watery so hoping that settles down soon. I know from mum it can take a few days. Actual procedure did not hurt but just a weird sensation.

@eggyg - hope dentist goes well and enjoy the hairdressers.
Much cooler start to the day here and not much sunshine so far, but at least my day started brightly with one of these, the first in 7 weeks:-


Will feel a little lost today with the football taking a break until the weekend but at least there's the tennis from Eastbourne to watch. Emma Raducanu put me through the ringer yesterday with a real rollercoaster of a match before winning it in 3 sets. She's back on court this afternoon, so looking forward to that.

Thursday, so I'll be heading off to the pool later and the ironing basket is screaming for attention. Could always do some of it in front of the tv while the tennis is on, I suppose.

Pleased everything went well @Grannylorraine

Have a good day, all.
Morning everyone, cloudy skies today with the odd hint of sunshine poking through.
Another low one again this morning, a 4.7 need to eat more dark chocolate before bed me thinks.
Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all. 6.1 for me this morning. Caught my sensor on the door frame last night. Only been in since Monday afternoon. It's always when I put it on the right arm . Still sunny up here 19 ° at the moment, bit breezy, so should get out for a good walk this afternoon. Congratulations to @ Matin A on your hs . Have a good day folks.
Today's urgent job - rat attack. Saw 2 of the brutes by the bird feeder. So I'll be spreading joy (and weird green poisoned) grain wherever I go. Always difficult to find enough places that birds will not go but rat will.
Try the Sapphire paste pouches Tina. The rats love em, they're effective and they aren't attractive to the birds.
Weather not great. Cloudy with patches of blue, but a nasty cold wind.

9.5 this morning. I really have to do something about it.

Anyway, back from our lovely holiday. For 8 days we lived in the lap of luxury and were thoroughly spoiled. The ship was clean and bright and everything was top quality, bedding, furnishings, marble tiled bathroom with lots of full size Occitain toiletries, even the loo paper was fab quality! The food was to die for. After day 2 I stopped thinking "I can't have that" or "I'll pick the least sugary pud" and just ate what I wanted, guesstimating the carbs. The staff were lovely and so helpful. The excursions were so well organised and all the ones we did were included in the price. I cannot fault Avalon Waterways.

Now to try to sort out BGs.

Congratulations to @Martin.A on your HS.

Have a good day all....
TBF my dentist does chat to me and I feel like I should respond but it’s a bit awkward when I’m lying there with my gob wide open!
Must be all dentists! My regular dentist assistant puts some cleaning/ exploring instrument in my mouth and proceeds to ask "So you are still doing the same job? Is it going well? And how is your brother?" :D (both me and my brother have been going to that dentist for many years)
Good afternoon, 6.0 for me today, they've been steady flat-lining all through the night.
We had to put our kitty in the carrier to go down to the vet, she doesn't like it too much!
Must be all dentists! My regular dentist assistant puts some cleaning/ exploring instrument in my mouth and proceeds to ask "So you are still doing the same job? Is it going well? And how is your brother?" :D (both me and my brother have been going to that dentist for many years)
Today the hygienist asked if I had any holidays booked whilst digging plaque out! :eek:
I nodded my head!
Try the Sapphire paste pouches Tina. The rats love em, they're effective and they aren't attractive to the birds.
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try them if the professional grade grain doesn't work - so far it has been pretty good but inevitably new ones move in and start breeding. I've put down about half a litre in various places where droppings suggest they have been loitering and which, being dark, should not attract the birds.
Then came in, washed hands carefully and did my DNA test. I didn't want the result on traits to be "high levels of strychnine - probably dead already". I shall be very interested to see the results.
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Hi everyone! 5'8 much earlier when I woke up.

I'm tired but happy. It's warm and sunny today and I have a day and a half off, at last! Knowing that gave me some unexpected motivation to do the cleaning yesterday afternoon, so today I'm doing the laundry and possibly grocery shopping, and that leaves me tomorrow (my full day off) free from housework. My only "adult activity" might be drinking some wine ;)

I went to the creative writing club for the first time this Tuesday. I'm glad I did, the others seemed very friendly and it has revived my interest for an old hobby. I did feel a bit insecure because they all seem very creative and alternative and I feel a bit plain for that group, plus I don't get their game references. But I plan to come back next week and be brave enough to read something out loud.
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Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try them if the professional grade grain doesn't work - so far it has been pretty good but inevitably new ones move in and start breeding. I've put down about half a litre in various places where droppings suggest they have been loitering and which, being dark, should not attract the birds.
Then came in, washed hands carefully and did my DNA test. I didn't want the result on traits to be "high levels of strychnine - probably dead already". I shall be very interested to see the results.
I got an email today to say they’ve extracted my DNA and were collecting data. I’m getting excited now but I imagine there’ll be nowt exciting.
Morning a 6.1 for me and another decent line overnight after yet another trip above the line again entirely my indiscipline.We met with my brother and his wife for an afternoon coffee and maybe a bit of cake which I am fine with without insulin.
I was about 6 had a Unicorn so did not bother to take my insulin as it was close to home and thought I could just take some afterwards if required.
It was mid afternoon so thought everyone would not have a big appetite but we had a good natter and decided to stay and have a meal there so had the full works.
I do like to do these spontaneous things and not let the diabetes get in the way so had the meal without the insulin and also my Creon though did have some in the car but again I can usually manage without it causing an issue for the one off meal.
So as we stayed in the pub 3 hours and had a really nice time I simply waited until I got home before taking my insulin and it had spiked to 15 but soon came down but wrecked my TIR but overall I still have decent control.
Anyway a very quiet day today and much fresher weather and been a really nice week and so much enjoyed it so hopefully the w/ end will continue in the same vein for all of us
Good morning. 6.9

Grey skies - looks like rain to me altho' Met Office are not forecasting any.

I seem to have acquired a resident garden rabbit. Quite odd to see one as none here since 2016 - presumably wiped out by disease - then this chap (or chapess) turns up in the bottom paddock, shy and half grown, a few weeks ago. Now fully grown and much bolder. Nice to see but I hope he stays out of the veggie beds or, at least, doesn't email my address to all his friends and relations...

Have a happy Friday everyone.
Morning all. 8.9 after a pizza tea last night which i split the bolus for but still spiked overnight.