• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good moaning! After a restless night following a frustrating day woke to an 11.6!

I had appointment today but it to got cancelled yesterday. I think everyone is comomg down with the Electionitis Virus which is apparently trigged by listening to rubbish from the likes of Sunak, Starmer and Farage (think he smokes waccy baccy). The B variant is caused by listening to football pundits. It is treated by retiring to a quiet room with a tea/coffee/beer/red wine and reading the Harley Davidson Manual/ "Making Natural Hoof Care Work for You" (recommended by @rebrascora)/the Bible/a decent novel! :rofl:

Sunny but18C cooler in the flat this morning than Wednesday morning!
Hi everyone! 5'8 much earlier when I woke up.

I'm tired but happy. It's warm and sunny today and I have a day and a half off, at last! Knowing that gave me some unexpected motivation to do the cleaning yesterday afternoon, so today I'm doing the laundry and possibly grocery shopping, and that leaves me tomorrow (my full day off) free from housework. My only "adult activity" might be drinking some wine ;)

I went to the creative writing club for the first time this Tuesday. I'm glad I did, the others seemed very friendly and it has revived my interest for an old hobby. I did feel a bit insecure because they all seem very creative and alternative and I feel a bit plain for that group, plus I don't get their game references. But I plan to come back next week and be brave enough to read something out loud.

Here's a starter "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents - " :rofl:
Morning all and a very nice 5.5.
Surprised at that as I had a bad night, couldn’t sleep at first as I was still angry at the dentist ( no, not because they ask about holidays whilst they’re about their, very lucrative, business). For a 20 minute check up and a, to me an unwarranted, 30 minute hygienist appointment, they just used to be 20 minutes until last year but now we chat about gum disease etc and she does a gum bleeding test which gives you a % rate of how much of your gums are inflamed! I scored 5% which is excellent, not many people get less than 10%. Plus a non optional deposit of £20 before they will book your next appointment, are you sitting down? £187! That’s each by the way. Almost £400 paid out for them to tell us, well me more than Mr Eggy, that my teeth and gums were in excellent condition! I’ve opted to not go back for 12 months and I haven’t booked a hygienist appointment for next time. I told them straight that the money we paid out could have paid for a weekend away and I can’t afford to come every six months now. The receptionist agreed with me. I feel that they have us over a barrel, especially with the deposit, they know that dentists are as rare as hen’s teeth ( pardon the pun) even the private ones. Nine months ago it cost £154 each, the appointment before that, including XRays, was £122. A check up before the pandemic was £30 and the hygienist was £40. I’m fuming and in shock, I thought last year was bad, I think we are being ripped off royally. Can I ask what other private patients are paying? We opted out of a dental plan years ago as it cost more than our check ups etc and we decided we’d just pay as we go as neither of us has had any problems, touch wood, over the years. Today I’ll mostly be looking at the prices of dental plans and the cost of other dental surgeries in the area. Rant over!

Anyhoo, have a fab Friday. It’s wet, miserable and cool ooop north. Urghh!
Morning all. 2.7 here...hm, Monday’s basal tweak has been un-tweaked!

Hubby’s having the eye drops this morning at Specsavers so I’ll be chauffeuring him. A bit worryingly, the optician he saw recently reckons he’s got the type of damage seen in T2 diabetes (both his parents and his gran were T2)...fingers crossed it’s nothing serious. He checks his fasting glucose every now and then because of his family history but no red flags there. We’ll see...

