• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and it was a slightly wide of the mark 7.4 for me. Looked like I was going low at bed time but evidently I wasn't.

Got to go to the pharmacy. It looks like the Creon has arrived, unless it's a mystery package. They've just moved to a different premises so things are a little chaotic.
Then it's down to another village for shingles jab part 2.
Final stop band lock up to dig some LPs Out.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning weekend 6.6 today
was 8.9 yesterday, and Thursday was 7.9

I haven’t been sleeping well recently, work over last few months has been stressful,
causing some anxiety, which itself makes my job even harder.

Thursday evening was WK 6 so half way through the healthy eating / fitness program in current doing
at Northampton Town FC, this week I particularly enjoyed it, totally forgot stress of work
so as well as some much needed exercise, good for my mental health,
on the weight loss I’m now under 100KG, 99.5KG this morning

Congratulations to all HS superstars
looks like there’s been a plethora of HS’s reported over last few days

have a wonderful weekend everyone :cool:
pic was last Thursday evening (not this week)


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A very nice sunny morning and a very nice 5.7 for me.
Looking forward to three more hours of hedge cutting today I don’t think! and then a bike ride if I still have the energy.
Have a good day folks and stay well.
I’m on Denplan and paying £36 per month. This gives me a dentist checkup every 6 months and hygienist every 3 months. The only extra costs are for any lab work, such as making crowns, etc. Fillings and other work carried out by the dentist are included. The cost is based on the state of your oral health, number of existing crowns, etc.
You are lucky mine is £72 per month, hygienist every 6 months. I keep thinking about cancelling as the dentist has another scheme which is cheaper £25 but you pay for everything other than the check ups and hygienist.
5.7 this morning.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo @khskel @Martin.A @PattiEvans on your HS today! What a lot of HSs !

@Grannylorraine , so pleased for you that things are going well after your cateracts op. My last opticians visit I was told I had early signs of cateracts, but the optician didn’t want to see me for two years, so I’m hoping things are ok and I won’t need an operation at least in the short term. The thought scares the heck out of me to be honest, but I’m taking comfort from what you are saying.

Bathroom now has a few tiles, the trades person only put up six tiles yesterday (but they are one metre square :rofl: )

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Getting a new TV for my parents today and installing that, bit of shopping and then an outdoor screening of Mamma Mia at a local National Trust place tonight.

Take care everyone and have a good Saturday!
I was told I had start of cataracts over 3 years ago, they had not got any worse when I had my last eye test at opticians just before Xmas.
I was told I had start of cataracts over 3 years ago, they had not got any worse when I had my last eye test at opticians just before Xmas.
Same here. My optician is still saying they're a long way from needing attention. Next eye test is in September so hopefully she'll still be saying that.
@eggyg Dentist charges at my place are £65 for a check up. X-rays are from an additional £35
Hygienist is £80 with a £40 mandatory deposit.
Ours is still more! £167 for check up and hygienist. We Googled average dental costs in UK, Carlisle was the fourth most expensive place in the country! That’s probably because we have very few dental surgeries so they can charge what they like. As for NHS dentists you haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell! It’s absolutely shocking.
Ours is still more! £167 for check up and hygienist. We Googled average dental costs in UK, Carlisle was the fourth most expensive place in the country! That’s probably because we have very few dental surgeries so they can charge what they like. As for NHS dentists you haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell! It’s absolutely shocking.
You're right, it is and Cornwall is an absolute desert as far as dentists are concerned. We have some of the poorest families here, wages are lower than anywhere else in the country and if you phone for an emergency appointment you might get one 50 miles away, accessible only by train if the train staff aren't on strike. Let alone being able to afford the fare.
Morning all - been up hours, but never manage to get on the computer right away. Thick grey cloud cover today.

6.6 with a flat line overnight.

