• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.5 and i'm not mentioning the overnight spike, correction and following hypo. A long walk today then back in the car to go home.
4.6 this morning.

Outdoor cinema of Mamma Mia last night was good. Few spots of rain at one point which thankfully came to nothing. Back home after midnight, unusual for us! Setting up new TV for my parents yesterday went really easily and they’re pleased with a much better picture than the old one.

Off to visit friends for lunch (and using their shower whilst our bathroom is still being refurbished).

Have a good Sunday everyone!
Good morning 6.6 after the best sleep I’ve had in ages

Have a superb Sunday whatever your doing :cool:
Do you have a GCSE in Alliteration by any chance?

Superb Sundays, Terrific Tuesdays, Wonderful Weekends - just some I've noticed recently.
Afternoon all, it was a 4.3 for me much earlier this cloudy grey morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Good day everyone! 5'8 on the finger, sensor expired last night and I didn't feel like applying a new one. Will get around to it later today.

Looking forward to the next creative writing meeting in a couple days. I've been taking notes of some ideas at work, it is really convenient that I always carry a pen and small notepad. Usually for the customers orders, now they serve me if service is slow and I get inspired. As my friend said: "one way to romanticise a waitress life" ;)
3.8 Alarm at 7am 2 JBs and 2 hours later 4.7 really flat line all night crawling on the bottom, were still sorting out clutter
and unwanted stuff for the charity shop, already made 2 trips, I cannot believe how many clothes I had bought some still with tags on in the spare room wardrobe, not to mention shoes which I admit I struggle to part with even though there mostly high heels and I cannot walk in them. sorry if I've missed al you HS over the last few days hope you all have a good day
Good afternoon - was lovely this morning, but now it's clouded over.

8.5 at 5:38 this morning.

For some days I've been having an ache in my back on the left side above the waist. Yesterday it got worse and worse until the pain was unbearable, then moved down below the waist. By 5pm I was crying with the pain and feeling sick so I phoned 111 who asked lots of questions and then said an out of hours Dr would ring me back "Hopefully within 2 hours". She did not sound hopeful that this would happen and sure enough it didn't. I managed to eat a small amount of dinner, but the pain continued and I couldn't move without screaming. By 9:30 I was too uncomfortable to even sit on the sofa without moving so I went to bed. Oddly I was much more comfortable in bed and fell into a deep sleep. Apart from getting up several times for the loo I slept well. A nurse did eventually ring me back at 05:30 and said they would like to see me at the out of hours clinic, she'd get her colleague to ring me to make an appointment. I took paracetamol and went back to sleep again as though drugged. The phone went again at 06:50 and a young woman asked could I make it to the local hospital by 08:10. I said no.... so I got an appointment at 11:00. I saw a lovely Dr who did lots of tests and gave me 3 days of antibiotics + a prescription for another 4 days worth in case it's a kidney infection. Personally I think it was renal colic, but I could be wrong. I won't go into the rigmarole of how long it takes to get a prescription filled at any of the 3 remaining chemists in the town, which of course are all closed today, but we looked online and went to the big Boots in the out of town mall near the next town. The queue was 18 people long. Got home gone 1pm with the rest of the ABs. My back is a lot easier today. I'm just tired!

Not doing much today.... though domestic chores are building up.

Have a good day - or what's left of it folks.
Good afternoon - was lovely this morning, but now it's clouded over.

8.5 at 5:38 this morning.

For some days I've been having an ache in my back on the left side above the waist. Yesterday it got worse and worse until the pain was unbearable, then moved down below the waist. By 5pm I was crying with the pain and feeling sick so I phoned 111 who asked lots of questions and then said an out of hours Dr would ring me back "Hopefully within 2 hours". She did not sound hopeful that this would happen and sure enough it didn't. I managed to eat a small amount of dinner, but the pain continued and I couldn't move without screaming. By 9:30 I was too uncomfortable to even sit on the sofa without moving so I went to bed. Oddly I was much more comfortable in bed and fell into a deep sleep. Apart from getting up several times for the loo I slept well. A nurse did eventually ring me back at 05:30 and said they would like to see me at the out of hours clinic, she'd get her colleague to ring me to make an appointment. I took paracetamol and went back to sleep again as though drugged. The phone went again at 06:50 and a young woman asked could I make it to the local hospital by 08:10. I said no.... so I got an appointment at 11:00. I saw a lovely Dr who did lots of tests and gave me 3 days of antibiotics + a prescription for another 4 days worth in case it's a kidney infection. Personally I think it was renal colic, but I could be wrong. I won't go into the rigmarole of how long it takes to get a prescription filled at any of the 3 remaining chemists in the town, which of course are all closed today, but we looked online and went to the big Boots in the out of town mall near the next town. The queue was 18 people long. Got home gone 1pm with the rest of the ABs. My back is a lot easier today. I'm just tired!

Not doing much today.... though domestic chores are building up.

Have a good day - or what's left of it folks.
Around here both large Boots have queues for prescriptions. My local independent has long queues too!
@PattiEvans - hope you’re feeling better now! What an awful time waiting to get help, then trying to get a prescription filled!
6 for me earlier on (much earlier on, just noticed the time). Got up relatively late and went for a walk after brekkas.
Church this evening, I was well-behaved - no throwing milk over myself or the kettle!
I have empathy for you @PattiEvans.
Morning and a happy second half of the year and white rabbits etc.Gave the wife a free pass on the pinch and punch as I always lose anyway and she has a sore arm so I must have one as well.
A 6.7 for me and a few snacks watching the extended footy and my mind being occupied by the match meant my diabetes control was in line with much of the effort on the pitch ie requires improvement lol.
Anyway a day WFH and preparing for week ahead.
Have a great 2nd bit of the year but wish time would go slower
Morning all. 5.6 after a disturbed night. Had a call at 3.30am saying mum had fallen out of bed. We went round and got her up but ambulance crew also turned up, checked her over and took her in for a check up. Finally got home at 5am and tried to get a bit more sleep. It didn't happen. Something tells me its going to be a very long day.
Good morning all. 5.7 on this first day of July! Wow! Nearly Christmas. ;)

Got out for our walk yesterday, the only thing was I was so covered up to try and stop the wee beasties I was absolutely blooming roasting and was very uncomfortable. Can’t win eh? But, fingers crossed, so far I can’t see any bites. The two I got last week are still very visible, they are definitely going to scar.

I made the tea during the first half of the footie and we ate it during half time. I tried to watch the second half but gave up and tidied up the kitchen and watered the garden. Unfortunately, that didn’t take 90 minutes so ended up enduring it. Mr Eggy had picked our first raspberries earlier and so had made panna cotta, 90 minutes in he went for them and had decorated them with a raspberry coolie George Cross. Then England scored! We couldn’t believe it, then of course just seconds into the extra time Kane scored too! He’s taking orders for next Saturday! I’ve heard of lucky pants but not lucky Italian desserts! :rofl:

@PattiEvans hope you’re feeling a lot more comfortable today. Big hugs.

Have a Happy Monday folks.


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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Whats all this about Rare-bits?

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Yesterday special song at the church went well, phew! A bit of a walk in the afternoon but I was exhausted even before it began.

Today, some exercise, starting a new controlled diet (yawn), rest...

Have great day today whatever you are doing