Last Spanish class yesterday until September - they bought me a bunch of flowers! How kind! <cheezy grin emoji>
Morning all and a very nice 5.5.
Surprised at that as I had a bad night, couldn’t sleep at first as I was still angry at the dentist ( no, not because they ask about holidays whilst they’re about their, very lucrative, business). For a 20 minute check up and a, to me an unwarranted, 30 minute hygienist appointment, they just used to be 20 minutes until last year but now we chat about gum disease etc and she does a gum bleeding test which gives you a % rate of how much of your gums are inflamed! I scored 5% which is excellent, not many people get less than 10%. Plus a non optional deposit of £20 before they will book your next appointment, are you sitting down? £187! That’s each by the way. Almost £400 paid out for them to tell us, well me more than Mr Eggy, that my teeth and gums were in excellent condition! I’ve opted to not go back for 12 months and I haven’t booked a hygienist appointment for next time. I told them straight that the money we paid out could have paid for a weekend away and I can’t afford to come every six months now. The receptionist agreed with me. I feel that they have us over a barrel, especially with the deposit, they know that dentists are as rare as hen’s teeth ( pardon the pun) even the private ones. Nine months ago it cost £154 each, the appointment before that, including XRays, was £122. A check up before the pandemic was £30 and the hygienist was £40. I’m fuming and in shock, I thought last year was bad, I think we are being ripped off royally. Can I ask what other private patients are paying? We opted out of a dental plan years ago as it cost more than our check ups etc and we decided we’d just pay as we go as neither of us has had any problems, touch wood, over the years. Today I’ll mostly be looking at the prices of dental plans and the cost of other dental surgeries in the area. Rant over!

Anyhoo, have a fab Friday. It’s wet, miserable and cool ooop north. Urghh!
Morning and you really shocked me with those prices.
I have had same dentist for 40 years and have been on a Plan for last 10 years.It is currently £16 per month and for that I get 6/monthly check ups and hygienist visits so two of each which are covered by the Plan.
I had an extraction of a back tooth about 2 weeks ago and that cost was £125.
I never understand the full differences between NHS cover etc but I don’t get any subsidised dental care but think my amounts are OK.
My wife horrifies me by some of the quotes for some of the more complex work like bridge work which can be £1500 per tooth but I never get quoted for that.

5.5 today, slight improvement in eye, not so blurry or watery, but eyesight still not great, but an improvement on yesterday.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@eggyg - wow at the cost of the dentist.
For a 20 minute check up and a, to me an unwarranted, 30 minute hygienist appointment, they just used to be 20 minutes until last year but now we chat about gum disease etc and she does a gum bleeding test which gives you a % rate of how much of your gums are inflamed! I scored 5% which is excellent, not many people get less than 10%. Plus a non optional deposit of £20 before they will book your next appointment, are you sitting down? £187!
I checked my last one, from November and it was £136 for a dental check and a hygienist appointment. And that’s Dahn Sah'th, where things are always more expensive. Ours has been steadily going up year on year, I’ve only ever been seen annually, but I’m increasingly finding that although the dentist says I don’t need to see the hygienist more than once a year, when I’m in with the hygienist, they always try and put me down for a 6 month visit, even though they’ve been scratching round (literally!) for things to do during my current appointment.
I pay a plan for the dentist - £35 per month. I get 3 hygienist sessions and 2 check ups, plus more importantly any dental work needed. I just had a tooth pulled and a bridge put in. All I paid was the lab work fees.
Grey today and colder. Some sunshine forecast this afternoon.

Surprise 5.2 today! No pattern at all!

The eye that had the cataract removed is rather sore, red and filmy. Hopefully as I am having the post-op check this afternoon at 3pm they can either prescribe something or reassure me. @Grannylorraine hope your eye clears soon.

Meeting friends early evening - looking forward to that.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS.

I pay a plan for the dentist - £35 per month. I get 3 hygienist sessions and 2 check ups, plus more importantly any dental work needed. I just had a tooth pulled and a bridge put in. All I paid was the lab work fees.
Same here - £38.64 a month with DPAS for 2 check-ups and 4 hygienist sessions per year, and nothing else to pay other than lab fees.
Morning everyone, still in the 4’s this morning with a 4.9 it must have something to do with the hot nights and a south facing bedroom that gets hot during the day.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Much cooler here this morning with a cold wind and no sunshine but, would you Adam 'n' Eve it, after posting my first HS in 7 weeks yesterday along comes another one the very next day:-


@Congrats on yours @MeeTooTeeTo & @PattiEvans

Friday, so Big Shop shortly and after lunch my wife and I are going to check out a local company that does fitted wardrobes. We've been thinking of getting our bedroom done for some time. In the meantime it's a coffee and a quick read of today's newspaper.

Enjoy your Friday. Our German friends over in Ascot are hosting a Games Night this evening, so looking forward to that. Our friends from over the border in Surrey will be there too.