Went for my post-op check up yesterday afternoon. The Optician did a very thorough look in my eyes (including drops in the eye operated on) which took a full hour and pronounced all was well. She also said I needed the right eye done - which I could have told them. So she has referred me back to Spa Medica.

Meantime I have a bad back, or rather side. I'm unsure as to whether ir's muscular or something (like a kidney) inside. It's darn painful and not conducive to sleeping. For this reason we've ditched our plans to go into town where the annual midsummer madness is going on. Lots of parades which are quite spectacular, craft stalls all up the main street, food stalls and many street actors, bands playing etc etc A very jolly atmosphere, but I'm rather afraid of being jostled.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your hat trick.

Have a good day all.
Morning all.6.8 for me this morning.Could be in for a bit of trouble.Silly me took 29 units of novorapid instead of,2 The 29 is the tresiba I take Had 36 gram bar of chocolate.Best get out with dog least if I collapse I will be found instead of being in the house on me todd .Have a good day folks
Morning all.6.8 for me this morning.Could be in for a bit of trouble.Silly me took 29 units of novorapid instead of,2 The 29 is the tresiba I take Had 36 gram bar of chocolate.Best get out with dog least if I collapse I will be found instead of being in the house on me todd .Have a good day folks
How much Novorapid do you normally take per 10g carbs? 36g bar of choccie may not be enough.
Managed to get along tea room garden Ordered a sausage sandwich bloods were heading rapidly down to 3.1 rising back to decent levels now .Been on a low carb diet 29 units of novorapid would keep me going for 3 days maybe 4 .Don't eat bread potatoes or anything starchy Thanks for your concern chuck ❤️
Afternoon all. Late on parade today although i have a good reason. For our 60th birthdays/35th wedding anniversary we've booked several things to do. One of them being the zip wire in Snowden. We've done that this morning and it was so good!! We're now in a pub in Llandudno having a glass of wine before heading to the hotel to unpack then out for food somewhere.

Oh, my waking reading was 8.1 and stayed in the 8s while on the zip wire.

Congrats to yesterdays and todays HSers.

@eggyg i'm lucky to still be registered with an NHS dentist. I would like to change but think i would be moved over to private. I had a filling the other day, NHS price was £73.50.
Afternoon all. Late on parade today although i have a good reason. For our 60th birthdays/35th wedding anniversary we've booked several things to do. One of them being the zip wire in Snowden. We've done that this morning and it was so good!! We're now in a pub in Llandudno having a glass of wine before heading to the hotel to unpack then out for food somewhere.

Oh, my waking reading was 8.1 and stayed in the 8s while on the zip wire.

Congrats to yesterdays and todays HSers.

@eggyg i'm lucky to still be registered with an NHS dentist. I would like to change but think i would be moved over to private. I had a filling the other day, NHS price was £73.50.
The wow was for the zip wire ( very brave) not the filling cost! Although TBF it does seem a lot for NHS. Goodness knows how much it would be for me. Ours was NHS until it wasn’t! :( Think there’s one NHS dentist in the whole of Carlisle but they don’t have enough dentists!
Enjoy the rest of your birthday/anniversary treats.
I was told I had start of cataracts over 3 years ago, they had not got any worse when I had my last eye test at opticians just before Xmas.
Thank you! That gives me some hope! My mum is still ok at 95 and my dad (also 95) has only just started getting to the point where cataracts are starting to affect his vision.
Morning all.6.8 for me this morning.Could be in for a bit of trouble.Silly me took 29 units of novorapid instead of,2 The 29 is the tresiba I take Had 36 gram bar of chocolate.Best get out with dog least if I collapse I will be found instead of being in the house on me todd .Have a good day folks
As @PattiEvans says, you’re not the first to have done this. I did the exact same, taking 28U Novorapid instead of Levemir at night a few weeks ago. I ended up eating yogurts, fibre ones, etc. before going to sleep. It all worked out ok. At 1:10 then something like 290g carbs may be needed, which isn’t too hard to do.